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  1. Mine would be about that old, but I got sick of playing for a while, and now I can't get the pass back. /:
  2. Rimmington? Yeah, I tried that, but I'd rather keep my willows. :P People actually buy those.
  3. Lord Flatuous the Neumoclast? That oughta get some interesting conversations started.
  4. 1 million Ourg bones; train to 99 prayer, sell the remaining 976,737 bones to players for several million gold, use to purchase full dragon and a massive amount of runes to train magic with, and then pk in the Wilderness all day without a care.
  5. Getting seven more levels in woodcutting. 2,031 willow logs in a woodshed, 2,031 willow logs....ÃÆââââ¬Å¾Ã¢ÃâêÃÆââââ¬Å¾Ã¢Ãâì
  6. Obsidian is an actual rock. It's naturally formed glass formed in and around volcanos :) I see; I'd always thought it was simply a colour. But why are we using an easily-fractured mineral for weapons and armour - which is supposed to be several times stronger than steel? Let me be a bit more descriptive. Obsidian is a rock that is shiny. It's not like actually glass. If you do a search result you will see a picture of it. Uh, yes, I know - well, now I do, after checking Wikipedia. It was used for mirrors before sheets of silver or metal were used. And also according to a source I found, obsidian can be very sharp, but also fairly soft ("Obsidian is relatively soft with a typical hardness of 5 to 5.5 on the mineral hardness scale."[1]), compared to, say, steel, which is a seven or eight ([2]). So if an obsidian blade comes into contact with a steel one (or better yet, a runite one) with a good amount of force, wouldn't it break? The same goes for the shield. :/
  7. Obsidian is an actual rock. It's naturally formed glass formed in and around volcanos :) I see; I'd always thought it was simply a colour. But why are we using an easily-fractured mineral for weapons and armour - which is supposed to be several times stronger than steel?
  8. Perhaps one could use the skill window, instead, and quickly switch back and forth between that and one's inventory when one needs to eat.
  9. Perhaps, instead of a cap of four categories, one could have a "make new category" button, with a scrollable box for them? As well, what about a subcategory function?
  10. When smelting, one doesn't need gloves - or tongs! - to handle molten metal, or a mold to form the bars - your hands magically don't burn, and they just always form into perfect rectangles. When smithing, one doesn't need to heat the metal - one simply bangs on cold bars to form complex shapes. And what is the hammer's make? Iron? Steel? In any case, how can either type overpower mithril, adamantite, or runite? What is dragon made out of, anyway? Same for obsidian. Why is runite called "runite"? It comes from a rock, but from the name, one would assume it was simply adamantite with strength runes engraved upon it. Why are there no veins of ore, but instead only what seem like pure concentrations of metal (but the ore picture shows non-ore dirt and rock anyway)? Why can you cut down a tree and have it still stand? Why does one only get xp from doing something right? Wouldn't it also make sense for someone to learn from their mistakes? What the devil is a "magic" tree, anyway? How is it magic? Does one imbue the seeds with special properties, the sapling, or the mature tree? What sort of tree does it start out as? Does it matter? Are there different grades of magic tree, if they can start out as different trees? Oh, I'm full of little carping questions. EDIT: It never rains, snows, clouds over, or even becomes night-time - it's always perfect daylight in RuneScape. How then, do plants not near rivers/seas/oceans survive?
  11. RuneScape is Jagex's most popular game - it won't be pushed aside. And even if, officially, it became a back-burner project, the community it's developed won't ever let it truly die out.
  12. The bloody chat filter - including its little "capitalise everything after a period, but nothing besides that" thing.
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