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Armed robbery doesn't work very well in Runescape.





Hello, welcome to the Bank of Runescape. How may I help you?


All of the money? Why certainly. Please enter your PIN.


Yes, you have to.


I'm sorry, I don't follow you. What is a "stick-up"? I'm afraid we don't have a record of any trading sticks in your account. You'll still have to enter your PIN.


Thank you. Now, first click the FIRST digit.


Now click the SECOND digit.


Time for the THIRD digit. Don't you look at me like that.


Finally, the FOURTH digit. Now, was that so hard?


Now, did you say "All the money" or "All but one of the money"?


No, we don't give people money in bags here. You'll have to take it as a stack of coins.


Alright then, here you go, here is all the money in your account. Is there anything else you would like?


Okay, so you're a robber. I'm still not following. We serve lots of thieves here. That fellow over there even has a thieving cape, see?


Yes, I can see you have a crossbow. Many of our customers bring weapons with them into the bank. You can see that nice gentleman over there with the abyssal whip. And that girl with the spear is a frequent customer, and a very nice young lady.


Alright, well, goodbye then! Have a nice day!


What a strange young man. I wonder why he seemed so frustrated.


Recommended Comments

You have to go in with magic next time. It worked for the WOM, right?

Maybe the bankers in Draynor are more lax on procedure than the ones in South East Ardougne (where I took the picture).

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