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best place to collect bones for prayer???


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Best thing to do to get fast, and relatively cheap experience would to be just heading to the wilderness, killing green dragons and banking in edgeville. Afterwords, invest some money into getting a guilded alter with marble burners, stock up on marrentils, and worship your alter.








Finally, enjoy the prayer levels. :wink:

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i actually found a very good thing the baby blue dragon just burying the bones would take around 4000 but with ecto functus only 120








so thanks to all but keep giving me ideas of where to collect the bones to use at ectofunctus

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In f2p, my advice is use the Chaos temple at wildness level 12. Or if you don't like to train in wildness try a chiken farm on one populated world.








In p2p, my advice is kill Green/Blue dragons and ask a friend to you use his house Gilded altar (if you don't have).

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