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Alg last won the day on November 4 2016

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About Alg

  • Birthday 11/22/1991

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  1. Alg


    to be fair, lots of wiggle room in that "mostly" also hi, i was going to hop in, revive the top 10 albums thing from over a decade ago, and then leave again, but I guess this place is extra dead now? Nice.
  2. I logged in to this forum solely to find some hint as to what my minecraft login was, because I still have that installed for some unknowable reason and their account recovery is garbage. The reason for this renewed interest in that nightmare factory of a game is because I am an adult that has lost control of her life and what better way to celebrate than with lego Also sonic mania is pretty neat. Unrelated, that and now i will vanish into the aether once more
  3. I'm maybe 10 hours into this now and it's probably going to dethrone Tales of the Abyss as my favorite installment from this franchise. They've really nailed the sense of intimacy between members of the main party; most of them are, simply put, awful people who would be the villains in any other story, but there's a huge focus on seeing them at least try to put their lives back together and find whatever sense of normalcy they can when everything else has failed them. It works as a perfect counterpoint to Tales of Zestiria's grandiose heroism: fundamentally broken people doing their best to reach their disparate goals in spite of it all, as opposed to paragons of righteousness rising above their own limits for the good of the world. Depressing, to be sure, but the theme is something I deeply appreciate for a lot of reasons.
  4. Picked up Tales of Berseria because apparently I will never stop being an edgy weeb teenager. It's like they finally got the hang of doing extremely fluid animation after two decades worth of stiffness, outside of battles (usually); within the first hour there's been a cutscene battle with more intensity than other installments' final battles. And for all the edge (did I mention the edge? Good lord this game is edgy, they literally just adapted Berserk without the gore and rape) it really isn't taking itself too seriously; there are a lot of moments of lightheartedness and humor and even the sort of sentimentality that I've felt has been missing in a lot of darker works lately. It's just been so much better than its predecessor within the first couple of hours that I have to wonder whether Tales of Zestiria was filler; it had a large scope and lofty goals but it seems so small and impersonal by comparison
  5. Alg


    I for one am ready for that science march
  6. Alg


    I'm pretty sure that's not a thing that you can afford to do when you are literally shitting blood for several months
  7. Alg


    10 years ago? This was me last week
  8. Alg


    Pretty sure that people who are good at modeling in Blender are actual wizards using actual magic. Pretty sure For those of us who can't peer into the astral realm to perceive the true form of Blender's UI, the program contains only suffering and the bitterest of regrets.
  9. Alg


    This is The Final Christmas.
  10. Alg


    Tell us how it goes!
  11. Alg


    Hey, when people keep denying that you exist and point to made-up grammar rules as evidence you've got to make do with something :-D
  12. Alg


    I tried to Nuzlocke Moon once the game leaked and got my ass handed to me numerous times. So good though
  13. Alg


    I got like... four or five posts in!
  14. Alg


    On a personal level yes and I don't treat trans people I know personally like that. But on a societal level what general society is obligated to accept its just that trans people have the rights to live without violence or discrimination, not [bleep]ing proper pronoun usage or theoretical understanding of the sex gender divide and how the theory around it differs from today verses from when Simone De Beavoir proposed it. We can't live without violence or discrimination if we aren't even allowed the chance to define ourselves on our own terms. This is little better than an echo chamber; one that doesn't even consider the very people it affects. You can't have it both ways. Acceptance means nothing if you're also rejecting the very foundation that acceptance is based on, or setting the terms for the people you're allegedly accepting of without their say. This is terrifying, coming from you. :v
  15. Alg


    See my previous post if youre an illegal mexican, gay/trans, middle eastern http://forum.tip.it/topic/195466-today/?p=5594316 tl;dr Culture swings from one extreme to another Okay, but if you're seriously trying to compare this nonsense to centuries of systematic oppression as comparable extremes, then the only real argument there is that you don't want to leave your comfort zone. There's nothing to argue there. It's not an argument. It's not even a point. it's nothing but privilege to say that "they called me names for disagreeing with them" is even remotely worthy of being considered in the same thought as "they literally want to lock me up and electrocute me until I turn straight, or they want to deny me basic human dignity because my existence doesn't fit in the little bubble they've created for themselves, or they literally want me dead". Because, surprisingly, rejecting bigotry doesn't come from the same as bigotry. If that was seriously the point you wanted to make, just say it. Don't dress it up in silly pseudo-logical arguments. Just say it and I'll drop the whole thing, because it's not a point that's worth arguing against. That's not even getting into the fact that the yam in question throws a temper tantrum every time someone disagrees with him. That's the point I was trying to get at in my previous post. This is a man who's spent the last several months attacking every imaginable minority over nothing; who the world is eager to forgive because that's just what men are supposed to do? I have a hard time his alleged economic policies are worth normalizing bald-faced hate, let alone encouraging it.
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