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Quadradius, a Game of Strategy


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Lately I've been playing Quadradius, it's a checkers type flash game where the objective is to eliminate all your opponents. It's a little bit more difficult than it sounds however, because of:








Powerups! These nifty little things can recruit pieces from the opponents army, change the height of the game board, steal opponents powers, and all sorts of nifty stuff. With these the game is 90% luck and 10% strategy for the unskilled person (yet, strategy wins 90% of the time, so no worries once you get it figured out). The game itself can be found at http://www.quadradius.com, just sign up as a guest and hit start! You can find me there under the name Eclipsor.








Here's a screenshot of the game after it was pretty much won, but we were fooling around: Screenie








Also, another great feature is that you can talk directly to the dev and get stuff fixed. For example, today I "fixed" an infinite powerup exploit and got a cap put on powers! :P (Not in effect yet though :( )


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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hmm link and screenshot don't work. :-k




Just take out the ",/" in the url. Accidentally get that in there?

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Wow, been playing this game most of today - quite fun. I like how each match is so different.








One question though, maybe you could help me out, the power up "Flat to Sphere" what is it's use?








I can't see anything beneficial from it, and i'm not sure how to use it.








Good game though :D

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Flat to Sphere lets you for example strike into deep enemy territories by jumping from your back row to the opponents back row. Just makes the tile versatile in a very nice way, since edges of the board often are abit more traversable :) I think that's a description

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Blipo and I just played three games. This thing is amazing. We both made some brilliant moves.








Blipo, we've gotta do this again sometime. We're awesome at this. :P



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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Blipo and I just played three games. This thing is amazing. We both made some brilliant moves.








Blipo, we've gotta do this again sometime. We're awesome at this. :P








only $3 for a 2 month subscription or $15 for a lifetime subscription :P








Soooo many great options to play with (can even use the custom arenas against guests)


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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Flat to Sphere lets you for example strike into deep enemy territories by jumping from your back row to the opponents back row. Just makes the tile versatile in a very nice way, since edges of the board often are abit more traversable :) I think that's a description








Ah I get it now, I thought it done something else.








Saw you in earlier Runesmithie, but you left before I could challenge you.








I use the name "Jimbob" if anyone sees me.

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Do you have to be a member to get the bomb power-ups?








Not at all! And it wouldnt matter in a member versus guest battle, since only member vs member battles get special powers such as Orb Spy, Switcheroo, and Invisible.


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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