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Making a clan


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Im might start a good ol' clan thats laid back, mostly for f2p.




For the name, im going for some like band of bros, hopefully there isnt a clan named that already or hopefully i wont get sued for copy right.








I have some ideas that ill share later. yay or nay?

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I would suggest a cool name like Pking Incorporation. Or the Pking Company.
Don't add "Incorporated" at the end of ur clan name, it sounds as if u tried copying DI. Company works though. So does Corporated & Foundation.

*-P.K.M-* Website




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I would suggest a cool name like Pking Incorporation. Or the Pking Company.
Don't add "Incorporated" at the end of ur clan name, it sounds as if u tried copying DI. Company works though. So does Corporated & Foundation.








Yea I know. I was just saying names that came to my head at the time.


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I would suggest a cool name like Pking Incorporation. Or the Pking Company.
Don't add "Incorporated" at the end of ur clan name, it sounds as if u tried copying DI. Company works though. So does Corporated & Foundation.








Yea I know. I was just saying names that came to my head at the time.

Oh {\:-P
Or you could be original and call it something completely different.
That's even better...

*-P.K.M-* Website




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Yea. Find a random word from the dictionary and use it as your name. Or even use a different language. Like my cousin has a band called Epithet and they found the word in the dictionary. Still search it anyway, because there are hundreds of clans out there and you never know.


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problem is those translation programs are junk when it comes to latin. they can give you a rough translation but they fail missrably to find the right one. for instance it said Honour was Honorum. but this was wrong becouse It was not the kind of honour we where looking for. the correct version we needed was decus. and even that was not entirely right, Deci was the possesive or some such to it.








theres alot more to it too, basicaly you should get some one who knows there latin to help.

Clan Moderator from December 15th 2006- August 20th 2007

Founder of: Terran Gamers, formerly known as Militos Deci

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