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5 years of playing, the blabbing of a RS senior citizen

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Well, I've lurked on theses forums, and I've lurked on the RS forums, and I figured I might as well make a post some time. And as the 5th year anniversary of me playing RuneScape is coming in 16 days, I figured I'd make a post right here at Tip.it.








Now, I haven't played religiously for these 5 years. In fact, I had a very long period of time I didn't play. Thus, I'm a mid level at best, with lvl 58 overall combat. You can imagine how it urks me hearing some 12 year old who just registered and sits there mindlessly clicking away to level up as fast as possible.








Anyhow, I digress... although I'm not sure what topic I'm digressing from. I guess I could tell the story of how I came to RuneScape.








February 2002. I'm at my grandparents house with my cousins (one of whom is more like my brother), and we're taking turns on his 300Mhz IBM ThinkPad laptop on dialup. Fun fun. Well, we're toying with web design, when my older cousin decides to start playing this 2d game where hes wandering through some forest (much later did I learn where he was at, between Lumbridge and Draynor).








Well, he plays for about an hour, with his assortment of crappy objects (he was a new player himself) and such, when I wanted to try. So I registered as Gamerkid2004 (2000-2003 were taken, so I was 2 years ahead of the curve on the [developmentally delayed]ed names). Well, I played, I got lost in that same darn forest, eventually having someone lead me out. After that I hardly ever left Lumby...








A year of playing for a little while on and off goes by, and I'm still a very low level (sub-ten) and have no money, and buy a lot from the lumby general store.








Now some background information for you far newer players. At this time there were between 4 and 10 worlds. Philidelphia, San Jose California, London, & Toronto I think. At any given time, these worlds had between 90 (yes, I said 90) to 2000 people. World 1 was just as full as it is today...








A short time after I registered, there became "members", which I thought was [developmentally delayed]ed.








2003-2004: Didn't play too much. So much happened I got lost in the mayhem. Player numbers skyrocketed, Jagex added some servers ect ect. I witnessed the transition from RuneScape Classic (I miss you dearly old friend) to RS2. Slightly excited... not really though.








Fall 2005: Friends of mine started playing, so I logged in with my level 10 account and intimidated them all :D I helped them out, taught them tricks that I knew, learned and rose through the levels of mining and smithing fast, and taught them what I knew... they passed me up in 6 months as they're pretty geeky people. One of them is almost level 100, and almost all of his skills are past 60+. The rest are all similar. We all got members accounts. There went [developmentally delayed]ed eh?








Early 2006: This time saw me logging in almost every single day. I continued to level up some skills, specifically mining. Combat needed work so I shot that up 30 some levels too. I died a few times, and lost a lot of what I had... got a bit annoyed and stopped playing as much.








As 2006 wore on, I played less and less, until I stopped for the entire summer... girlfriends are distracting, what can I say.








Then winter hit... I spent more time at home again. Long story short, screwed up computer, wiped it out, didn't wanna reinstall all the games, played RuneScape.








Now its February 2007, I'm playing again, and on the 27th, I reach 5 years of playing. I guess its not an interesting tale, but its history. I witnessed a lot of major changes to the world of RuneScape, and I still miss those days, and wish someone else knew what they were like. At this point, I feel almost alone, even though I have friends who play daily. I'm an elder... many people don't even remember those days existed. Does anyone anymore? Does anyone look back and say "I miss those days"? I certainly do. The interface, the 2d graphics, the idea of failing spells, of dual challenges at random, and the wonder. Not knowing what was out there, being afraid of goblin village. Walking to Varrock being an adventure, Fally being almost unreachable.








But now I whine. So the better question is... wheres my damn social security check? We old folks need money too!

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ur story was awesome. ur stats... aren't that good for some1 who played that long




I wasn't kidding about not playing regularly... I fade in and out of playing. I only just picked up a b-axe again last month after not playing for a few months. I get frustrated, take a break, come back again... it gets frustrating having ADHD and leveling up, or doing quests.

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