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Looters, the scum of the wild.




A lot of people who haven't been looted before may laugh it off, but these people are so annoying that it makes me scream. Today I was on my new pure, and I need money because I don't account trade. A range-2hander asked me to fight, and I declined politely because they scare me.




He attacked me and about 8 lobs later (This was the last inventory I had) I ko'd him with a 14. I look down, happy that I could pk some more before I killed giants to get money for lobs, and saw that there was no pile, nor kill message. A lvl 32 and a 93 run up and congratulate me on the kill, and I ask if they want food (It's my trick so they don't stand on the pile so I can loot it easily). The 93 starts to trade but the 32 stands on the pile.




The loot popped up and for all my work all I got was a strength potion(2) out of a pile of a rune 2h, dhide chaps and vambs, str ammy, and addy arrows.




This is a very annoying fluke in the combat system, where the person that gets the KO doesn't get the kill - It's very understandable against creatures and is useful in the wilderness when you get pjed, but it stinks when you invest effort into killing someone and get no reward.




I came up with two problems and fixes:








The main problem - if you KO but it's not your kill, it shows up at the same time for you as for everyone else.




Suggestion - I think that the person who gets the kill should see the pile first, but then it only takes half the time for the KO'er to see it as the rest of the people...




example: (X is the normal time for piles to pop up for everyone) Person was in fighting a rune pure, who left, and gets killed by someone else. The person who hit the most damage would see it immediately, and 1/2x later the Ko'er would see it, and then x after the kill everyone could see it.








Also, a little problem is that the lvl 3s and lower levels don't have the option to attack you as their first. So a higher level has to right click, but a lower lvl can just click on the pile and almost guaranteed get the most valuable item (I think that's how the lower-vs higher attack option works).




Solution: In wild attack should be the first option.








I think this would get rid of a lot of pking headaches and also get rid of the small generation of rich but lazy looters...










I'm not skilled enough to make a siggy! W00t! Working on it.

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Your first suggestion: Why should you get the pile if you didn't do the most damage/work to get it?








Your second suggestion: Not bad, though the guy who did the most damage would still be able to get the pile before anyone else








Your last suggestion: This would make clan pk trips even more hectic...




And the higher level would obviously have gotten the kill, and have more time to pick it up than the lower level

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I'm not saying you should get the pile first, but you should get it before the people who did no work at all...




And for the second one it's just that in single wild everyone waits for the pile to come up and people with higher cb have to right click to get the pile while lowers just left click...


I'm not skilled enough to make a siggy! W00t! Working on it.

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And for the second one it's just that in single wild everyone waits for the pile to come up and people with higher cb have to right click to get the pile while lowers just left click...








But the person who pked the drop will have gotten all the good stuff already :wink:

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um why didnt you get the drop because you didnt do the most damage and so it still wont work so if you hit the killing blow then it would be unfair in like multi wildy because a ranger might use accuracy prayer for 1 second to hit the killing blow and kill some one (and get the drops) while the others did 98% of the damage

Mojo477 has had to quit members so i need friends to talk to on my pure Lived4devil so please add her

"The elves having helped create the crystal saw is like Greenpeace having helped create a nuclear seal skinner"

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But whoever did the most damage would get the kill and see it first; just the person who killed would see it before others...this is because a lot of the time the person who got the kill has logged out or is in bank and won't find the pile by the time it shows up. It isn't to make the wild based on who gets the kill, just to support them more.hh


I'm not skilled enough to make a siggy! W00t! Working on it.

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its fair now...








with your update ppl will just steal your kill to ko the dude you nearly killed...


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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Yes, It should be in Rants. But there is a suggestion in it too. Which I dont agree with.








Reason Why:




You and your team are killing a person in wilderness, He is on very low health, Then, BAM A random person kills him with the finishing blow when he only hit 2. A little unfair on your team?


danke Schon Sam!^^

"Blood runs thicker, oh were thick as thieves you know"

-Carl Barât

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