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Demonic Rebirth #2? --{Stolen clan name.}--


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Okey, so i'm in this clan named Demonic Rebirth, that's been here for about.. umm, well since december 7th 2005.








And now this other clan has stolen our name. And when we tried to talk to them they practically told us to [bleep] off.








Our clan site:




http://z13.invisionfree.com/Demonic_Reb ... hp?act=idx








Their clan site:












A special topic that i want you guys to have a look at:




http://www.demonicrebirth.proboards80.c ... 1172088622












What is your tip to make them change their name, any way. <.<








Edit: splenling

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Ah thats gota be anoying, from what i read on that thread you posted it dosent look like there willing to change there name. What you said on there about it being a cod of honor is very true, i actualy had the same problem (am in the process of haveing actualy) except im onthe other end of it apparentaly thers already a clan with the name of my clan but i haven even talked to them i just figured i would change it ya know? They had it first after all, its only fair. Best of luck to you getting everything sorted out ::'


Peace, Such a simple concept yet so few people seem to truly understand.

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First, I think I saw some of ur clan members flaming? Keep them under control.








I suggest u get ur clan name registered as a trade mark, if u can afford it & u are serious enough.

*-P.K.M-* Website




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First, I think I saw some of ur clan members flaming? Keep them under control.








I suggest u get ur clan name registered as a trade mark, if u can afford it & u are serious enough.




You mean this?:




You are just too f**king slow, i'm not going to be nice anymore!




Ungraven and me have asked you politley, but screw that.




If you are not going to change name, you will get in deep nuts.

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well thats certainly nice. this is a g rated forum please keep it that way.




attacking the other clan verbally wont help things, If you did that to me I would decide to ignore you.








that said this belongs in clan help and advice so im moveing it there now.

Clan Moderator from December 15th 2006- August 20th 2007

Founder of: Terran Gamers, formerly known as Militos Deci

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well thats certainly nice. this is a g rated forum please keep it that way.




attacking the other clan verbally wont help things, If you did that to me I would decide to ignore you.








that said this belongs in clan help and advice so im moveing it there now.




Thanks for the move.








And if this was a bad idea, what should i do then?




Ad when i asked them politley they refused, something's gotta make them change.

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Get yourself well known.








When advertising, post your date of .. creation. Basically keep proof that you're older so people will know you're the original.








Be the bigger man and pretend they don't exist. They'll fall apart sooner or later.

Proud founder of the Myriad

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When advertising, post your date of .. creation. Basically keep proof that you're older so people will know you're the original.




Well, i guess they wouldn't care iether way.







Be the bigger man and pretend they don't exist. They'll fall apart sooner or later.




Meh, i guess i gotta do that..

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When advertising, post your date of .. creation. Basically keep proof that you're older so people will know you're the original.




Well, i guess they wouldn't care iether way.







Be the bigger man and pretend they don't exist. They'll fall apart sooner or later.




Meh, i guess i gotta do that..








But they will care. Just sit back and watch. It's all you can do.

Proud founder of the Myriad

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Okey, so i'm in this clan named Demonic Rebirth, that's been here for about.. umm, well since december 7th 2005.








And now this other clan has stolen our name. And when we tried to talk to them they practically told us to [bleep] off.








Our clan site:




http://z13.invisionfree.com/Demonic_Reb ... hp?act=idx








Their clan site:












A special topic that i want you guys to have a look at:




http://www.demonicrebirth.proboards80.c ... 1172088622












What is your tip to make them change their name, any way. <.<








Edit: splenling












Ohh I know these guys and I hate em to the core. Not you, the new Demonic Rebirth. They were called "The Evolution" a while ago. You may remember I had a topic about what to do if another clan is bothering you, guess what, it was them.








My old clan warred "The Evolution" and destroyed them. A month or so later they closed down, and they made that clan.

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couple things u can do, ask em to war for the right of the name, but thats honor.








u can flame em, but that just makes people more sturbon.








u can register your clan with most all the rs forums and communities and call on the rs community to reconize your clan stead of theres.








u can threaten to sue for stealling your name, i had fun with that one once, but u got to know what your doing, toss in a bunch of big words lawl








or u can change your name








all depends on how much u want to fight for your name.








ive had a few try and steal my clans name, they cant and wont do it, and when i find newbies that try, i crush em, i hunt and i win.








its all up to u how much u want to fight.


Founder and Leader of Death Dragons

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Those a pretty good ideas. Maybe you can scare them out by using sophisticated legal synonyms for simple terms. But if one of them knows what the terms mean then it might not work. Maybe try registering your name on a bunch of forums. But that will start a flamefest there... The best you can do is do try all the things that Doma said. You never know.. one of them may work.


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