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kyle99's money making guide


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You can find any of these ideas in any other guide. Sorry but I think you wasted your time =\. Plus, most of these ideas aren't even good ideas. The ones that are, are just like DUH. I mean cutting magic trees? That's a given.








Does anyone else think it's insanely funny that someone who doesn't play is right?

[Admin Edit: No naming names in a negative light]

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Steel Bars




Requirments: 30 Smithing




Recomended Cash: 100+k, the more money you have, the easier is will be to make money.




Recomended Skills: None, but high mining if you're gonning to mine you're own ores




Method: Buy(or mine) coal and iron. Make sure you get double the amount of coal as iron. Smelt them into steel bars. Then sell the steel bars. Look at this price table:




Iron ore: 75 each in fally in a popular free world(sometimes you can even get 50 each!)




Coal: 150 each in fally in a popular free world




Steel bars on runescape.com forums: 600 each




So, one steel bar takes 2 coal(300 gp)+1 iron ore(75 gp) so a steel bar costs you 375 each bar. You sell the steel bars on the runescape.com forums for 600 each. Thats a 225 gp profit per bar. lets say you buy 2k coal and 1k iron. That's 375k for 1k bars. Sell on forums for 600k. 225k profit, plus 17500 smithing xp




Tips:some of the best places to smelt are Best place to smelt is shilo(it cost 50 gp each use, but way worth its closeness to a bank) or al-khaired or Port Phasmatys(Port Phasmatys is the closest place)








Merching Rannars




Requirments: 25 herblore




Recomended Cash: at least 100k, if you have more cash it will be alot les looking at forums!




Recomended Skills: Only one is 25 herblore!




Method: Get 1 unid rannar. Note it and put it into your inventory. Then put something next to it so you know which stack is the rannar. Go to a high-populated world in fally east or edge. Say something like "buying all unids, 1k each, your runescape name here" When people trade, MAKE SURE they have at leat 6 diferent stacks of unids. Pay them 1k each. If your rannar pile went up, then go to the bank and id the rannars(make sure you leave one rannar for future trading)repeat. Rannars sell for 7k on forums. Resell the unids for 1k on the forums. I have made over 1m in 1 hour this way!




Tips: Make sure the unids are unids, not doogle leaves, which look the same but are worth nothing.












Requirments: Good combat




Recomended cash: None, but good armour and weapons is suggested.




Method: Just fight things! These are great for money making:




Hill Giants: These are f2p, and drop Big Bones, which sell for 300 each.




Any Dragon: These drop both 1 hide and 1 bone every kill. The bones sell for 1.6k on forums, and hides(depending on the color) sell for alot also.




Chaos Druid: These might be only lvl 13, but they drop unids almost 100% and sometimes drop 2 at once. These are very quick to kill, as they only have 20 hits, and unids sell for 1k each on forums, or you can use the method aboove with the unids you got. The one con about these is they are in lvl 1-4 wildy. There are also chaos druids in the members(taverly) dungon




Kalphite Queen: I would suggest at least 115+ combat, and at leat 3+ teamates for this. The kalphite queen is very hard to kill, but can drop the dragon chain, which sells for alot of money.




Dust Devils: The dust devil(along with the kalphite queen) is one of the 2 monsters that drop the d-chain. I suggest high combat for these.[/color]








Magic Logs




Requirements: 75 Woodcutting




Recommended cash: I recommended a dragon axe, which is 2.5m, but a much much cheaper rune axe (15k) will work.




Method: Cut Magic Trees! The best place is south of seers. Sell the logs for 1K each on forums! That's 28k a load!












Requirements: 76 fishing




Recommended cash: None, just a harpoon, which are 25gp!




Recommended Skills: 80+ fishing




Method: Go to the fishing guild, and fish sharks! There is a bank close buy, DO NOT cook the sharks if you want money, they sell for more raw.












Requirements: 45 fletching, higher if you want to make addy or rune arrows




Recommended cash: None, rune axe thought




Recommended Skills: High mining and smithing, high woodcutting, 32 quest points




Method: Go to Draynor, up by the Draynor manor, and there should be a bunch of trees. Bring a knife and a axe. Keep cutting trees until you have a full load, and make arrows shafts. You can stay here for as long as you want, because arrows shafts only take up on slot in your inventory. When you have at least 5k arrows shafts, go to the champÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s guild and bring a weapon. Go to where the chickens are, and kill chickens and JUST pick up the feathers until you get the same amount of feathers as arrow shafts, then put them together and make headless arrows. Now comes the tricky part. You can either get a good amount of cash, and go to Catherby and buy the arrow heads, or you could mine ores and make them into bars and arrow tips. I suggest going to Catherby and buying them, steel takes 2 coal and 1 iron, which takes a VERY LONG TIME. Also, iron ore is only 50%. The Catherby iron tips can be as low of price as 3 GP! Just buy as many arrow heads as you have headless arrows. Now this is where all of your hard work pays of! If you made 5k arrows, you will get 24166 xp! That would also sell for 100-110k! This method is not as good for money making as the others, but this also gives a nice amount of fletching xp.












Requirments: 75 theiving




Recomended cash: None, some basic food though




Recomended skills: None




Method: Go to the gnome stronghold, and there should be gnomes you can pickpocket. You can steal 200-400 GP EVERY TIME! This is a very quick way to make money. Another option is to go to ardrogue and steal from the gem stalls. You can also go to the rogues den and steal from the safes. You can steal gems from then, and you only need 50 theiving to thieve from them. Great for low level thieves!












Requirments: Any runecraft, the higher the better.




Recomended cash: I would recomended at least 100k, that will get you 5k ess.




Recomended skills: I would recommend 44+. At 44, you can make nats. If you donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t like walking, then you could stick with airs. There is a pretty good market for air runes. You need them for lots of spells. Every 11 levels, you can make 1 extra air. Here is the levels for crafting airs:




11;2 airs 22; 3 airs 33; 4 airs 44; 5 airs 55; 6 airs 66; 7 airs etc.




You could also craft laws, deaths, all high level runes will sell for the most. If you have a reasonably high combat level, you should go to the abyss. Pouches will also work great.




Method: This depends on which rune your going to craft. If your going to be crafting any rune that uses pure essence, go to a popular members world in varrock east. If youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢re going to be using rune ess, go to a popular free world, in varrock east(you can also mine your own ess) Just craft runes. Pouches will mean more runes and more xp, so I recommended using these. The abyss also works great.








Note: For any runes above cosmic, you will need pure ess












Rune Merchenting




Requirments: None




Recommended cash: 250k+




[Recommended skills: 66 mage for the mage guild(62 with a magic potion)




Method: Go to the zamarock mage in the level 5 wildy(only bring like 20k at a time in case you get pked) and buy runes there. You could buy bloods, deaths, or chaos. These will all sell on the forums for a lot more then what you bought them for. The mage guild is another great place. The downside is more people, but there in more stock of runes, and this is not in the wildy, so there is no pesky pkers to worry about.




Tip: When the stock starts getting low, go to another world, the prices get high when stocks get low.




















This is my very first guide, so tell me what you think of it!








Would selling high lvls herbs work even if they had been id cause i been getting great herbs from a mini game and the herbs there are already ided when you pick them.

Theres a fine line between dreams and reality so if something good happens you must be dreaming cause reality sucks!



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