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New Earth (Some weird form of writing I like,poetic/serious)


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So who am I again?


Why do I sit here at this table, wishing I were different?


What memories are there, but not there at the same time?


And why am I finding myself in vast realms of darkness where my assailants wear cloaks?


What is the point of this void that sends me to a hellish wasteland known as new earth?


And why is it that all my memories of old earth are lost?




It is not your fault.


It is the fault of the magicians that sent you,


nor is it the fault of the demons that try to kill you


this land you enter, where new earth is a hell


is only a nightmare,


you can prevail.




Darkness is the enemy


ask anyone you meet


No humans are around anymore and those that are around


cower at the dark lords feet.


Hide thyself and all your friends


take my words and run


or else your bloodied up carcass


will be rotting in the sun.




But what is new earth and why is it here?


What happened to old earth?


Why so much fear?


No humans walk the land anymore


now all their are are dark figures.


Please help me god


please help me live


am I dead


and in hell?




You are not my friend, and never will be,


you are the last surviving purebred human,


so the gods will take a liking to you


and as the ancient mayan script says,


the last human will bring retribution to us all.








Who are you?


These voices that haunt my dreams?


This world must be a dream,


has to be a dream.


I was sitting at the table eating a light breakfast of wheaties,


when suddenly, so suddenly, I hear my wife scream.


I run from breakfast and into the living room where I see a horse,


its flesh clinges to opal white bones, and its rider stands beside it.


Its rider carries a scythe like those used to cut down crops.


He wears a tattered cloak, walks with a clatter.


His eyes are a piercing red, like the blood that comes from my wife.


She's dead and god please help me control these grieving thoughts.


Death rides on his pale horse and takes me away to rot.




Please tell me your name and what you used to do.


Why are you acting all *Boo-Hoo*?


I have been here thousands of years, want to die but cannot


the death of me would be nice,


but the Gods apparently will me to not.




Feh, you all are a bunch of wusses.


Sitting in this cell room, talking about this stuff.


Isn't bad enough the stench here is like new york city on a hot summers day?


When the sun beats down on the garbage,


and still more garbage is thrown on the street.


My god, how that reeked.




And the food here, my it tastes like burning garbage as well.


Wish something would give and we could escape this hell.


But why ever we are here we are here for a reason,


you I know is because you committed treason.




On who? You? I did have a reason.


You tried to pry my wife away, so I committed this treason.


I killed you while you and your men fought at Bulls Run.


The last thing I remember was that from britain the colonies were won.




Feh, what about me? I got in a nasty battle.


Iwo Jima, ever heard of it? Left most of the men addled.


Well, we won the battle, I walked away with a blood soaked uniform.


A cigarette dangled from my lips as I left, on a ship.


I used to smoke quite a lot when I was on earth.


Now here on this " New Earth" can't find one thing to rool up and smoke.


Anyway we were leaving and I was left back in Bangkok,


where I was ambushed by a small legion of troops, and my body was left for the fishes.


Some voice told me hitler was with us here now, rotting worse than we are.


Serves that S.O.B right.




This sums up nothing! We must be in hell,


but why is it that when we fall asleep we are teleported to New Earth,


that vast wasteland of death,


where the rivers are made of tears and the souls of our beloved roam,


ignoring us like we are dead dogs?


















I like this writing style, leaves the reader to think up most of it themselves.

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An explanation...




Black writing is the main character.


All other colors are other characters.


The setting is a dark room, where no one can see anything.

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