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f2p bank space guide v. 1.1 pictures coming soon


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After seeing the suggestion for more f2p bank space topic, I've decided to make a guide for f2p bank space and show you how much you can really store.












Organization is key to having a good bank. Since your bank is pretty small, it's easy to organize things. First, decide what you mainly do in rs. If you fish a lot, put your fishing gear and food up front. If you pk, put your armor and food up front. If you mine and smith, put your pick, hammer, bars and ores up front. and so on. Next, if your armor is not already up front, put it in the next spots. Now your money, then your food. Next comes your random event items and your holiday items.. Next, put your runes for teleportation here. Now put the items from skills you don't normally do in these last spaces. Now that we have organization down, let's go to getting more space.












Space is one of the most valued things for members and non members alike. Non members don't have as much junk to fill up their space as members do, but the space goes fast. To start with, let's talk about decorative armor. Trimmed armor and random events clothes are one of the biggest space takers. Everyone has many different sets, but noone can wear two sets at a time. If you have trimmed armor, you're probably wearing it a lot. One thing you don't realise is that it slows you down. When you are doing skills, the extra weight from your armor reduces the amount of time you can run, making it take more time to drop things off at the bank. Therefore, while doing skills you have the perfect time to wear your random event clothes, while weaing your trimmed armor becomes obsolete. Sell your trimmed armor for more than what you paid for it to make some cash, as it is a waste of money. Now that we have some more room from trimmed armor, Time to deal with random event clothes and holiday items. These are good for when you are skilling but no more. And since you can only wear one set at a time, try to only keep one or two sets. Destroy the rest, including your non-tradable holiday items. You can always get your holiday items back from Diango if you want to show them off, but once you are done destroy them. Keep your two favorite sets if you have to keep two sets, but if you don't keep one favorite set and a holiday item that fits into an un-used spot. Now, onto skilling materials. Try to keep the materials for one skill that you are doing at a time. For example, when you are mining, try not to have raw fish in your bank, or uncrafted leather. When you are making leather things, try not to have ores, bars and anything else sitting in your bank.












To keep space in your bank once you have it is simple, though sometimes it can be a pain. When you are fishing, before you move onto another skill, cook your food first. When you are mining, before you move onto another skill, smelt your ores into bars, then smith the bars, or simply sell your ores. When crafting things into leather, make sure you sell your leather to a store or alch it before you move on. When cutting wood, sell your logs or burn them before moving on. When using magic, use up all your runes except ones for teleporting before moving on. Don't buy anything that is un-useful or you will never use. And lastly, throw away random event items that you don't like instead of letting them take up space after you get them from a random event.






I hope you enjoyed this guide and that it helped you find more bank space.




Also, can someone make me a sig for advertising and making a link to this topic? thanks in advance :mrgreen:




Also looking for pictures of an organised bank. please submit in a post with the code or pm me with it. I would make, but i don't have the things in my bank that f2pers usually do.



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Good guide. This should be in Player Made Guides, though. (and pictures are always nice...just a tip.) :)




yeah sorry, i'm gonna need some reader made pictures because i'm member right now and have too much junk... any pictures would be appreciated.



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organization is key to having a good bank. since your bank is pretty small, it's easy to organize things. first, decide what you mainly do in rs. if you fish a loot, put your fishing gear and food up front. if you pk, put your armor and food up front. if you mine and smith, put your pick, hammer, bars and ores up front. and so on. next, if your armor is not already up front, put it in the next spots. now your money, then your food. next comes your random event items. next, put your runes here. now put the items from skills you don't normally do in these last spaces. now that we have organization down, let's go to getting more space.











Good Guide, but everyone loves pics

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organization is key to having a good bank. since your bank is pretty small, it's easy to organize things. first, decide what you mainly do in rs. if you fish a loot, put your fishing gear and food up front. if you pk, put your armor and food up front. if you mine and smith, put your pick, hammer, bars and ores up front. and so on. next, if your armor is not already up front, put it in the next spots. now your money, then your food. next comes your random event items. next, put your runes here. now put the items from skills you don't normally do in these last spaces. now that we have organization down, let's go to getting more space.











Good Guide, but everyone loves pics




:XD: sorry, i'll fix that.



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2) therefore, while doing skills you have the perfect time to wear your random event clothes, while weaing your trimmed armo becomes obsolete.




3) when you are fishing, before you moove onto another skill, cook your food first. when you are mining, before you movbe onto another skill, smelt your ores into bars, then smith the bars, or simply sell your ores.




i don't know if you care if you spelled stuff wrong, but i bolded a few of the errors. anyways good guide :D it helped me a lot, as i'm a free player with no extra bank space at all. i agree with MmmSyrup and computerwiz77 though, some pictures would make it better.

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2) therefore, while doing skills you have the perfect time to wear your random event clothes, while weaing your trimmed armo becomes obsolete.




3) when you are fishing, before you moove onto another skill, cook your food first. when you are mining, before you movbe onto another skill, smelt your ores into bars, then smith the bars, or simply sell your ores.




i don't know if you care if you spelled stuff wrong, but i bolded a few of the errors. anyways good guide :D it helped me a lot, as i'm a free player with no extra bank space at all. i agree with MmmSyrup and computerwiz77 though, some pictures would make it better.




thanks, typos :oops: , have you followed the guide? can you take some screenies of your bank?



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Good guide.




Here are some other ways:




Dupes also helps the banking process. And also if you die, you have a spare. I just drop all my frog and zombie random event clothes. I hate em. Also, only keep things in your bank that you need.

So you're actually suggesting JaGex implements something into the game which for several years have been trying to stop?... :XD:
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This reminds me of my guide, but my guide is aimed more at members (though it can be used for both). Seriously though, please use capitalization. :pray:




oh, sorry, i'm not big on capitalization... i'll ake a break from range later and fix it.



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Very good =D>




Another thing you might want to add is that both members and non-members alike have a sort of wardrobe (Like the one possible to create using Construction) for most of your holiday items. He's named Diango. Unless you use a holiday item constantly, you should just destroy an item, essentailly "banking" it with Diango. Those holiday items can take up quite a bit of room (At least one row for those hats and scarves, then the R Chicken, zombie head, easter ring, chicken outfit, etc.). You should add that into your guide. That and Capitolization.




Also, I think I might just make you some pictures right now.

There's no such thing as regret. A regret means you are unhappy with the person you are now,

and if you're unhappy with the person you are, you change yourself. That

regret will no longer be a regret, because it will help to form the new,

better you. So really, a regret isn't a regret.

It's experience.

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Very good =D>




Another thing you might want to add is that both members and non-members alike have a sort of wardrobe (Like the one possible to create using Construction) for most of your holiday items. He's named Diango. Unless you use a holiday item constantly, you should just destroy an item, essentailly "banking" it with Diango. Those holiday items can take up quite a bit of room (At least one row for those hats and scarves, then the R Chicken, zombie head, easter ring, chicken outfit, etc.). You should add that into your guide. That and Capitolization.




Also, I think I might just make you some pictures right now.

There's no such thing as regret. A regret means you are unhappy with the person you are now,

and if you're unhappy with the person you are, you change yourself. That

regret will no longer be a regret, because it will help to form the new,

better you. So really, a regret isn't a regret.

It's experience.

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Very good =D>




Another thing you might want to add is that both members and non-members alike have a sort of wardrobe (Like the one possible to create using Construction) for most of your holiday items. He's named Diango. Unless you use a holiday item constantly, you should just destroy an item, essentailly "banking" it with Diango. Those holiday items can take up quite a bit of room (At least one row for those hats and scarves, then the R Chicken, zombie head, easter ring, chicken outfit, etc.). You should add that into your guide. That and Capitolization.




Also, I think I might just make you some pictures right now.




double post but thatnks for the input. and the pictures if you make them. i'll add in capitalization right now, and the holiday items part.



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  • 2 weeks later...

i'm making a new f2p account so i'll have some pictures soon. it might be a pure though, and it'll be a while to get the stuff for a normal f2p bank (i.e. rune pick and wc axe etc.) since i don't drop trade (against the rules).



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