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The ultimate Dagannoth King guide by Rubqui


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By: Rubqui






|\\:Table of contents://|




    [*:rjt4uuxq]1.0 - Introduction
    [*:rjt4uuxq]2.0 - Geatting there
    [*:rjt4uuxq]3.0 - Bestiary information
    [*:rjt4uuxq]4.0 - Drops
    [*:rjt4uuxq]5.0 - Lootshare guide
    [*:rjt4uuxq]6.0 - Graves
    [*:rjt4uuxq]7.0 - The gates
    [*:rjt4uuxq]8.0 - Slayer task
    [*:rjt4uuxq]9.0 - Spawning information
    [*:rjt4uuxq]10.0 - Solo mage
    [*:rjt4uuxq]11.0 - Duo mage
    [*:rjt4uuxq]12.0 - Solo hybrid
    [*:rjt4uuxq]13.0 - Duo hybrid
    [*:rjt4uuxq]14.0 - Solo trybrid
    [*:rjt4uuxq]15.0 - Duo trybrid
    [*:rjt4uuxq]16.0 - 3 man trybrid
    [*:rjt4uuxq]17.0 - Cannon trip
    [*:rjt4uuxq]18.0 - Summoning
    [*:rjt4uuxq]19.0 - F.A.Q.
    [*:rjt4uuxq]20.0 - Afterword & credits






Hello, welcome to my Dagannoth kings guide. In this guide I will explain you how to "Dk" in all different ways.


"Dk'ing" is a very good source of money, many people say that it's the best money maker.


I will teach how to do it, if your just a beginner, it doesn't matter, that's why I made this guide.


To learn others how to do it as it's sometimes difficult to do but after a while you can do it solo


and you will make a lot of cash! And I hope that you have learned something after you read this guide.


And just to make you know, these monsters drop the most valuable rings, axe and mud battlestaff and a lot more!




This way if you want to be rich in a fun way!




|2.0\\:Getting there://|




The dagannoth kings are located in the waterbirth dungeon of course on waterbirth island.


It doesn't take a long time to get there min. 10 minutes and max. 15 minutes (Waiting times included).


It's a very big dungeon with various monsters in it, if you run to the end and go up the last ladder you will end up at the small dagannoths (Level - 90, ...)


Where everyone is training his slayer or just training or getting herb seeds. Now I will tell you how you have to get to the "big three."


Well, your start-point is the bank of Seers Village. The most people (almost everyone) gears up in the bank and waits for the other members of his team.


Just a small note, you're not losing any inventory space because of this, just take 2 teletabs (home) in your inventory.


If you want to be fast: Talk to an estate agent in Ardougne/Falador and ask him that you can set your house in Rellekka,


you have to 10k cash for this and you need 30 construction. Click here to find find out more about estate agents.


If you start at Seers village you will have to follow this way, the red circle will be your destination when you use your home teleport.


Just leave the bank and follow the line on the map. If you are using summoning there is an obelisk to recharge your summoning points, but no worries if you miss it,


you will see two other obelisks on your way. So, one close to the house portal in Rellekka, one just a littlebit east to the west gates (also most used gates).


And one a littlebit north to the stairs leading to the Dk lair, you can also use this spot as a safe spot when there is another team and you want to hop.








So... Just start at Seers bank and follow the thin red line to the docks.




When you arrive in Rellekka go to the most west docks, there are two Npc's, one of them is Jarvald, you can either talk to him or just right-click him


and select the option 'Travel' and click on 'yes' and a few seconds later you will be on Waterbirth Island.




Note: If you didn't complete the fremennik trials quest you will have to pay 1k gp to Jarvald to take a ride!




Just follow the red line on the picture:






If you don't have a suicider or a friend that helps you to open the two doors ask someone that is picking up snape grass (you can make a littlebit of cash with this).




If there isn't anyone that is picking them up, hop a world, you'll most likely find someone in 5 worlds max.


Note: You will need rune throwingaxes if you are asking a snape grass picker to help you!




Just ask something like this:


Hi, could you please come inside to open the Dk doors for me?


I will protect you, you won't get hit, just follow me.


The most people will say ok. :wub:




If you have someone, follow the road until you come to the 2q1c5si.jpg Go in, if it's your first time a warning will appear, mark it if you never want it again.


You can change it at the doomslayer in Lumbridge. You will come into a big room with low level dagannoths, they will probably attack you but just walk


north, they don't hit that much if you are wearing guthans. Just run east, you will see a summoning obelisk to recharge your summon points,


recharge them and go trough the north gate. Or another one, look in what situation you are and refer to the 'gates' section above.




This is when you go down the stairs into the lair till the middle of it:






Here you can see the three gates and the small obelisk where you can recharge your summoning point:




As I said it's best to take the north gate if you are solo. Just refer to the 'gates' section. ;-)




When you got past the gate run a few spaces untill you got rid of the low level dagannoths because they might give you some damage, that's pretty annoying.


Just walk east untill the end:




This is a picture of the first (most north) gate by the way.




Just follow the path again until you come the 2q1c5si.jpg again and you or your helper has to throw the rune thrown axe's on the middle gate with rapid and spec attack ON.


But refer to the 'gates' part again. ;-)






Ok, now comes the more difficult part, but still easy though.


Step over the broken gate that you or your friend shot with the rune thrownaxe and put your magic protect ON!


Now right-click the stairs and climb DOWN, run towards the stairs, it's not to far, you can click immediatly on the stairs.








Go down the stairs and put your range protect on, it doesn't matter if you forget it here you won't get hit.


Also here run straight to the stairs and go up.








When you're up put run & prayer off and run south, just follow the red line on the picture and go down:








Now you can choose: Ranged protect on or off, they won't hit you that much, i'd prefer like to have it off. Take the west stairs the one that's far away:








Just before you take the stairs put your magic prayer ON, you could be koed in a few seconds if it's not.


Now you will face the wallasaky's again. A few times behind each other.


Take the stairs with still your magic prayer turned on:








Now you will face only 1 wallasaky, but your magic protect prayer still has to be on, take the stairs down:








Here are a lot more wallasaky's, take the one and only stairs up:








You can have some run restore here, put run run & prayers off and walk east past the 'sleeping' rock crabs and climb downstairs:








Now you need to have your ranged protect prayer turned on and your run also and run trough the whole room, you might get hit because of their melee attacks.


Just follow the road and go up the stairs:








Now you will come to a small room with only 2 dagannoths in it, this is a good place to heal with your guthans if you're low hp!


When you want to heal you could try it without prayer but I recommend you use protect from melee.








Go down the stairs and follow the quite long road, you don't have to put range prayer on here just run and you probably won't get hit.


If you didn't heal at the other spot, do it here, drop something and wear your spear and put protect from melee on and start healing!


I always do it here.








Go down the stairs when you're healed and stand behind the stairs, it's a safe spot where you have to restock your run to 65-100%, you'll need it.


If a rock lobster is attacking you, try to block it. Many people come here to burst them for charms. A good source to train your summoning.




Recharge your run to like 65-100 energy. If you are using terrorbird, good for you, you can start immediatly with the scrolls.




When you are fully restored with run and hp (heal) pot up. You can decide what pots. If you're a hybrid I would use your super set and range potion and my super antipoison.


As a mage you don't have to pot anything, except super anti. Now you're ready to go! Mostly the mage starts with running to the Dk lair but just run yourself.


Follow the road and at the end of the mini map in the following picture put up your protect from magic, because some wallasaki's will appear.




This is the safe spot:








Now you're almost there! Run to the ladder that you see at the end (east) of the mini map behind the river and go down. You will be in the Dk lair where the 'big three' are.




|3.0\\:Bestiary information://|




This will be all the monsters you will have to face. I will mention which one you will see when you go the 'Dk lair' and also the one you will see in the lair.




Going to the location:


You will meet two kinds of dagannoth in the Waterbirth island dungeon:










This is an easy one. Normally you will not have any problems with this one.


This one attacks with range only. If you have range protect on when your going


trough the rooms they will not hit you of course. But if you have a high def level and


good armour you almost wont get hit.




Combat level: 88


Examine: A darkened horror from the ocean depths.










This are the annoying dagannoths that you will face.


They hit fairly hard, just have your range prayer on when you go trough the rooms.


I use this one to heal on when I lost some hp going trough the rooms.


Just wear your Guthan spear when your close to the ladder that leads to the safe spot.


Put melee protect on and attack them. They will hit nothing at you because you


are standing close to them so they can't attack with range. It's max hit is 16.




Combat level: 90


Examine: A darkened horror from the ocean depths. (same as above).










This creature hits VERY hard! So it's also very important to have your mage prayer


turned ON when you go trough a room where these creatures are.


They cast the spell 'water wave', we need 65 magic for it and the max hit of it is 19.


So, yes they can hit 19's.


They are very weak against range, but you don't have to kill these, just walk past them.


So i'll say it again, put your magic prayer ON when you go past them!! You might get koed!




Combat level: 98


Examine: A fearsome magical water creature.




The 'Dk lair':










These ones are very annoying. If they weren't in the lair you could stay for a very long time.


They are letting you lose all your hp, but they are also letting you gain hp.


They hit you with two different styles: Range & magic. In my opinion the range attacks


hit the most. You mostly will have to put range protect on instead of magic. Just


look who is hitting the most. Blue 'balls' are magic attacks and 'spears' are range attacks.


When they are close enough to the side you can heal on them. don't hit them with


slay darts or any other magic attacks cause that's a waste. In the picture you will not be able


to attack them with guthan's to heal because they are to far away.




Their max hit is 11 and they hit quite well. I put my range protect on when I see 3 'spears' (of course only at maging rex). They also disappear after a while and that means that they are in the water. If you right-click the shadows you will see 'suspicious-water level-34') You can't attack them. After a while they will appear again with the same hp and attack you again. They are also annoying because they drain your prayer with 1 when they hit you. So when they hit you, doesn't matter what your prayer will drain with 1 and you will be poisoned. When you get poisoned drink of your super antipoison.




Combat level: 76


Max hit: 11


Examine: A sneaky, spiny, subterranean sea-dwelling scamp.








Dagannoth prime:




This is the magic brother of the three 'big' dagannoths. The prime is being feared the most.


His max hit is 64 so make sure your magic prayer is on because he hits with magic hits only.


His Hp level is 255, but you kill him quite fast if you hit him with diamond bolts (e).


It's spell looks like a water wave, although it hits a lot more.


You can only hit him with range attacks. Of course also with melee and magic but you won't hit anything.


Just make sure when you don't come to close to him when you are maging rex.




Combat level: 303


Max hit: 64


Examine: A legendary dagannoth king, rumoured to fly on the North winds.






Dagannoth rex:




This is the melee brother of the three 'big' dagannoths. He hits less than the other two dagannoths.


He can hit up to 26. It moslty takes a while before you kill him. His Hp level is 332, as you see


that the max hit of slayer dart 19 is that it will take a while. It will go faster with claws of guthix


where you can hit 30's with. You can recognize him to his color and his big claws. As you see you have


to kill the Rex with magic attacks. The most used are slayer dart and claws of guthix. Slayer dart is a bit


slower but you have more profit as you need 2 blood runes to cast claws of guthix and 1 death rune for slayer dart.


The good thing by killing Rex is that there is a safe spot, more about this further in the guide.


In my opininon Rex is the best source of money because it's the best to solo it. He also drops the most


valuable item that the 'Dk's' drop: Berserker ring.




Combat level: 303


Max hit: 26


Examine: Firstborn of the legendary Dagannoth kings.






Dagannoth supreme:




This is the range brother of the three 'big' dagannoths. He is been seen as the 'middle' one.


He hits you with range attacks and he can hit up to 30. You have to kill him with melee attacks.


You will hit really good on it, also your special attacks will work very well.


The most used special attacks weapons are Dragon halberd, dds & all types of godswords.


He hits multi with some kind of spines. When you kill him duo just stand in front of eachother.


If you are behind him and your friend is before him he can only hit one player. So don't stand close to eachother.




Combat level: 303


Max hit: 30


Examine: The dagannoth king responsible for the death of the Bukalla.








Of course there has to be a reason to go to the Dagannoth Kings and that are the drops.


The most hunted is the dragon axe that is being dropped by all of them. But also the berserker ring


at soloing Rex is more worth than a dragon axe at the moment. The dragon axe was around 3M before the Ge update. And it is being dropped quite much. Almost every 'good' trip you will have a drop.


A good reason to Dk isn't it?




Dragon axe:




Dropped by all the dagannoths.


Highest woodcutting axe, requires 61 woodcutting to wear it.


15% better than rune axe (except on mage trees).


Examine info: A very powerful axe.


Ge updates/price.


Drop rate is like 1/100. Supreme drops it a bit rarer though.






Berserker ring:




Dropped by Dagannoth Rex only.


Gives +4 strength bonus, the best there is in my opinion.


Examine info: A ring reputed to bring out a berserk fury in its wearer.


Ge updates/price.




Archer ring:




Dropped by Dagannoth Supreme only.


The best ring for boosting your range, it gives like +4 for your range.


Examine info: A fabled ring that improves the wearer's skill with a bow.


Ge updates/price.




Warrior ring:




Dropped by Dagannoth Rex only.


This ring boosts your slash attack and slash defence stats. Used a lot


by lower players because it isn't that expensive.


Examine info: A legendary ring once worn by Fremennik warriors.


Ge updates/price.




Seers ring:




Dropped by Dagannoth Prime only.


This ring boosts your magic defence and attack by +4.


Examine info: A mysterious ring that can fill the wearer with magical power...


Ge updates.




Mud battlestaff:




Dropped by Dagannoth Prime only.


It's a staff of course and you need 30 magic and attack to wield it.


It gives you unlimited earth and water runes.




Of course these drops aren't all the drops that they drop but these are the most wanted


as they are the most valuable items.


I will post the other drop here:




Prime: Dagannoth bones, Dagannoth hide, Coins (976-1000), Steel kiteshield, Ranarr weed, Herb seeds, noted Pure essence (134-194),


Oyster pearls, Air talismans, Air battlestaff, Earth talismans, Earth staff, Earth battlestaff, noted Battlestaff (9-10), Water talismans, Sharks (5),


Uncut gems, Rune kiteshield, Skeletal top, Skeletal platelegs, Farseer helm, Air runes (155), Earth runes (67), Death runes (60-77), Blood runes (97), Mud runes (32)


Clue scroll (level-3), Dragon med helm, Shield left half, Dragon axe, Mud staff, Seers' ring




Supreme: Dagannoth bones, Dagannoth hide, Coins (972-3000), Steel kiteshield, Ranarr weed, Oyster pearls, Opal bolt tips (18), noted Yew logs (75-122),


noted Maple logs (15-25), Sharks (5), Iron knife (259-492), Mithril knife (27-48), Rune thrownaxe (7-9), Rune javelin (5), Uncut gems, Fremennik sword,


Fremennik shield, Spined body, Spined platelegs, Red d'hide vamb, Iron arrows (417-502), Law runes (514), Steel arrows (123-240), Adamant darts (11-18), Black platebody


Rune kiteshield, Rune 2h sword, Rune battleaxe, Clue scroll (level-3), Dragon med helm, Shield left half, Dragon axe, Seercull, Archer ring, Archer helm




Rex: Dagannoth bones, Dagannoth hides, Runite bar, Rune axe, Rune sq shield, Rune 2h sword, Rune arrows (42), Adamant axe, noted Silver ores (100),


Steel bar (12-29), Rock-shell platebody, Rock-shell platelegs, Uncut gems, Dragonstone, Adamant bar, Half of a key, Mithril warhammer, Mithril 2h sword,


Mithril pickaxe, Coins (211-3000), Ring of life, Grimy herbs, Earth talisman, Mind talisman, Nature talisman, Zamorak brew(2), Saradomin brew(2),


Super strength potion(2), Super attack potion(2), Prayer potion(2), Restore potion(2), Swordfish (5), Bass (5), Shark (5), Steel kiteshield, Nature runes (67),


Law runes (45), noted Mithril ore (25), noted Coal (100), noted Iron ore (150), Body talisman, Fremennik blade, Fremennik shield


Clue scroll (level-3), Dragon med helm, Shield left half, Dragon axe, Berserker ring, Warrior ring, Dragon spear




|5.0\\:Lootshare guide://|




You might know all this what I am going to say now, but if you don't, it's well worth reading. :thumbsup:




As you might know Jagex added a 'lootshare' option to your Clan Chat.


To let this work, join your own clan chat.




Click on the clan chat icon:






After that join your own Clan chat:






And after that click on Clan setup:






There are two different ways to share loot:


Lootshare: The full item goes to a random person in your Clan Chat. Did you ever hear of Lsp or lootsharepoints?


Well, if you have 'high lootshare points' gotten by missing worthful items you have a lot more chance to get the drops.


So, you will have more chance than your friend(s) on getting worhtful drops like a dragon axe. Your Lsp will be gone if you got the worthful drop.




Coinshare: It shares just the same as lootshare, the only difference here is that it shares the worthfull items


in coins. Like a dragon axe or archer ring, etc. For a list of all the drops that are being shared in coins, look here




But how I can I set all this? Well, simple if you have your own clan chat go to 'clan setup' and try to remake this:




If you want coinshare make sure it's marked red and if you want regular lootshare leave it open.








If you didn't already know it; Jagex added an update, a very safe update.




So, when you die the other players wont see your stuff, the only thing they will see is a grave and


if they right-click on the grave they will see this option:




Read: Just read who died and how many minutes ago he died.


Bless: Bless the grave, this can only be done when you have level 70 prayer. More information later.


Demolish: Just remove your grave, this can only be done by the owner.




A picture of when I was reading a grave, and look at the chat when I blessed it:






But if you died and you're getting it back, and you right-click on it, you will see the same except the


only difference is that your stuff is underneath it. So you can pick it up.




There are different kind of graves, you can read it all here.


The lowest one is 2 minutes and the cost of it is 50 gp. It's just a flag.


The most expensive one is an "Angel of death grave". The cost of it is 500k and it holds for 5 minutes.




Now for the blessing; The bless option is the second option on the menu of a grave.


If you have 70 prayer you can save a friend his stuff. You can only bless a grave if you have 70 prayer.


If nobody blessed your friend's grave he only has 2/3/4/5 minutes to get his stuff, according to what


grave you have. If you blessed it he has a max. time of 59 minutes to get his stuff. You need almsot


full prayer to fully bless it. You will keep 10 prayer for emergencies though.




But now, if i'm blessed, what's the best and fastest way to get back to the Dk lair?




Well, simple. There are a few options but this is just the most easy one and you will have time enough.


Don't hurry but also don't go to slow. You can be there in 15 minutes if you want to.




Ok, if you died teleport to Camelot and run to the bank. Now ask all your friends to come help you to


get trough the doors and say that you died and need to get your stuff than they will help you.


If someone's coming let him take rune thrownaxes or you can take it to though.


Just take the best stuff you've got in your bank and start going as fast as possible.


Just do the same thing in 'Getting there' and you'll be there fast enough to take all your stuff.


Maybe it's also wise to take super energy's to get there even faster, also don't forget your food.




Note: You will have everything back, but if you were wearing barrows it will need to be repaired.




Note 2: When you got all your stuff don't forget to demolish it, because if you die again and your


grave is still there you wont get a grave and lose all your stuff that you were wearing.






|7.0\\:The Gates://|




As you might know you can't go to the Dk's solo, of course you can solo Rex and maybe hybrid if you're good,


but when you go into the waterbirth dungeon and go north till you come to three gates you will see that you can't go trough it on your own,


so you will need someone to help you. The most people ask a friend to help them out and also 'lure/suicide' for them. But I don't need anyone,


I will explain how it works, it's quite simple though. This is just for people that want to solo Dagannoth Rex because I don't see anyone solo them all yet.




Just go to waterbirth island and you will probably see someone that is picking up snape grass.


As this is a quite good source for money, picking up snape grass and teleing.


The people that are picking the snape grass up are mostly on Lunar because it's faster money.


When they are atleast comabt 50+ ask them to help you out. Just ask this: "Could you help me open the gates to Dk please?"


And the most people say yes, if they are friendly of course. After he opened the gates you won't need your helper anymore.




Note: If you are going solo to Dk's you WILL need Rune thrownaxes or else you can't get trough the barriers.




Now back for the gates if you are with more than just one. There are three gates as I already said,


you will only need one (sometimes two if you have no axes).




Do this if you are with two or more people and have Rune throwaxes:


Go to the west gate, you or your friend stand on the one 'platform' and your frined or you on the other one.


When you are on every single 'platform' click on the gate and it will open. That's for duo.


Always do this when you have rune thrownaxes AND if you are with two (plus) people.




Do this if you are with two people with NO rune thrownaxes:


This is mostly for duo mages but can also used for other things just make sure you have something where you can shoot with,


like slayer dart or range. I don't think that will be a problem as a hybrid and a mager always have things where they can shoot with.


Here you have to use the west and the middle gate. You might notice that you will never have to use the east gate.


You have to handle very fast at this one because the gates close very fast.


First talk to you friend who is going trough the middle and who is going trough the west gate.


When you are ready go to the middle gate and open it, nobody goes trough it now run as fast as you can to the west gate and open it again.


The one who was going trough the west gate goes trough it and who was going trough the middle gate has to run very fast to that gate or he might be to late.


Normally you will have enough time. Also the one who goes trough the middle gate has to put protect from magic ON as there are wallasaki's and can hit you a lot.


Now to shoot the barriers, the one who goes trough the middle has to shoot the west barrier as the other player can get trough and just hit the middle barrier. You can also do it the opposite.




Do this if you are with three or more people with NO rune thrownaxes:


If you are with three, open the middle gate for the mage/someone else and let him get trough (don't forget protect from magic).


The other two go trough the west gate. Just as before shoot the west barrier or the people from the west side the middle barrier and just hit the other barrier when you're in.




This is all for the gates. ;-)








Just a small addition to the guide is slayering.


You probably ever had the task for killing Dagannoths.. Well, the Dagannoth kings are included for xp.


They give good xp if you kill them, but for better xp I suggest you go kill the lower levels in the lighthouse.


If you kill them alone they give you the full xp of course.




Experience gotten by killing them solo:


Rex: 332


Prime: 255


Supreme: 255




You can check this yourself because the Hp of the creature is the same as the slayer Xp that you will get.




Now if you are duo hybrid/mage with NO lootshare it's the law of the strongest and who get's the drop,


get's the Xp.




If you're duo hybrid/mage WITH lootshare it's the person who did last hit get's 1/2 of the slayer xp and


the person who did the most damage get's the other half, so obviously if you do both you get the full slayer xp.




|9.0\\:Spawning information://|




As you may probably know the Dagannoth kings die and they are spawning after a while again so you can kill them again.


Well, here's the information you need to know about it.




The spawning times:


The 'big three' all have the same time of spawning. This can arrange from world to world,


from a busy to a world where almost no people are.


The average spawning time is 1 minute and 12 seconds.


So, 1:12 minutes.




The spawning locations:


The 'big three' all have a different location to spawn of course.




This are the spawn locations:




That's everything you need to know about the spawning for now.




|10.0\\:Solo mage://|




The maging part is the more easy way than hybridding cause it's like 'always the same',


Your job here will be to kill the Dagannoth Rex, who drops Dragon axe, berserker & warrior ring.


For the money source it's quite similar to hybridding, although hybridding gives a littlebit


more cash in my opinion.




Inventory for a solo mager:






Helm: Guthan's helm > Verac's helm > Torag's helm > Rune helm


Cape: Fire cape > Skill cape


Weapon: Slayer staff (or void mace)


Torso: Guthan's chest > Verac's brassy > Torag's chest > Rune plate


Shield: Dragonfire shield > Obby shield > Rune defender > God book


Legs: Guthan's chainlegs > Verac's legs > Torag's legs > Rune legs


Gloves: Barrow gloves > Rune/... > Black vambraces


Boots: Dragon boots > Bandos boots > Climbing boots


Ring: Ring of wealth/Ring of life/Seers ring, You choose.








Ok, there are three different ways to get to the safe spot where you will stay for a few hours if you


do everything well.




1) With a suicider, this is a person who helps you to go trough the doors and lures the


Dagannoth Supreme and Prime so you can get safely to your safe spot.




This is the gear for a suicider:




If you want to kill Supreme and Prime a few times get some better gear because it probably wont work


with this gear. You can choose it a littlebit to though.




What does he do?


He walks to the Dk lair with the one he is going to help.


When they want to go in the Dk lair, the mage get's in first and five seconds later the suicider goes in.


He attacks Prime and Supreme so they'll leave the mage alone and they will never attack the mage again


when he reaches the safe spot, unless he takes risks and leaves the safe spot area.


So, all he has to do is just attack the Supreme and Prime.


Some people use it to kill them a few times so they might get a good drop, I got a Dragon axe once like this.


And.. basically the name 'suicider' says all.






2) With your hybrid team: I think this is easy to understand, the most used and known 'team' to go to


dk is one mage and two hybrids, you go in first and run to the safe spot, five seconds after you


got in the (two) hybrids will go down the ladder and kill the Supreme and prime so they aren't attacking


you anymore.




3) Going in there solo, this is the most difficult one but the one I use the most, this might


not work for the first time but it's well worth trying. Maybe it's difficult to understand but


it's quite easy though.




What you do is:


Go down the ladder and immediatly click on the right side. If Supreme AND Prime attacks you go up


and hop to another world to try it again. It probably wont work for your first time and if you're


unlucky and they're both standing very close to the door they will attack you. If Supreme attacks you


and Prime DOESN'T run to the safe spot with magic OR range prayer on, regarding to who is attacking you.


If no one attacks you, you can safely run to the safe spot. If one (Supreme/prime) attacks you hold


the protect prayer on and try to x-log, this isn't against the rules if i'm right. Get high prayer and hp


and just click on X, Rs home, ... and you're safe in another world maging.




Safe spot:


Well, what is this safe spot where I was talking about?


The safe spot for magers is located South east on your mini map.


Don't come to far or you will get attacked by Supreme/Prime.


Like 8 spaces max.




Here it is:






Now for what you really have to do at the safe spot:


When you're there look for the Dagannoth Rex, stand on the small slope to get a good view.


Don't try to go much further or you will get attacked by Supreme/Prime.




Select him like this:






After that run to the place where the blue arrow poins to in the picture,


If you read the picture you will understand it to.




When you are at the other side, you can still attack him for like two times before he gets to you,


just to get a faster kill if you want to. But now, when he is a few spaces ahead you run to the other


side so he will get blocked and can't attack you.




Just to make it a bit clearer I did the same on this picture, also read the picture:






There are different spots to kill it, but I have one favorite that I will show you in the second picture:






And this is my favorite and also the best spot in my opinion:






But what to do if your 'blocking work' fails?


Well, simple try to go a littlebit higher or run to the opposite side where he is standing,


not to difficult to try that out.




After you killed him you can heal on the spynolips if you're using guthan.




So, keep this in mind:


Climb down the ladder and go to the north-east safe spot.


Select rex and attack him.


Run to the right side.


When he is a few spaces ahead you run to the other side, so he get's blocked.


And kill him.




|11.0\\:Duo mage://|




Maybe if you think that solo maging is boring, what could be, you can invite a friend or more.


Or maybe a clan or team event, I don't know but this content is about duo maging or with even more people.




It's very similar to solo maging, but there are a few small differences:


-It's less boring, because you have someone to talk to.


-Faster kills, so also less runes.




But the disadvantage is that you have less share of course.




The inventory is almost the same as solo maging, the only difference is that you need a littlebit


more super restores, cause you're sharing the hits of the spynolips with your friend, so you won't


need that much brews. Just take a lot of bunyips if you are 68 summoning.










Helm: Guthan's helm > Verac's helm > Torag's helm > Rune helm


Cape: Fire cape > Skill cape


Weapon: Slayer staff (or void mace)


Torso: Guthan's chest > Verac's brassy > Torag's chest > Rune plate


Shield: Dragonfire shield > Obby shield > Rune defender > God book


Legs: Guthan's chainlegs > Verac's legs > Torag's legs > Rune legs


Gloves: Barrow gloves > Rune/... > Black vambraces


Boots: Dragon boots > Bandos boots > Climbing boots


Ring: Ring of wealth/Ring of life/Seers ring, You choose.




Now there's one small difference in the procedure:


And that's when you lure Rex.




The best set-up for this is one standing on the right safe spot and one on the small slope to attack it.


Discuss that first before you begin, who is going to do it and so on.


When the lurer attacks it he runs to the same place like you and when he is a few spaces ahead, just like


solo maging run to the left safe spot and you can finish him off. And do the same thing over and over again.




So, after the lure just stand and finish Rex off at the safe spot:






You can choose with what style you're going, but I suggest that you take slayer dart cause it's fast


enough with two or more people.




If you're not that rich, this is a great opportunity to go with rune or veracs if you can't pay


Guthan's yet, so a great way to build your cash up. If you're going with veracs or rune take more brews


than restores.




So, keep this in mind:


Climb down the ladder and go to the north-east safe spot.


Select rex and attack it.


Run to the right side where your friend will be waiting.


When he is a few spaces ahead you run to the other side, so he get's blocked.


And kill it.




|12.0\\:Solo hybrid://|




Probably the best way to make money at dk. You get all the drops for yourself and it gives drops


faster than solo mage. It's also a lot more difficult than solo mage though.


It's difficult to start this, but when you did it a few times it will be easy.




Note: You need a mager for this, if you don't have one hop to some crowded worlds till you found


someone maging. If they tele/log out Rex will be wandering around and standing in your way, he is


too close to Prime/Supreme to not see you. So he will hit you, you could do it for a FEW times because


this probably doesn't work as it's very difficult. Wait till Supreme is close to the ladder, Rex doesn't


come that far and make sure you are the closest one to the ladder. So your back to the ladder.


But make sure you have a mage!!!










Helm: Guthan's helm > Verac's helm > Torag's helm > Rune helm


Cape: Fire cape > Skill cape


Weapon: Rune c'bow / whip / godsword / ...


Torso: Guthan's chest > Verac's brassy > Torag's chest


Shield: Dragonfire shield > Obby shield > Rune defender > God book


Legs: Guthan's chainlegs > Verac's legs > Torag's legs > rune legs


Gloves: Barrow gloves > Rune/... > Black vambraces


Boots: Dragon boots > Bandos boots > Climbing boots


Ring: Ring of wealth/ Warrior ring > Archer ring > Berserker ring > ring of life




The procedure is not difficult to understand, I'll explain it now:


Pot up and keep your specials ready, go in with mage pray AND piety on!


Kill Supreme as fast as you can because you are being hit by Prime and Supreme normally.


If you're getting attacked by Rex also, get out and hop.




Something like this when you are solo killing supreme (this is not a solo picture):








When you killed Supreme with STILL your mage pray on run to the range spot and put on your


range gear (rune c'bow, karil's top, ...).


Attack Prime and stand in front of him, make sure Supreme can't attack/see you when he spawns or it


might be deathly. Stand like this and around this place, you can sort out yourself where you


are going to stand, but I mostly stand here. You can see some more information about this at 'duo hybrid'.




Note: If you want to heal on Supreme I suggest you use Piety as Guthan spear hits very slow.








So, keep the procedure in mind:


Pot up and keep your specials ready.


Get in with mage pray & piety on.


Kill Supreme as fast as you can.


Run to range spot and attack Prime.


Kill Prime and repeat!




|13.0\\:Duo hybrid://|




My favorite after solo hybrid, good profit and very enjoyable.


And you also don't get bored because you are with 2 or more people, so you can talk to eachother.


After you did this once you'll understand it for the following trip, trust me.


This doesn't mean that you are immortal or something, because one bad mistake or a mistake of someone


else can bring you to death of course.






Video I made for showing you how to hybrid (note this is duo hybrid):












Helm: Guthan's helm > Verac's helm > Torag's helm > Rune helm


Cape: Fire cape > Skill cape


Weapon: Rune c'bow / whip / godsword / ...


Torso: Guthan's chest > Verac's brassy > Torag's chest


Shield: Dragonfire shield > Obby shield > Rune defender > God book


Legs: Guthan's chainlegs > Verac's legs > Torag's legs > rune legs


Gloves: Barrow gloves > Rune/... > Black vambraces


Boots: Dragon boots > Bandos boots > Climbing boots


Ring: Ring of wealth/ Warrior ring > Archer ring > Berserker ring > ring of life




Let's explain the procedure:


Pot up both and get your specials ready, get in with mage pray AND piety ON!


If you are duo (so 2 people) stand at the opposite of eachother! This is important for the first time, the income.


This will deal the damage by two as he needs to turn to hit. Finish him off as fast as you can!


Note: This is only for the income, so the first time you're killing Supreme! For the rest of the trip


you can choose where you stand, doesn't matter because you need range pray on (when Prime's dead).












Now head to the range spot and wear your range gear and attack Prime.


Stand next to eachother with a difference of 2 spaces! This is very important if you don't want to waste prayer!


Who attacks the Prime first will most likely also tank him. He will need mage pray the whole fight.


The other players need to stand around him with a difference, I say it again, 2 spaces! Then you can turn


your mage pray to OFF! So no need for wasting your prayer! I don't recommend this when your 50- hp,


then you should play on safe. If you don't want to take risks and want to waste prayer then you can turn it on.




I have some pictures describing where you can stand, etc. And it's explained in the pictures:




















So, keep the procedure in mind:


Pot up and keep your specials ready.


Go in with mage pray & piety on.


Stand at the opposite of eachother and finish off Supreme.


Wear your ranger gear and kill Prime.


Don't forget to stand next to eachother (2 spaces).


Repeat the same thing except you don't have to stand at the opposite of eachother anymore.




|14.0\\:Solo trybrid://|




The most difficult style to go to Dagannoth Kings. Although, it's a lot of fun, it makes some money but it's


not the best source to get money. The best one is still solo hybrid.


But what's the meaning of 'trybrid'? 'try' is three and it contains that you do all the three styles. So not only mage,


but maging, ranging and meleeing the three kings.




Video of me trybridding:












Helm: Verac's helm > Guthan's helm > Torag's helm > Rune helm


Cape: Fire cape > Skill cape > avvaculator


Weapon: Rune c'bow / whip / godsword / ...


Torso: Armadyl top > Karil's top > Guthan's top > Black d'hide body


Shield: Dragonfire shield > Obby shield > Rune defender > God book


Legs: Guthan's chainlegs > Verac's legs > Torag's legs > rune legs


Gloves: Barrow gloves > Rune/... > Black vambraces


Boots: Dragon boots > Bandos boots > Climbing boots


Ring: Ring of wealth/ Warrior ring > Archer ring > Berserker ring > ring of life




It's better to use brews for solo trybrid dk as you do not really have the time to heal.


It's very intensive and you have to be very concentrated, if you die you lose your stuff because you have no one to bless your grave.






This is how you do it:


Pot up and get your specials ready before you go in.


Go in with mage pray and piety on and Kill Supreme as fast as you can because you are being hit by all three kings and they hit a lot.


After Supreme is killed run to the safe spot where you normally kill Rex.


Lure rex till you're safe (how to do this look to the mage section) with still your prayer turned to magic protect.


Finish Rex off and then run to the spot where you normally kill Prime. It's important that Supreme can't see you when he spawns.


More information about this I refer you to the hybrid section.


Now kill Supreme, but Rex is already spawned so you have to be careful! Make sure you're out of range of Rex!


What you do is run to the ladder and wait till Supreme comes as close to you and kill him, just feel if he's good and finish it off.




OR For maybe a more effective that isn't explained in the video:


Do the same as above until your first Supreme is killed and now comes the change:


Instead of killing Rex you have to kill Prime. When Supreme is killed run to the spot


where you normally kill Prime and do the same. Rex will get off you when you are standing there.


Attack Prime but DON'T and I say DON'T kill him, leave him on a few hp so he's still alive.


Now run with still mage pray on to the spot where you normally kill Rex. And now lure Rex and KILL him


and now as fast as you can kill Prime so they both die at the same time. And now you have all the time


to kill Supreme. Even with guthan's if you would like to heal.




So, it's up to you with method you choose.


If I would go right now I would choose the second method because it spares me a lot of food, so I can get more kills and drops.




|15.0\\:Duo trybrid://|




A fun style to go to Dk, I like doing this.


You should try it to after you got some experience hybridding/maging.


The advantages of this that you get a lot more kills, it's more fun and of course more drops.


The only disadvantage is that you have to share the drops.










Helm: Guthan's helm > Verac's helm > Torag's helm > Rune helm


Cape: Fire cape > Skill cape > avacullator


Weapon: Rune c'bow / whip / godsword / ...


Torso: Guthan's chest > Verac's brassy > Torag's chest


Shield: Dragonfire shield > Obby shield > Rune defender > God book


Legs: Guthan's chainlegs > Verac's legs > Torag's legs > rune legs


Gloves: Barrow gloves > Rune/... > Black vambraces


Boots: Dragon boots > Bandos boots > Climbing boots


Ring: Ring of wealth/ Warrior ring > Archer ring > Berserker ring > ring of life




It's almost the same routine as solo trybridding:


Pot up and both of you keep your specials ready.


Go in with mage pray and piety on, kill Supreme as fast as you can.


Now run to the mage safe spot and lure Rex. Kill him with mage pray on cause Prime is attacking you.


Finish Rex and then both run to the range safe spot where you kill Prime. Finish him off


and then kill Supreme and repeat.




I'll describe it a bit with pics here:


When you come in with mage pray on you have to be sure you are on the opposite side of eachother.


You can read more information in the picture, you'll notice we're doing it wrong in the pic.






For the mage job it's just like always, lure him and stand together and the safe spot like solo/duo mage.






And for killing Prime it's not so difficult. It's the same as duo hybrid/3 man trybrid.


Someone attacks/tanks Prime with mage pray on and the other guy stands 2 spaces next off him.


Warning: The one who is tanking Prime, don't move to your friend or he might get ko'ed.






So, keep this in mind:


Pot up and keep specials ready.


Get in with piety & mage pray on and kill Supreme.


Run to mage safe spot and lure rex and kill him.


Run to range spot and kill prime and repeat.




|16.0\\:3 man trybrid://|




This is almost the same way as duo trybrid only less share of drops, but faster kills.


It's also a fun way to go to dk and also a good way to learn to solo trybrid.










Helm: Guthan's helm > Verac's helm > Torag's helm > Rune helm


Cape: Fire cape > Skill cape > avacullator


Weapon: Rune c'bow / whip / godsword / ...


Torso: Guthan's chest > Verac's brassy > Torag's chest


Shield: Dragonfire shield > Obby shield > Rune defender > God book


Legs: Guthan's chainlegs > Verac's legs > Torag's legs > rune legs


Gloves: Barrow gloves > Rune/... > Black vambraces


Boots: Dragon boots > Bandos boots > Climbing boots


Ring: Ring of wealth/ Warrior ring > Archer ring > Berserker ring > ring of life




You see it's exactly the same inventory as duo trybrid, so there don't have to be many changes.


You could swap 1 super restore instead of a sara brew though and you can wear more expensive stuff because


the chance of dying is lower cause you're with 3 instead of 2.




The procedure is a little different than duo trybrid.




Pot up, specs ready and everthing and the mage enters and the hybrids wait.


After roughly 10 seconds the hybrids can enter and they kill supreme with piety on.


The mager kills the rex. Note that this isn't 2 hybrids & 1 mage. Someone (decide before you go in of course)


is maging rex the first time just to fit yourself.


After they are both dead you can all run to the range spot where you kill Prime.


And then kill Supreme with three, then rex with three, Prime with tree and repeat this.


This is the best way to do it.




So, keep this in mind:




    [*:rjt4uuxq]The mage enters and lures rex to safe spot.
    [*:rjt4uuxq]The 2 hybrids enter roughly 10 seconds after the mage and kill Supreme.
    [*:rjt4uuxq]After they are both dead run to the range spot and kill Prime.
    [*:rjt4uuxq]After Prime is dead kill the three kings with all three of you in correct order.

|17.0\\:Cannon trip://|




A cannon dk trip can be very enjoyable but it's quite expensive to and you're probably not making a lot of profit if you're in


a big team. Cannon teams are most likely with 5 to 10 people. This is just done for fun or for clan events though.


If you want to make profit go as hybrid or as a mage. It's not only cannons that you use, but also bring all kind of styles (mage, range & melee).


Note that you will lose a lot of cannonballs, because they hit on all the spinolyps in it's range and you know that there are a lot of spinolyps.


You can compare the loss of cannonballs to cannoning level 90 dagannoths in the lighttower.










Helm: Guthan's helm > Verac's helm > Torag's helm > Rune helm


Cape: Fire cape > Skill cape


Weapon: Slayer staff/void mace/whip/any gs/rune c'bow/...


Torso: Guthan's chest > Verac's brassy > Torag's chest > Rune plate


Shield: Dragonfire shield > Obby shield > Rune defender > God book


Legs: Guthan's chainlegs > Verac's legs > Torag's legs > Rune legs


Gloves: Barrow gloves > Rune/... > Black vambraces


Boots: Dragon boots > Bandos boots > Climbing boots


Ring: Ring of wealth/Ring of life/Seers ring, You choose.














    [*:rjt4uuxq]Go in with mage pray on.
    [*:rjt4uuxq]Kill supreme as fast as you can.
    [*:rjt4uuxq]Set up your cannon in the middle approx.
    [*:rjt4uuxq]Run to safe spot with mage pray on and finish Rex.
    [*:rjt4uuxq]Range Prime.
    [*:rjt4uuxq]Continue doing the same.


There's not really need for going to safe spot if you're with 6+ people. You'll ko them fast enough.


I'll say it once again, don't do this if you want to make profit. This is just a clan event or if you're bored.


And don't do this solo.








Since there's the helpful Summoning skill you can summon familiars that help you killing them or


that heal you. If it's usefull? Yes, it is. I'm 76 summoning and I like to use Bunyip that heals


me 2 hp every 15 seconds. It helps a lot. But if you get higher summoning levels you can get better familiars.




Note: You don't have to bring summoning potions as Restore potions restores your summon points to.




So, you have two kind of familiars that you can bring:


Familiars that don't carry anything and that are just here to heal you.


And there are familiars that carry supplies for you.


I prefer like to use the healing ones.




I will list some of the first kind, these familiars are called 'Beasts of Burden':


I shall list them on Summoning level needed and then give some information from low to high summon lvl.




Level 25 - Spirit kalphite lives for 22 minutes, he can carry 6 items, his combat level is 39 and his max hit is 5. Sandstorm: Special move.


Level 40 - Bull ant lives for 30 minutes, he can carry 9 items, his combat level is 58 and his max hit is 7. Unburden scrolls adds the half of your agility level after using a scroll.


Level 52 - Spirit Terrorbird (recommended) lives for 36 minutes, he can carry 12 items, his combat level is 62 and his max hit is 7. Tireless run: His special addition with scrolls is that you can use them for 40% of your agility level.


Level 67 - War Tortoise (recommended) lives for 43 minutes, he can carry 18 items, his combat level is 86 and his max hit is 10. Testudo scroll: Special move.


Level 96 - Pack Yak (recommended if you have the level), he can carry 30 items, his combat level is 175 and his max hit is 18. Winter storage: The scroll is used for banking certain items.




Now a list of healing familiars, I prefer like to use them but beasts of burden are more useful as you will last longer:




Level 34 - Void spinner lives for 27 minutes, he heals 1 hitpoint every 15 seconds. The scrolls teleport you to pest control, so not usefull


Level 68 - Bunyip (recommended) lives for 44 minutes, he heals 2 hitpoints every 15 seconds (double off Void spinner). The scroll cooks uncooked fish and the kings only drop cooked fish.


Level 88 - Unicorn (recommended) lives for 54 minutes, you need to take scrolls as they heal up to 15% of your hitpoints, right click on the unicorn to cure yourself from poison (you get poisoned, so you don't have to take anti potions).




There are also familiars that fight but I really don't recommended to use them, it's a lot better to use unicorn for example.




Inventory of a familiar (beast of burden):




Bull ant:






Spirit Terrorbird:






War Tortoise:






You can work their inventory's out as you want yourself, but it should look like this.


The Bunyip pouch is used for when your familiar dies you can use that as a healing familiar.



|19.0\\:Frequently Asked Questions/F.A.Q.://|



What's the best style to get money again?


Solo hybrid is still the most fast way to get the most cash.




I got attacked by prime when I tried to lure Rex, what can I do?


Put on mage protect ASAP and then try to x-log as I explained in the guide.




How much cash can I make per hour?


That depends and it's all about luck, you could get 2 dragon axes in one hour or you could get totally nothing.


So that's all about luck.




What are the kill rates?


They are quite random, but normally it is around 75 kills that you get a good item.




Is this better money than God Wars?


In my opinion it is because I'm not really lucky in God Wars and the prices aren't that big anymore in God Wars.


So, it depends, you get moer drops at Dk than at god wars. So yes, it's better.




Does using summoning really help?


Yes, it really does. I really recommended to train/use summoning as you will last much longer.




What's the most fun style to go?


In my opinion it's 3 man trybrid, but that depends on the person of course.




How long does it take to get from Seers village to Dk lair?


If you're using a terrorbird, so you can run all the time it's a big five minutes.




What are the hybrids supposed to do again when they get attack by Rex while they are killing Supreme?


There are a few solutions that you can do:


The mage can equip Full Guthan's and help the melee'ers finishing Supreme.


The hybrids can go up the ladder and return after a small 10 seconds while the mage has to lure the rex without being attack by Supreme.


The hybrids can finish Supreme (what I do) with eventually piety & special attacks on while the mage attacks Rex. After Supreme died they run to the Mage safe spot.


Make sure to keep an eye on the Prime spawn, when he spawns put on Mage protect ASAP.




What do I have to do when another team enters the lair?


Mostly they leave, but if it's a big team that's a bit desperate and 'steals' your world run up with your team and hop to another world.




What should I use, antipoison +/+ or super anti?


Well, that's your choice. I use antipoison ++, but they are also a lot more expensive than the regular super antipoison.


The antipoison++ keeps you immune for poison for 12 minutes.


The antipoison+ 10 minutes.


And the super antipoison 6 minutes.




|20.0\\:Afterword & credits://|





First of all, thanks for reading my guide.




If you have any questions about this guide or just in general about Dking feel free to join


my Irc channel #rubqui and we are free to help you. Please do not copy this guide to other forums


without my permission. I wish you the best of luck making some cash and fun at Dagannoth Kings.




I did almost everything by myself so I don't have to thank a lot of people. :lol:


But thanks Zybez for giving me some more information about the drops, of course I didn't know this all by myself.


Thanks for the people that went to dk with me to keep me some company. *Speltincx j*


And of course RuneScape, the game where it's all about.


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Wow you certainly are very experienced at dks and that guide must of taken a very long time.




But there are a few problems:




1. I understand English isn't your native language, but there are a few spelling errors and grammar errors that if fixed up will make the guide look good aesthetically. Maybe you could run this through microsoft word which should fix up the spelling errors.




2. Some of the pictures have red text on them. Most of the time this isn't a problem but on some of the pictures you can't see what you have written because the red doesnt stand out well. maybe write the text in those pictures underneath or change the colout of the text.




Other than that well done on a good guide.

360 GT: hotdogstandyeah

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Yes, English isn't my mother language and I also made the biggest part of this guide like a year ago and in that time my English improved a lot of course but I will do what you said and I shall correct the mistakes. ::'




But is it going to be moved to "Archive of Wisdom" or how does this work? Didn't see anything of this in the rules, so yes.


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Yes, English isn't my mother language and I also made the biggest part of this guide like a year ago and in that time my English improved a lot of course but I will do what you said and I shall correct the mistakes. ::'




But is it going to be moved to "Archive of Wisdom" or how does this work? Didn't see anything of this in the rules, so yes.


He is a dutch noob >:),




Epic guide Rubqui





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Wow you certainly are very experienced at dks and that guide must of taken a very long time.




But there are a few problems:




1. I understand English isn't your native language, but there are a few spelling errors and grammar errors that if fixed up will make the guide look good aesthetically. Maybe you could run this through microsoft word which should fix up the spelling errors.




2. Some of the pictures have red text on them. Most of the time this isn't a problem but on some of the pictures you can't see what you have written because the red doesnt stand out well. maybe write the text in those pictures underneath or change the colout of the text.




Other than that well done on a good guide.


This is what I did, the pictures where you couldn't read the red text properly, I edited them and blurred the bad text and then typed it over properly. ::'


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Very nice and detailed guide, try to shorten it in or people will hestitate before they are going to read it all. There's already some splendid DK guides in the Archive of Wisdom section, so maybe you can have a look at those to see how they their creators managed to put incredibly much information in a relatively short guide compared to yours ;)



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Just a small addition to the guide is slayering.


You probably ever had the task for killing Dagannoths.. Well, the Dagannoth kings are included for xp.


They give good xp if you kill them, but for better xp I suggest you go kill the lower levels in the lighthouse.


If you kill them alone they give you the full xp of course.




Experience gotten by killing them solo:


Rex: 332


Prime: 255


Supreme: 255




You can check this yourself because the Hp of the creature is the same as the slayer Xp that you will get.



No. Fail. Not true. Period.



Felix, je moeder.

Je moeder felix

Je vader, felix.

Felix, je oma.

Felix, je ongelofelijk gave pwnaze avatar B)

Felix, je moeder.


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Just a small addition to the guide is slayering.


You probably ever had the task for killing Dagannoths.. Well, the Dagannoth kings are included for xp.


They give good xp if you kill them, but for better xp I suggest you go kill the lower levels in the lighthouse.


If you kill them alone they give you the full xp of course.




Experience gotten by killing them solo:


Rex: 332


Prime: 255


Supreme: 255




You can check this yourself because the Hp of the creature is the same as the slayer Xp that you will get.



No. Fail. Not true. Period.


Felix, The proof that not every 14 year old is immature




Please correct that, nice constructive post. It's true you know. ::'


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Just a small addition to the guide is slayering.


You probably ever had the task for killing Dagannoths.. Well, the Dagannoth kings are included for xp.


They give good xp if you kill them, but for better xp I suggest you go kill the lower levels in the lighthouse.


If you kill them alone they give you the full xp of course.




Experience gotten by killing them solo:


Rex: 332


Prime: 255


Supreme: 255




You can check this yourself because the Hp of the creature is the same as the slayer Xp that you will get.



No. Fail. Not true. Period.


Felix, The proof that not every 14 year old is immature




Please correct that, nice constructive post. It's true you know. ::'


oh well here you go


The information you are giving is incorrect, I underlined the sentence in which you say that the monster's hp equals the slayer experience you get for slaying them. This is not true, take the dark beast for an example.



Felix, je moeder.

Je moeder felix

Je vader, felix.

Felix, je oma.

Felix, je ongelofelijk gave pwnaze avatar B)

Felix, je moeder.


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[19] Is the hp total of a beast equal to the slayer xp ?


[19] Yes rubqui


[19] with all the races Theplank ?


[19] Yes




Well, it could be a difference within a few xp, but does that matter? Hmm, don't think so. ;)




And this is the second time I ask this, so not really a random person that says "yes".


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[19] Is the hp total of a beast equal to the slayer xp ?


[19] Yes rubqui


[19] with all the races Theplank ?


[19] Yes




Well, it could be a difference within a few xp, but does that matter? Hmm, don't think so. ;)




And this is the second time I ask this, so not really a random person that says "yes".


Lol, persons saying it doesnt mean it's true, many persons said there was a sailing skill coming in january >.>



Felix, je moeder.

Je moeder felix

Je vader, felix.

Felix, je oma.

Felix, je ongelofelijk gave pwnaze avatar B)

Felix, je moeder.


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Very nice guide actually.




2 things.


Firstly, you still need antipoisons with a unicorn; it's cure ability gives 0 protection.




Also, I have a video of myself solo tribriding using the second method (killing prime and rex at the same time) if you want to use it.

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[19] Is the hp total of a beast equal to the slayer xp ?


[19] Yes rubqui


[19] with all the races Theplank ?


[19] Yes




Well, it could be a difference within a few xp, but does that matter? Hmm, don't think so. ;)




And this is the second time I ask this, so not really a random person that says "yes".


Lol, persons saying it doesnt mean it's true, many persons said there was a sailing skill coming in january >.>


Actually you're the first person who says no. ;)




And yes, you still need antipoisons. I'll edit it to the guide, thanks. :thumbsup:


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[19] Is the hp total of a beast equal to the slayer xp ?


[19] Yes rubqui


[19] with all the races Theplank ?


[19] Yes




Well, it could be a difference within a few xp, but does that matter? Hmm, don't think so. ;)




And this is the second time I ask this, so not really a random person that says "yes".


Lol, persons saying it doesnt mean it's true, many persons said there was a sailing skill coming in january >.>


Actually you're the first person who says no. ;)




And yes, you still need antipoisons. I'll edit it to the guide, thanks. :thumbsup:


Monster #690: Dark Beast


Race/Type: Animal


Combat Level: 182


Number of Hitpoints: 220


Retreats: No


Members Only: Yes


Slayer XP: 225





Felix, je moeder.

Je moeder felix

Je vader, felix.

Felix, je oma.

Felix, je ongelofelijk gave pwnaze avatar B)

Felix, je moeder.


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Wel, is this guide about Dark beasts? -.-




If the hp is different from the slay xp then please tell me.


Still, your theory is wrong.


Here's a theory: A monster can heal so the hp goes up but the slayer xp is based on the original xp. Monsters heal if they have more hp because it takes longer to kill them. Dks are an example.


You can use monster examine to accurately see the monster's HP.



Felix, je moeder.

Je moeder felix

Je vader, felix.

Felix, je oma.

Felix, je ongelofelijk gave pwnaze avatar B)

Felix, je moeder.


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Wel, is this guide about Dark beasts? -.-




If the hp is different from the slay xp then please tell me.


Still, your theory is wrong.


Here's a theory: A monster can heal so the hp goes up but the slayer xp is based on the original xp. Monsters heal if they have more hp because it takes longer to kill them. Dks are an example.


You can use monster examine to accurately see the monster's HP.


Then tell me what's the correct theory. ;)


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I dont think he knows a correct one but runehq is wrong a lot of times as many things are not updated. I remember i looked at monkey guard's hp and it said it was 135 when it was supposed to be 130. I know this because i 2 hit the monkey guard with dh.



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