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Ostrowidzki1's new goal!!!

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I feel like I can achieve most 99 skills now that I've managed 99 rc.








My new goal is...99 SMITHING!!!!!!!!!!!!
















My starting lvls are 65 smithing. For those of you who don't think I can do it, I'm pretty sure my post saying going for 99 rc was ridiculed seeing as it was made when I was only 72, but look at me now :thumbsup: :thumbsup:. :|








After looking at the speed, I have a new plan on how I'll manage. I have more than enough pure essences to craft in order to get the money for gold ores for 99 smithing. Once I get 99 smithing. Some of my friends who have achieved 99 smithing say that's a lot faster than mining gold and smelting it alone (obviously). I'm doing this because I'd also like a higher rc rank too and idc about money :).

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Ive feel your right. After these 2 your unstoppable!! Good Luck, add me in-game!! I want to become friends! :XD: Yes..Friends.. :lol:


Retired as of August 23rd with 91 Firemaking and 6m xp in it.

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Good luck man, you have rc, you can get any of them.(slayer migth be a little tougher though)

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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I'll be crafting 202k p ess then buying gold for 99 smithing.








keep the support coming people :)












You do have the ess already, right?




so 202k p ess x2 will be 404k nats..








If you will solo them, that will be an astonishing 121M?..












EDIT: I just noticed I am 1 lvl away from 1400. at that lvl I will start my bloggy too! :)

To check my stats. Click here!

104 Combat 1495+ total


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I'll be crafting 202k p ess then buying gold for 99 smithing.








keep the support coming people :)












You do have the ess already, right?




so 202k p ess x2 will be 404k nats..








If you will solo them, that will be an astonishing 121M?..












EDIT: I just noticed I am 1 lvl away from 1400. at that lvl I will start my bloggy too! :)








:) money is not an issue lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very nice. I broke 1m runecraft xp today, and I still have SO far to go. Seeing people like you gives me a little bit of inspiration to keep pushing even after I have crafted for 7 hours in one day.


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  • 2 months later...

hey, sorry about me being away so long...it's just well...you know...




I did way too much rcing before (64-99 non-stop), so i needed a break from big goals lol (can you blame me?)




well now i'm back to my smithing goal. I'm hoping i'll be able to hit 99 smithing at least by the end of summer.






from now on i'll also be checking up on this blog to respond to any questions and comments! Thanks guys!

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