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Well, my 84 miner got banned a LONG time ago, before the 'new' appeal system. He was perm banned, but now, I had a "last chance appeal" I appealed, and it was ACCEPTED. They said I could have 1 last chance before perm-perm ban, but, my account is still banned? What course of action should I take?











I tried to report this as a comment to Jagex, and my 'tickets' have been blocked.








"Appeal Date: 11 December 2006 Close Date: 2 February 2007"








"Explanation of why appeal was accepted:








We have reviewed your account, and have decided to grant you a Last Chance. However should you break any of the rules then your account will be permanently banned, with no further chance for appeal. We strongly suggest going over our rules to make sure you do not break them in the future and also recommend changing your behaviour within RuneScape as even a small offence may result in your account being permanently banned.








We hope you will not take this chance for granted and we hope that you can continue to enjoy the world of RuneScape.








RuneScape Customer Support"











26-Jan-2006 Breaking Rule 7 Not Appealable Why? No Evidence




Last Chance Appeal Successful Info





99 Crafting :: 39,750th || 99 Attack :: 1,775th

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Were you able to get on the account at all after the appeal was accepted?








Since you said you aren't able to send Customer Support Queries to Jagex with that account, you should send it with another account.








Perhaps it was just an error on Jagex's part.


< | Runehead | Learning Java Programming, Please PM Me Tips | Signature by Loaf2000 | >

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You macro, get banned and want it back? GL




I dont care if you disbelieve, but, I was NOT macroing, however, I was smithing steel. I bought a rune pick in between, and answered all randoms. Its as if a member where smithing cannonballs. This was during the aggressive banning time. And, how does 1 event give me a full 10 black marks.








Were you able to get on the account at all after the appeal was accepted?








Since you said you aren't able to send Customer Support Queries to Jagex with that account, you should send it with another account.








Perhaps it was just an error on Jagex's part.




No- I was not able to get back on the account after. I think this in an error. The perm ban must have overrode. the customer support system. Thanks for the advice.


99 Crafting :: 39,750th || 99 Attack :: 1,775th

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You macro, get banned and want it back? GL




I dont care if you disbelieve, but, I was NOT macroing, however, I was smithing steel. I bought a rune pick in between, and answered all randoms. Its as if a member where smithing cannonballs. This was during the aggressive banning time. And, how does 1 event give me a full 10 black marks.




Macroing is a "no questions asked, 100% ban" by Jagex.


< | Runehead | Learning Java Programming, Please PM Me Tips | Signature by Loaf2000 | >

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Yeah, but, thats not always the right way. My other account also got banned for macroing, but, its only a 7 day ban. *IM NOT COMPLAINING, I did sort of deserve this one, fault of a friend, but that is not the discussion, Im only pointing out that it isnt and shouldnt be 100% ban, because accidents happen, and people are too rushed to talk at times, like I was.


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Talking to randoms or people?








If you tell Jagex exactly what happened, they should let you off. Especially if you just didn't want to talk to people.








Macroing is a big problem for Jagex and intense bans are the only way they can put a stop to it.


< | Runehead | Learning Java Programming, Please PM Me Tips | Signature by Loaf2000 | >

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Ugh this happend to my account, socom12100. They said i was macroing, even though i answered all events. I was on this power wc spree, got from 45 to 63 in about 5 hrs, and someone thought i was macroing. I just created a new accout and sent in a messege through customer support, they unbanned him, and i'm still playing on him today. Try that.


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I did! I went on my main and did it, but they cant give me info! They said they would take my ticketing rights from away if I sent anymore in. So, my account is on gridlock, and they said the only thing they could tell me is that they got my appeal. Thats it!


99 Crafting :: 39,750th || 99 Attack :: 1,775th

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Met someone that had the same problem. Just send them queries, indicating that your last chance was approved. It took him about 2 days before he could log into it.

If Jagex ever made a perfect update, there would be players complaining about nothing to complain about.

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Thanks. I used another account to send in indicating it was mine by supplying the pass for it, and the account that I was trying to use before also, this will surly prove that the account IS mine and let use. Its been 20 days since my appeal was accepted apparently.


99 Crafting :: 39,750th || 99 Attack :: 1,775th

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