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The Mystery of BloodFire - Book 1 | Chapter 4 Released!!


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Welcome to the Mystery of BloodFire




This will be my first series, I hope everyone likes it, I will try to post a new chapter every week (although I may end up post two to five each week). Please don't criticize or post any negative comments, however, corrections are most appreciated. Enjoy the read!








Thanks to Wherzwaldo, my friend, for checking the chapters for spelling and grammar problems before their release (and thanks to the other's who have pointed out some mistakes that I didn't get checked).








Series News




1.20.07 BloodFire introduction released




1.21.07 Chapter 1 Released




1.22.07 Chapter 2 Released




1.26.07 Chapter 3 Released








Author News




1.20.07 Well, I posted the introduction today, I'm hoping to get the first chapter posted later tonight, too. Hope everyone likes it :pray:




1.20.07 Looks like I couldn't get the first chapter posted tonight after all. Sorry everyone.




1.21.07 I released the first chapter, it's a little short, but I hope you like it.




1.22.07 Yup, I've released chapter two. It's still short, but we begin to get closer to the real action with these small chapters. Hope you like it!




1.26.07 The third chapter has been released, be sure not to miss this one. This is a very important chapter, so pay attention to the details, because, just as the title says, this is where it begins!
















The drink sat on the table, the bitter red liquid resting in the glass. Aaron came here every Friday night, hanging out with his friends and drinking countless Dragon Bitters. Tonight, was not one of those nights. None of his friends showed up, as if they were scared to leave their houses. There seemed to be a sense of danger in the air, as if something terrible was about to happen.








Aaron seemed to be in his own little world, ignoring everything around him. He finally got up, leaving the full glass sit on the table.








"Aaron, what are you doing? You haven't even finished your ale." asked the bartender.








Aaron continued walking towards the door, feeling a bit dizzy. He didn't feel quite himself tonight. He pushed open the door and stepped out into the chilling night air. He was at the Dragon Inn, his house was just a short walk up the street.








Directly ahead was the house portal, but Aaron payed no attention to that. In the far distance, there was a huge fire, but what was unusual about it was its green color, unlike the normal red flames.








I know the gnomes have colored firelighters, but there is no possible way they could create a fire this huge he thought, running to the portal now.








Once inside his house, he ran to the portal room, tripping over several things in the darkness. He rushed over to the scrying glass and dialed in the location of the fire.








His vision flickered, from white to black, then to the scene.








Through his mind he saw the Ardougne Market place, with the stalls locked up, and no guards on night duty. There was no sign that there had been a massive fire here at all. No ashes, no damage, just, silence. He shoved the images out of his head, and dialed the location of where he saw the fire again. The same image flickered into his head. Confused, Aaron headed to bed and went to sleep.








* * *








"Phase one of the plan has been completed, your highness." said an evil voice, far away in an underground hideout in Canfis.








The white helm tilted down to look his apprentice, reaching out to knock her down.








"I don't get it, your highness, I did everything according to plan!" screeched the voice, now terrified.








"Yes, phase one was completed, but you made a terrible error. Right when you finished, someone tried to scry the location. I told you to keep it hidden, during the late hours of the night. We might have been discovered." said the deep voice, filled with anger.








"Well, what do we do now, your highness?" asked the voice.








"The scry seemed to be from someone who isn't a threat to us. No matter. We we still continue the plan. However, you have another task."








"Yes, your highness?"








"Find the boy," the grim voice said, "and kill him."








Chapter 1: The Beginning




Sunlight shined through the window, a sign of a new day.








Aaron was sitting in his dining room, eating (if you could call it that) breakfast. He had decided to forget about last night, it could have been a dream for all he knew. Aaron often spent his days in his study, experimenting with herblore until late in the evening. This morning, he had gotten a letter in the mail.








Dear Aaron,








We have noticed you have taken a great interest in herblore, and you have even created some of your own potions. We would like to invite you to continue your research in a shop we will provide you. The shop is located in the Eastern Ardougne Marketplace. If you would like to accept this offer, please pack up all of your equipment and research and come over to the shop by noon.








Most of your expenses will be payed. We hope you can find this a great opportunity to enhance your research and share your new potions with the public. All we request is we take 10% of the profit.












~Ardougne Marketplace








He already had everything packed up and was rushing through his breakfast.








Once he had finished breakfast, he grabbed his things and stepped through the Ardougne portal. Once there, he headed to the building where his shop was. The interior of the shop was beautiful, complete with shop shelves and expensive research equipment.








"Ah yes, Aaron, is this shop to your liking?" said the previous shop owner in the back corner.








A wide smile formed across Aaron's face, he was stunned by the generosity of the Ardougne Marketplace staff. He finally said, "Wow."








* * *








"It has been confirmed that we are ready for Phase 2, my master. We are now steps away from our goal..." said the apprentice, bowing down to her master.








"Excellent." said the master. The grin forming under his white helm could only be described as pure evil.








Chapter 2: The Shadow Spawning




The next day, Aaron rushed to his shop as soon as he woke up. He began unloading all of his stuff on the shop shelves and in the workshop area. Once everything was finished, he sat down at the counter and smiled at the shop. It was amazing and, more importantly, his!








He spent the day carefully organizing his shelves and display tables. Each product was sorted neatly by use. He hadn't gotten any customers. Once it got dark, he smiled and softly hummed as he locked the shop up. Aaron happily walked back home.








Back at his shop, a mysterious shadow slid across the floor. The faint candle in the corner of the room seemed to extinguish itself, making the room entirely dark. After a few seconds, the shadow disappeared just as fast as it had appeared.








During the few seconds this had happened, Aaron began to get dizzy, but recovered quickly. He shrugged and continued on home.








* * *








The man in the white helm relaxed in his chair, smiling to himself. The mistakes made in the past would soon mean nothing. He would soon rule the power of BloodFire, and control everything...








* * *








Aaron yawned as he got out of his bed. He had slept great and was ready to go to his shop right after breakfast.








After his usual morning routine, he reopened his shop. Shortly after he sat down at his desk, he got his first customer.








Calm yourself Aaron, don't "attack" him, let him explore the shop peacefully he thought to himself, excited.








The warrior wandered around the shop, looking especially at the combat-related potions.








"Hello, may I purchase these potions?" the warrior said, placing some attack potions on the counter.








"Sure!" replied Aaron, exchanging the potions for the cash. The warrior left the shop, probably headed back to the wilderness.








Aaron stared at the money in his hands. Wow. My first customer... he thought, smiling.








* * *








The man in the white helm stood up as his apprentice entered the hideout.








"It's ready master, it's ready. Tonight, we'll gather the last ingredient, and tomorrow night, we shall begin." she said, eyes full of excitement.








Chapter 3: The BloodFire Beginning




The clock rang midnight. At Aaron's shop, the mysterious shadow reappeared. It slithered past the desk and into the workshop area, where it began absorbing one of the potions on the shelf, one not quite safe for the public yet. Once it was done, it quickly disappeared.








* * *








Aaron hummed as he unlocked the door to his shop. He sat at the counter and waited for his customers, not noticing the empty vial where one of his most prized potions was before.








* * *








The man in the white helm was sitting in his chair, preparing for tonight. Last night, he had stolen the last ingredient from a herblore shop in Ardougne. Tonight, they would put their plan into action.








* * *








The day quickly passed. Aaron was busy at his shop, helping his customers. The man in the white helm and his apprentice were busy with final preparations for their plan. Then, the clock struck 11 P.M.








* * *








"Wow, eleven...the day sure went fast" Aaron said as he began locking up his shop.








Instead of going home, Aaron planned on doing some quick sight-seeing before the weekend. He checked out the zoo, the castle, and a few other areas. Once it was almost midnight, he headed back to the marketplace to head home.








He froze. A man wearing a white helm, and a smaller elven shaped figure were crouched down in the center of the marketplace, looking very suspicious. Terrified, he backed up and hid behind a bush to observe what they were doing.








He could make out that the man in the white helm was very strong, and was holding some sort of a toolbox. His apprentice was an elf, female, also holding some sort of a toolbox.








The man in the white helm pulled out a small vial, with a neon green liquid splashing around inside it.








Frustration rushed through Aaron's head. That's the potion I created a few days ago! That guy stole it from me! he shouted in his head.








The man opened the lid on the vial, and poured some of the liquid onto the asphalt. He pulled a small onyx gem out of his toolbox, and placed it into the puddle of liquid.








At first, there was a hissing sound, then a small green fire ignited where the onyx had been placed. When the fire started, Aaron began to feel dizzy again.








The elf pulled out a small vial of an unknown chemical and poured it on the fire, enlarging it. The larger the fire got, the more nauseous Aaron felt.








Once the fire was about the size of one of the stalls, the man in the white helm sprinkled a blue powder into the fire. Slowly, the flames changed to blue.








Aaron was leaning on the bush now, the world spinning. What is wrong with me... he thought.








Finally, the man in the white helm threw a small golden vial into the fire, and ran, followed by his apprentice.








The flames flickered wildly, and then, the mixture exploded. Once the smoke had subsided, the elf ran to the middle of the marketplace and picked up the onyx gem, which was now glowing faintly blood-red. Then, they both left, leaving no sign they had been there.








Aaron suddenly passed out, covered by the bushes, and the darkness of night. His body lay there, unconscious, unable to do anything until he woke up.








The clock finally rang midnight, the twelve bangs from the clock tower began echoing through the city.








Aaron's life would never be the same now. There was no turning back, no hiding it. He was a part of it, and he knew somehow these people where up to know good, and somehow, for some reason, he had to stop them.








Chapter 4: Welcome to the Private Headquarters




The next morning, after Aaron had woke and walked home, he began packing his things. He had already closed up his shop until further notice, and packed up the majority of what he was bringing. He had only packed a few vials of water, food potions, and a couple other various chemicals. He also took a large book, containing maps, guides, and other important information, and lastly, a decent amount of money.








Before he left, he grabbed his Amulet of Fury hanging by the door, and hung it around his neck. He went outside and exited his house, not to return for a long while.








He stood there, with no idea where to go. There was no hint, no clues on where to go. He stared into the sun, expecting some sort of clue.








He got one. His vision and hearing slowly faded to a world of nothing. He felt another presence in this state, but he couldn't make out who. After a few minutes, he regained his hearing and vision, but he was no longer in Yanille.








He had no idea where he was. He had been...teleported...to some sort of hallway somewhere. The walls were made of marble bricks. Confused, he began walking down the hallway. After a few minutes he came to a huge room, made completely of marble brick, too.








A hidden door shut behind him, enclosing the hallway behind him, trapping him in the huge room.








In the center of the room was a book, lying in the middle of the floor.








He picked it up, and began reading the first page.








The History of BloodFire




BloodFire has been the most powerful element since the beginning of life, yet known by few people. BloodFire is extremely dangerous, and should be controlled with extreme caution. There are three elements to B-








Aaron heard a strange noise and looked up from the book.








All of a sudden, the silence of the room was broken with the horrible sound of marble brick grinding against marble brick, as the floor began to descend, like a giant deadly elevator.








Aaron dropped the book and put his hands over his ears to block out the noise. The ceiling began to get smaller above, and the descending floor was picking up speed.








Before Aaron could notice, the book slide over to the edge of the floor, and when it made contact with the grinding wall and floor, it was instantly torn apart.








The floor was now falling at a dangerous rate. The floor was falling so fast now, that Aaron was sometimes unaffected by gravity and was lifted a few inches off the floor.
















The floor came to an instant stop, the impact nearly killing Aaron. There was now another hallway. After recovering from the blow, he went down the hallway.








Once he reached the end of the hallway, he came to yet another giant room, but this one wasn't empty.








The were about 60 tables spread across the floor, and there was a stack of papers on each one. Aaron walked over to a table, and picked up a piece of paper. Most of it he couldn't understand.








Test Results of Experiment URJ4968034
























MAP#: 545646546581315




ID#: 456465413874356








This might be useful later, he thought, stuffing the paper in his backpack.








Aaron took a few other random papers much like the other one, and headed down another hallway...
















I hope you've enjoyed the read! Have a nice day!

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Nice! I really liked it. There are a couple areas that may need imporvement, though:
















"The scry seemed to be from someone who isn't a threat to us. We will continue the plan, however, you have another task," replied the voice.








"Yes, your highness?"








"Find the boy."








"And kill him."











When it could've been:








"The scry seemed to be from someone who isn't a threat to us. No matter. We we still continue the plan. However, you have another task."








"Yes, your highness?"








"Find the boy," the grim voice said, "and kill him."








I bolded the parts from the old to the knew, so you would know what I changed.








Anyway, the Introduction was great, can't wait for upcoming chapters!

Hoping to get a new Signature (with matching avatar) soon. :D


In the meantime...Steam username: )I'll rewrite it later (add me if you want)

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Really enjoyed it! It was fun to read, not usually my kind of thing but the paragraphing and description seemed very good. Keep going with this.








The only one thing I'd suggest is use '..' for speech marks instead of "...".




" are actually quotation marks.

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That's good, well written, but I will always have a bias against any story relating to runescape. I just find it too corny, no matter how you word it. Sorry, thats just my opinion, keep it up though, don't let me stop you.








I knew there would be at least one person who disliked it since it was written about RS :P. I just thought it'd be a good thing to do to keep me entertained while skilling. No offense taken.

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Actually, (') was used in old time language as quote marks. But nowadays, you use ("), obviously. Although...This example sentence is when you use (') inside of (") sentences.








"Hey guys. Some chick walked up to me today, and she said 'Whassup?'"








But if you want to write "Old fashioned," Then go ahead.








Anyway, I want more of that story!!!

Hoping to get a new Signature (with matching avatar) soon. :D


In the meantime...Steam username: )I'll rewrite it later (add me if you want)

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agreed, I like it too, but thats "I'm talking about what he said namely 'I talk a lot.' Thats what he said." or am I mistaken? Or am I Thinking out of context?


I'll show you how terrifying a true Christian can be!

It's Xewleer: ZEW le ar, got it memorized?

Hermit of the Varrock Library and its proud guard.

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Keep em' coming...It was short, but the beginning's should be short, just so the reader can get a sense of what the character is into, and the author can develop the story from the plot to the resolution.








Series News




1.20.07 BloodFire introduction released




1.21.07 Chapter 1 Released








Author News




1.20.07 Well, I posted the introduction today, I'm hoping to get the first chapter posted later tonight, too. Hope everyone likes it




1.20.07 Looks like I couldn't get the first chapter posted tonight after all. Sorry everyone.




1.21.07 I released the first chapter, it's a little short, but I hope you like it.








Can I adopt the series news/Author news? That way, people know what's next on my story, or when they want to know when I sechedule the next chapter. Respond soon. Thanks!

Hoping to get a new Signature (with matching avatar) soon. :D


In the meantime...Steam username: )I'll rewrite it later (add me if you want)

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Keep em' coming...It was short, but the beginning's should be short, just so the reader can get a sense of what the character is into, and the author can develop the story from the plot to the resolution.








Series News




1.20.07 BloodFire introduction released




1.21.07 Chapter 1 Released








Author News




1.20.07 Well, I posted the introduction today, I'm hoping to get the first chapter posted later tonight, too. Hope everyone likes it




1.20.07 Looks like I couldn't get the first chapter posted tonight after all. Sorry everyone.




1.21.07 I released the first chapter, it's a little short, but I hope you like it.








Can I adopt the series news/Author news? That way, people know what's next on my story, or when they want to know when I sechedule the next chapter. Respond soon. Thanks!








That'd be great, feel free to.

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Thanks. Feel free to read any of my written works, or adopt any structure.








Can't wait for the next installment! \'

Hoping to get a new Signature (with matching avatar) soon. :D


In the meantime...Steam username: )I'll rewrite it later (add me if you want)

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OOOO... :anxious:








Mysterious...Can't...Wait...For...Next...Chapter...Must...Keep...Myself...Occupied...UGH! OW! OW! :wall:

Hoping to get a new Signature (with matching avatar) soon. :D


In the meantime...Steam username: )I'll rewrite it later (add me if you want)

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It's getting more creepy...I'm glad I'm reading this. Taking my mind off of a lot of stuff. Keep going.

Hoping to get a new Signature (with matching avatar) soon. :D


In the meantime...Steam username: )I'll rewrite it later (add me if you want)

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