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heres some of my work , offer away and id would like to have more then 50K...





















































































































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yea lol, qazer give better comment
You could too, moron. And next time, use proper grammer. It makes you sound even dumber takling like that.








Most of the images are filter piles and pictures you've found on the web. There's not much exciting going on in them, nothing special. They're not as bad as some I have seen around here, but you still need to work on them.

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there not illegal , there jsut borrowed . They would be illegal if i would say i made those caracters (link etc)
















not based on every1 elses opinion, i guess u would have to prove to every1 else those pics arnt copy written..read my post's..

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wow excuse me for using the same pic , i dont think you own that pic do you? hmmm??? if you search in google thats one of the best pics there is so i used it for that stupid contest and now stfu if ur not gonna buy any sigs :evil:

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wow excuse me for using the same pic , i dont think you own that pic do you? hmmm??? if you search in google thats one of the best pics there is so i used it for that stupid contest and now * if ur not gonna buy any sigs :evil:
Is some one cranky because people are critisizing your sigs? I think so.
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first of all...








your funny...




yea lol, qazer give better comment












don't spam...
















some of those sigs are illegal, u ripped some of those images..the picture of "link", and those ppl with the guns..u ripped those to








Those sigs were made in a contest where the buyer asked for pictures to be added in his signature. There is no illegal thing about that, he just did what he was asked to do.
















Dont piss off his sigs, because they look good, 'borrowed' or not. They are not the best sigs i've seen but he isnt asking for 500k is he? You guys can keep saying bad things about his sigs, but i bet none of you can make a sigs like that, not even if you stole a sig and put some filters on it and added a name.












This topic was make to sell these sigs, so either make an offer for 1 of the sigs, or give some GOOD comment to improve them. If you cant say anything usefull, then just shut up and go to the mirror and comment on the picture you see in there.








I personally like your third one, its looks really cool. I would change the font though.

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first of all : Qazer ur a f-a-g








second : Bump








rofl really? 1st of all ignoring the filters shuld get u a nice warning or temp ban, and i didnt think i needed to write a big paragraph on whats horribly wrong with your <*what comes out of your anus*ty> sigs.

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some of those sigs are illegal, u ripped some of those images..the picture of "link", and those ppl with the guns..u ripped those to








Those sigs were made in a contest where the buyer asked for pictures to be added in his signature. There is no illegal thing about that, he just did what he was asked to do.















It doesn't matter if he was 'asked' to do it... Using a copyrighted image without the creators/publishers permission is still ILLEGAL! Regardless of why he made it, regardless of if he 'borrowed' it, it's illegal... This is ofcourse, unless he contacted the creator and publisher of the 'borrowed' image, but I HIGHLY doubt he did that... Oh and it doesn't matter whether you stated that you made the image or not - if you are using it in a sig, of which you apparently CREATED, it is stolen... Know what I mean? If your using an image in a sig YOU made, without consulting the creator, that is copy-right infringement...








Sorry I had to talk for so long... I probably could have said all that in a sentence or two, but had to make sure you understood...








And Lastpak, sorry bout this post (sort of spam), I just had to clear that up a bit...

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yea lol, qazer give better comment
You could too, moron. And next time, use proper grammer. It makes you sound even dumber takling like that.












OK noob, firstly, its spelt grammar, secondly its spelt talking not "takling", so yeh, you use proper english and he might use proper grammar, u dumb sh*t

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yea lol, qazer give better comment
You could too, moron. And next time, use proper grammer. It makes you sound even dumber takling like that.












OK noob, firstly, its spelt grammar, secondly its spelt talking not "takling", so yeh, you use proper english and he might use proper grammar, u dumb sh*t

Have you ever heard of typos? Jeez this forum is filling up with morons so fast it's sad.
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some of those sigs are illegal, u ripped some of those images..the picture of "link", and those ppl with the guns..u ripped those to








Those sigs were made in a contest where the buyer asked for pictures to be added in his signature. There is no illegal thing about that, he just did what he was asked to do.















It doesn't matter if he was 'asked' to do it... Using a copyrighted image without the creators/publishers permission is still ILLEGAL! Regardless of why he made it, regardless of if he 'borrowed' it, it's illegal... This is ofcourse, unless he contacted the creator and publisher of the 'borrowed' image, but I HIGHLY doubt he did that... Oh and it doesn't matter whether you stated that you made the image or not - if you are using it in a sig, of which you apparently CREATED, it is stolen... Know what I mean? If your using an image in a sig YOU made, without consulting the creator, that is copy-right infringement...








Sorry I had to talk for so long... I probably could have said all that in a sentence or two, but had to make sure you understood...








And Lastpak, sorry bout this post (sort of spam), I just had to clear that up a bit...








sry but why don't u flame people with there runescape character on it aswell that is illegal unless they have asked jagex to do it and if u say "Its there character on the game" what if that was his Link on zelda?

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yea, but you see, i made the link so it looks the same but i dindt make iron man or the other ones, execpt cooz banana, nor the bg, so i didnt acutally ask for permission, but i got them from a site where they asked for permission and they have them to use for their games and stuff..








people actually have messeged jagex saying if they are about to use runescape images for fan site signatures and jagex have said its alright as long as you dont buy them with real money.. sumthing along the lines of that








and dont you think if it was illegal to have runescape images on signatures there would be some kind of sticky?

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first of all : Qazer ur a f-a-g








second : Bump








rofl really? 1st of all ignoring the filters shuld get u a nice warning or temp ban, and i didnt think i needed to write a big paragraph on whats horribly wrong with your <*what comes out of your anus*ty> sigs.












very fun qazer but if i type the fa word , it goes soemthing liek this [bleep]. TOTALLY NOT MY OPINION!!!








the pink one with my name on it owns












If its so good , why didnt you bpougth it? :(
























still not seeing any buyers... :cry:

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