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Oh Raelly

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About Oh Raelly

  • Birthday 12/11/1993

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  • Interests
    Women & video games c;

RuneScape Information

  1. From a fellow Tip.It'er, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! If you would like some extra fun, don't forget to drop in on the Forum Games! ^_^

  2. Happy birthday! :D

  3. It's not like it's easy to click on the tab and the teleport inside the tab. If you do you must be botting or something because I have NEVER misclicked that.
  4. Well you must consider that a lot of people like having a burnt food collection. It's not illogical, it's just how some people are.
  5. Bonjour Je suis Oh Raelly. Je suis originaire de France, mais maintenant je réside aux États-Unis. Je vais bientôt avoir 19 ans et je suis une femme. Je suis gay ou une lesbienne comme certains d'entre vous diraient. Je viens de créer un compte Runescape nouvelle et j'ai pensé que je pourrais aussi bien faire un compte sur le forum Tip.It ainsi. J'espère faire des amis sur ce nouveau compte et apprécier le jeu avec vous tous! English Version: Hello I am Oh Raelly. I am from France, but I now reside in the United States. I am soon to be 19 years old and I am female. I am gay or a lesbian as some of you would say. I just created a new Runescape account and I thought that I might as well make a Tip.It forum account as well. I hope to make some friends on this new account and enjoy the game with you all!
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