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The SoulStones' War


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I'm probably never going to finish this anyways but what the heck.










Age: 32


Gender: male


Combat: Learned in every art, he is hard to take down because because of the wide range of styles he uses, although somewhat attached to his dagger.


Biography: Famed mercenary. Usually works for Asgarnia and is hated by Mithalin because of an attempt to murder the duke of Lumbridge.








Chapter 1: The First Stone




A man silently glides through the marshes and thickets of Lumbridge swamp. A goblin hides in the marshes for prey. The goblin leaps and rams the man with his spear, only to find the handle servered and a bloodred dagger puncturing his scales and mail. From the moment, every creature only hides and observs the man. He pays no attention to them.




Through what seems to be the thickest undergrowth, he broke into a clearing, frightening away the giant rats who dwells there. In the center stands a hut. The man seems to pause at the door, before firing a great burst of fire, consuming half the hut in flames. The magical flames died away a moment later.




Inside, he throws a powerful kick at a large barrel, and out burst a river of wine, but more importantly, a clear blue stone with the symbol of the air rune engraved upon it. Liquid dripped from the stone as it was carried into the swamp once again.




After several minutes, in the entrance of the Lumbridge swamps the man reappeared into a guard which he managed to avoid on the way in.




"Halt!" commanded the guard. "The mercenary Vornac? You dare show your face here? Prepare to be arrested!" The guardblast a large horn into the silent night air. All over town, the reserve guards and draynor militia gathered near the gates. Vornac whipped out his dagger as the guards lept at him. With one quick stroke, the spearhead of several lancers splintered. He twirled a stunned guard around and use him as a meat shield to stop the next barrage of spears.




Vornac muttered a sound and hurled the bloody body into the pack of men with superhuman strength. As the squad is still in confusion, three quick punctures marked the end for three guards.




More men gathered and formed a wall to block Vornac, spears out. From out in his coat, he pulled a powerful yew bow. He tilted it into a horizontal angle, hooked three arrows with a shining greyish arrowheads and let loose. The arrows whistled barely a microsecond before striking a trio of defenders in the middle of the forehead.




Not risking more lives, the proud captain, Kecletian ordered the squad to charge at Vornac. With the sound of steel ringing in the air, Vornac was brought down and stripped of all weaponry.




Depair was the death of many brave warriors, but it is also the source of the SoulStones' power, and Vornac was struck with despair.






What, you really think I'm done? Just out of time that's all. This is about half of chapter one. Nice cliffhanger, wouldn't you think. By the way, the main character hasn't been revealed yet, this is to set the setting of the story, and Vornac is a bad guy :P

My first story on Tip.It :D

The SoulStones' War

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Soul stones, what!? World of Warcraft fan perhaps o.O lol. It was pretty good but seemed a little bit rushed.




(In case you didn't know in World of Warcraft warlocks use soulstones to kill people and summon things... etc..)

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