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Bobbymorse's goals 84/85 Slayer

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[hide=Slayer Log to 85 slayer]








I'm not going to go and post everything...Just when I get good drops








Task 1: Gargoyles




Drops: 1 x Red Mystic Top








Task 2: Abberant Specters




Drops: 1 X Red Mystic Bottom, 2 X Lava Battlestaffs, 3 X Clues (Nothing good)








Task 3: Infernal Mages




Drops: Tons of Runes








Task 4: Gargoyles




Drops: 1 X Clue (Junk)








Task 5: Abberant Specters




Drops: 1 X Red Mystic Bottom








Task 6: Infernal Mages




Drops: 1 X Lava Battle








Task 7: Iron Dragons




Drops: 1 X Clue (Zammy Skirt)








Task 8: Nechryaels




Drops: 1 X Clue (Junk)








Task 9: Bloodvelds




Drops: Lotta Bloods and Fires








Task 10: Gargoyles




Drops: 1 X Clue (Rune Helm (t))








Task 11: Black Dragons




Drops: 1 X Clue (Rune Helm H5)








Task 12: Kalphite




Drops: None








Task 13: Iron Dragons




Drops: Nothing Good








Achieved 84 Slayer








Task 14: Fire Giants




Drops: Nothing Good








Achieved 94 Attack




Task 15: Jungle Horros




Drops: 2 X Clues (Addy H1 Helm...Put in my treasure chest in my house)








Task 16: Dagganoths




Drops: Tons of herb seeds








Task 17: Hellhounds




Drops:2 X Clues (Guthix Platebody and Magic Compound Bow)








Task 18: Kalphites




Drops: Nothing good








Task 19: Abberrent Specters




Drops: Tons of good herbs








Task 20: Steel Dragons




Drops: Half Key








Task 21: Bloodvelds




Drops: Nada








Achieved 94 hits












Task 22: Iron Dragons




Drops: Rune meds, misc. Rune items








Task 23: Fever Spiders




Drops: 6 Kwuarms








Task 24: Cave Horrors









"The greatest joy a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him. To ride their horses and take away their possessions. To see the faces of those who were dear to them bedewed with tears, and to clasp their wives and daughters in his arms."


-Genghis Khan

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The random quotes page! woot woot!









"The greatest joy a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him. To ride their horses and take away their possessions. To see the faces of those who were dear to them bedewed with tears, and to clasp their wives and daughters in his arms."


-Genghis Khan

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Just sold all my chaos runes for tokkul, bought an onyx, now I have a fury!












Woot Woot!
















second santa ftw!









"The greatest joy a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him. To ride their horses and take away their possessions. To see the faces of those who were dear to them bedewed with tears, and to clasp their wives and daughters in his arms."


-Genghis Khan

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WOOT!!!!!!!! I GOT IT, I GOT IT, I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!




























Here is the deal. Long time goal of mine has been to own the elusive red phat. This goal is to encourage me to continue, and just GET IT. I lost my easter egg staking last night. NEVER SHALL I STAKE AGAIN (Until I have my red, that is)








My current wealth: A yellow phat, and a santa hat. Just to be on the safer side, my rares are with a friend (My real life girlfriend). This is to be POSITIVE I don't stake them away.








Current stats:












[hide=Barrows Log]




Day One: April 03, 2007








I have decided to camp out at barrows. Here is a lil Barrow blog, starting from this chest on. I have had a lot of dry runs lately, so I'm kinda anxious for a drop. Gettin bored.








Chest 1: chaos, deaths, minds




Chest 2: chaos, bloods, deaths, cash




Chest 3: chaos, deaths, bloods




Chest 4: chaos, minds, bloods




Chest 5: bloods, bolts












Chest 7: chaos, deaths, cash




Chest 8: chaos, minds, deaths, cash




Chest 9: chaos, deaths, minds, bloods, bolts, cash




Chest 10: KARILS XBOW!








Chest 11: bolts, minds








Ending for the day!








Today's items:




Karils Xbow, Torags Helm, Veracs Flail








Gnight all








April 4, 2007








Still at barrows, although I will need to bank soon...Supplies running low.








Chest 12: chaos, minds, deaths, cash












Chest 14: deaths, bloods, minds, bolts




Banked, restocked




Chest 15: deaths, bloods, minds, bolts, cash




Chest 16: chaos, deaths, bloods, minds, bolts




Taking a break for class....College FTW




Back to barrows!




Chest 17: deaths, bloods, minds, cash




Chest 18: just minds :-k




Chest 19: AHRIMS TOP!








Chest 20: chaos, bloods, cash




Ending for the day








Today's items:




Ahrims top, Dharoks helm








April 5, 2007




'Fraid I wont play much today....I have a calculus test tomorrow, plus 3 upcoming 5 page papers, 2 presentations, and a partridge in a pear tree.
















Chest 21: chaos, minds, bloods, cash




Taking a break for class, be back in a jiffy




*One jiffy later*




Chest 22: chaos, deaths, minds, bolts, cash




Chest 23: chaos, bloods, bolts, cash




Chest 24: chaos, bloods, cash




Chest 25: chaos, deaths, minds, bloods, cash




*Banked, restocked. Went through all my ppots already. I am now down to 100 super restores. Currently have 100 noted sharks and 50 noted super restores. Lets see how long they will last, shall we?*




Chest 26: bloods, minds, bolts, cash




Chest 27: chaos, minds, deaths, cash




Chest 28: AHRIMS TOP X2








Chest 29: deaths, minds, cash












Chest 31: chaos, deaths, bloods




Chest 32: deaths, bloods, bolts, cash




Chest 33: chaos, bloods, minds, cash




Chest 34: chaos, bloods, minds, deaths




Chest 35: bloods, deaths, minds




Chest 36: chaos, bloods, cash




Chest 37: chaos, bloods, minds, cash




Done for the day.




Today's Items:




Ahrims top, Guthans skirt








April 06, 2007




Chest 38: chaos, minds, cash




Chest 39: just bloods =(




Chest 40: chaos, bloods, deaths




Chest 41: chaos, bloods, deaths, minds, cash




Chest 42: chaos, bloods, bolts, cash, half key




Chest 43: minds, cash, bolts




Chest 44: bloods, cash....where's my spear? :evil:




Chest 45: chaos, bloods, cash, half key




Chest 46: bloods, deaths, minds, cash




Chest 47: chaos, deaths, minds, bolts, cash




Chest 48: TORAGS LEGS!








Chest 49: minds, bolts, cash








Bed time!




Today's Items:




Torags Legs








April 7, 2007








Chest 50: chaos, bloods, deaths, minds, bolts




Chest 51: chaos, bloods, deaths, bolts








Banking and restocking








Chest 52: chaos, deaths, minds, bolts, cash




Chest 53: chaos, deaths, bloods, cash




Chest 54: chaos, deaths, minds, bloods, bolts








That's it for today. Did'nt get to play much; college takes a lot of time.








Today's Items:








Nothing :?








April 8, 2007








Chest 55: chaos, minds, bloods, bolts, cash




Chest 56: deaths, minds, bloods, cash




Chest 57: chaos, deaths, bloods, minds, cash




Chest 58: deaths, minds, bloods, cash




Chest 59: chaos, deaths, minds, cash




Chest 60: chaos, deaths, minds, bloods, bolts, cash




Chest 61: chaos, minds, bloods, cash




Chest 62: chaos, deaths, minds, bloods, bolts




Chest 63: chaos, deaths, bloods, minds




Chest 64: deaths, minds, bloods




Chest 65: chaos, deaths, minds, bloods, cash








Bed time








Today's Items:




None. What the [bleep]? I mean, seriously...look at my [bleep]ing blog. In the last 35 [bleep]ing chests, I have gotten 1 item. Before that, I got 7 items in 30 chests. WHAT THE [bleep]ING [bleep] :evil: :evil:








April 9, 2007








Chest 66: chaos, minds, deaths




Chest 67: chaos, bloods, deaths, minds, bolts, cash




Chest 68: chaos, bloods, deaths, minds




Chest 69: chaos, minds, bloods, deaths cash








banking, need to restock on supplies








April 10, 2007








Im out of pots. And cash. But I don't wanna sell any of my rewards yet. What to do? Ah yes. Sell my bolts! Perfect!








Bought 100 ppots....on my way back to barrows now








Sold all the bolts I had for 800k. Ka-Ching! Now to buy some pots, and get my [wagon] back to barrowing!








Chest 70: chaos, deaths, bloods, bolts, cash




Chest 71: bloods, minds, bolts, cash




Chest 72: chaos, bloods, minds, cash




Chest 73: chaos, deaths, bloods, minds, bolts, cash




Chest 74: bloods, deaths, minds, bolts, cash








break for class








Chest 75: chaos, deaths, minds, bolts




Chest 76: AHRIMS TOP x 3








Chest 78: bloods, deaths, bolts




Chest 79: chaos, deaths, minds, bolts, cash




Chest 80: chaos, minds, bloods, bolts, cash








Done for the day








Today's Items:








Ahrims Top












April 11, 2007








Chest 81: chaos, deaths, minds, bloods, cash




Chest 82: bloods, deaths, minds, bolts, cash




Chest 83: chaos, minds, bolts, cash




Chest 84: chaos, bloods, minds




Chest 85: chaos, bloods, minds, cash




Chest 86: chaos, bloods, minds, bolts, cash




Chest 87: minds, bloods, cash








Banking for supplies








Chest 88: chaos, deaths, bolts, cash




Chest 89: chaos, minds, bolts, cash




Chest 90: chaos, minds, deaths, bolts, cash




Chest 91: deaths, minds, bloods, bolts, cash




Chest 92: chaos, bloods, minds, bolts




Chest 93: chaos, bloods, deaths, minds




Chest 94: chaos, bloods, minds, bolts, cash




Chest 95: chaos, bloods, minds, cash




Chest 96: chaos, bloods, bolts, minds




Chest 97: chaos, bloods, minds, deaths, bolts, cash




Chest 98: chaos, minds, deaths, bolts




Chest 99: bloods, minds, cash




Chest 100: bloods, minds, bolts, cash




Chest 101: chaos, bloods, minds, bolts








f this....im not getting a drop tonight i guess.








Im going to bed.








Today's Items:








Nothing :-k








April 12, 2007








Chest 102: chaos, bloods, deaths, minds, cash




Chest 103: bloods, deaths, minds, bolts, cash




Chest 104: chaos, bloods, deaths, cash




Chest 105: chaos, deaths, minds




Chest 106: chaos, deaths, minds, cash




Chest 107: chaos, deaths, minds, bolts, cash




Chest 108: chaos, deaths, minds, bolts




Chest 109: chaos, bloods, deaths, bolts, cash




Chest 110: chaos, bloods, deaths, minds








Breaking for essay








Finished my essay, but I need to go to bed :?








Today's Items:








Nothing as usual








April 13, 2007








Chest 111: chaos, minds, bloods, bolts




Chest 112: chaos, minds, bloods, cash




Chest 113: half key, chaos, bloods, deaths, cash




Chest 114: lol, the other half of the key, chaos, deaths, minds, bloods




Bank break




Chest 115: bloods, deaths, minds, cash




Chest 116: chaos, minds, cash




Chest 117: chaos, minds, deaths, cash




Chest 118: chaos, bloods, minds, cash
















Chest 119: chaos, minds, deaths




Chest 120: bloods, deaths, minds, cash
















Today's Items:








SUPRISE!!!! Nothing








April 14, 2007








Chest 121: minds, cash




Chest 122: deaths, minds, bloods, bolts




Chest 123: chaos, minds, bloods, cash




Chest 124: chaos, deaths, bloods, bolts, cash








Out of supplies








Bought 200 super restores








Chest 125: chaos, deaths, minds, bolts, cash




Chest 126: chaos, deaths, minds cash








taking a break, im getting fed up with the lack of drops








April 15, 2007








Chest 127: chaos, minds, deaths, bloods, cash




Chest 128: chaos, deaths, minds, cash




Chest 129: AHRIMS SKIRT!!!!!! WOOOT!!!!!!!! DRY SPELL OVAH!!!!








Chest 130: chaos, bloods, deaths, minds








Today's Items:








Ahrims Bottom








Bed time








April 16, 2007




Chest 131: chaos, deaths, minds, bolts, cash




Chest 132: chaos, deaths, minds, bolts




Chest 133: half key, chaos, deaths, minds, cash




Chest 134: bloods, bolts, cash




Chest 135: chaos, deaths, minds, bolts, cash




Chest 136: half key, chaos, bloods, cash




Also got 85 magic this run




Chest 137: chaos, deaths, minds, bolts, cash




Chest 138: chaos, deaths, minds, cash




Chest 139: chaos, deaths, minds, bolts, cash




Chest 140: chaos, bloods, deaths, minds, bolts, cash




Chest 141: chaos, deaths, minds, cash




Chest 142: chaos, bloods, minds




CHest 143: chaos, bloods, minds, bolts, cash




Chest 144: chaos, minds, cash








Bed time.








Today's Items:
















April 17, 2007








Chest 145: chaos, bloods, deaths, cash




Chest 146: chaos, bloods, deaths, minds




Chest 147: chaos, deaths, minds, bolts, cash




Chest 148: chaos, bloods, minds, cash




Chest 149: chaos, bloods, minds




Chest 150: chaos, bloods, deaths, minds, bolts, cash








Today's Items:
















April 19, 2007








Chest 151: bloods, deaths, minds, cash




Chest 152: bloods, deaths, cash




Chest 153: chaos, deaths, cash




Chest 154: GOT 93 ATTACK THIS RUN!!!! Also: chaos, deaths, bloods, bolts, cash




Chest 155: chaos, bloods, bolts, cash




















Today's Items:












April 20, 2007








Chest 156: deaths, minds, bolts, cash




CHest 157: deaths, bloods, cash




Chest 158: chaos, deaths, bloods, bolts




Chest 159: TORAGS HAMS!




Pic isnt working, will fix later




Chest 160: bloods, deaths, minds




Chest 161: chaos, bloods, deaths, cash




Chest 162: chaos, deaths, minds, cash








End for the Day








Today's Items:




Torags Hams








April 22, 2007








Chest 163: deaths, minds, cash




Chest 164: chaos, bloods, minds, cash




Chest 165: chaos, deaths, bloods




Chest 166: chaos, deaths, minds, bolts, cash




Chest 167: chaos, bloods, deaths, minds, cash




Chest 168: chaos, deaths, minds




Chest 169: chaos, deaths, minds, cash
















Today's Items:
















April 23, 2007








Chest 170: chaos, bloods, minds, cash




Chest 171: chaos, bloods, deaths, minds




Chest 172: chaos, bloods, minds, bolts, cash




Chest 173: chaos, bloods




Chest 174: chaos, bloods, deaths, minds, cash








Banking, restocking, and bed time








Today's Items:
















April 25, 2007:








Chest 175: chaos, bloods, cash




Chest 176: chaos, bloods, minds, cash




Chest 177: chaos, bloods, minds, cash




Chest 178: chaos, bloods, deaths, minds, bolts








Done for the day








Today's Items:
















April 26, 2007:








Chest 179: DHAROKS HELM X 2








Chest 180: chaos, bloods, minds




Chest 181: chaos, bloods, minds, deaths, bolts, cash








Break for class








Chest 182: chaos, deaths, bloods, cash








Today's Items:








Dharoks Helm








April 27, 2007








Chest 183: chaos, bloods, minds, cash, bolts




Chest 184: chaos, deaths, minds, bloods, bolts, cash




Chest 185: chaos, deaths, minds, cash












Today's Items:
















April 30, 2007








Chest 186: chaos, minds, cash








Today's Items:
















May 1, 2007








Chest 187: chaos, bloods, minds, bolts, cash




Chest 188: bloods, deaths, minds, bolts




Chest 189: chaos, bloods, deaths, minds, cash








Today's Items:












May 2, 2007








Chest 190: chaos, bloods, deaths, cash








Today's Items












May 4, 2007:








Chest 191: chaos, bloods, bolts, cash




Chest 192: chaos, bloods, minds




Chest 193: bloods, minds, cash








Today's Items:












May 7, 2007:








Chest 194: chaos, bloods, cash




Chest 195: chaos, deaths, bolts




Chest 196: bloods, deaths, bolts, cash




Chest 197: chaos, deaths, bloods, bolts, cash




Chest 198: chaos, deaths, cash




Chest 199: deaths, cash




Chest 200: TORAGS PLATE!












Taking a break from barrows...back to slayer for a bit








Today's Items:








Torags Plate![/img]









"The greatest joy a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him. To ride their horses and take away their possessions. To see the faces of those who were dear to them bedewed with tears, and to clasp their wives and daughters in his arms."


-Genghis Khan

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double drop :shock:

"The greatest joy a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him. To ride their horses and take away their possessions. To see the faces of those who were dear to them bedewed with tears, and to clasp their wives and daughters in his arms."


-Genghis Khan

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I can give you Barrows lessons if you lemme wear you yellow :-w








Gl bud








LOL, thanks for the offer, but I think I shall pass :wink:

"The greatest joy a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him. To ride their horses and take away their possessions. To see the faces of those who were dear to them bedewed with tears, and to clasp their wives and daughters in his arms."


-Genghis Khan

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ka-ching! Up like 2m in items and runes, probably more like 3m....in like 2 days. Im happy :D

"The greatest joy a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him. To ride their horses and take away their possessions. To see the faces of those who were dear to them bedewed with tears, and to clasp their wives and daughters in his arms."


-Genghis Khan

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out of noted supplies, banky banky time

"The greatest joy a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him. To ride their horses and take away their possessions. To see the faces of those who were dear to them bedewed with tears, and to clasp their wives and daughters in his arms."


-Genghis Khan

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Good luck on the hottest phat there is!
















<3 thanks <3:

"The greatest joy a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him. To ride their horses and take away their possessions. To see the faces of those who were dear to them bedewed with tears, and to clasp their wives and daughters in his arms."


-Genghis Khan

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woah, good luck, and id bank after every item i got 0.0 imagine dieing with all that, id be soo angry, id probably steal somebodys juice box... nah i wouldnt thats just mean, but still lol

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thanks for the responses and support guys! i'm pretty confidant i will have the red in a month

"The greatest joy a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him. To ride their horses and take away their possessions. To see the faces of those who were dear to them bedewed with tears, and to clasp their wives and daughters in his arms."


-Genghis Khan

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Nice blog, but the only thing it needs is a status marker so we can see how close you are. You know, so we don't have to make a few seconds of calculations and stuff.








Sounds good....only thing now is to figure out how to do this....never tried anything like that. (Im not the best with comps, as shown by my cropping skills. HOWEVER! Give me a dirt bike, and ill make that mother puuuurrrrr :twisted: )

"The greatest joy a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him. To ride their horses and take away their possessions. To see the faces of those who were dear to them bedewed with tears, and to clasp their wives and daughters in his arms."


-Genghis Khan

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Back for a couple quick chests, maybe 2? Then to class, then back for some more! :twisted:

"The greatest joy a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him. To ride their horses and take away their possessions. To see the faces of those who were dear to them bedewed with tears, and to clasp their wives and daughters in his arms."


-Genghis Khan

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Thanks guys!




Yuppers, I do need around 50m. :shock:




However, I got a santa. 30m to go. I need one more santa, and some $$$

"The greatest joy a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him. To ride their horses and take away their possessions. To see the faces of those who were dear to them bedewed with tears, and to clasp their wives and daughters in his arms."


-Genghis Khan

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lots of drops since last, guess your dry streak you were complainging about has gone away :P






Its gone for good I hope :)

"The greatest joy a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him. To ride their horses and take away their possessions. To see the faces of those who were dear to them bedewed with tears, and to clasp their wives and daughters in his arms."


-Genghis Khan

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