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Rate this Elite uber sig!!!

Guest 1_Hit_Quit

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Guest 1_Hit_Quit
wow that is tops!!! which pro sig maker made that?




it couldnt b u coz ur talents dont go past talking crap








I love the sarcasm, it sucks? really? I thought it was ownage.. :(

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Guest 1_Hit_Quit









I told him the same thing on our clan forums when AntiCrash gave that sig to some1, and now hes talking about im on his block list now and that he wont make my sig now and he will bs me in wild.... I was just giving him constructive criticism... Now him and the axe guy up top are all flaming me about it =\ Just for the record AntiCrash made it...












He kicks az at making pixels and drawing and all that stuff.. I give him good rates on those you know and mad props... but he cant handle being told his abstracts suck...

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2 things... first this was a temps sig till i finished the one I was doing for him so he had something....








2nd this is the garbage that he posted stating this was how I should do it
















so what ever looser

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2 things... first this was a temps sig till i finished the one I was doing for him so he had something....








2nd this is the garbage that he posted stating this was how I should do it
















so what ever looser




spelt loser wrong and er, the sig is... w/e cough cough cough


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2 things... first this was a temps sig till i finished the one I was doing for him so he had something....








2nd this is the garbage that he posted stating this was how I should do it
















so what ever looser




spelt loser wrong and er, the sig is... w/e cough cough cough








I think he was emphasizing the o is loser but oh well!








I like the sig because I never really figured how to make them...I think your getting the bad rates is because alot of people know how to do them and I guess it's easy to make! Nice sig :wink:

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it looks terrible..... looks like an old tut i saw along time back...








if i had 2 choose between the blue and the green 1 id take the blue.... tho its pretty bad 2 (sry) but its alot better then the green.








the green 1 looks like puke, and the text is terrible, form the font 2 the color and all the effects done. i rate that green 1 Trash worthy

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Guest 1_Hit_Quit

Thats what I told him I said it looked like he did it in 3 minutes... So he gave me 3 minutes to make a sig... and i made the blue 1...

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