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JK I really do quit.

Serpent Eye


bai guys.


i will still be around on TIF, don't be a stranger.





Edit: I guess this needs a bit more explanation. My computer can no longer run Java. Every time I try to boot up RS, my browsers crash. I have done everything possible to attempt to fix it, with no such luck. Hopefully I will be back soon. But seriously, I will still be around on the forums; if you guys want to talk even more, please PM me here and I will gladly give you my MSN address so we can keep in touch.


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This isn't allowed.


You're fired.


WAT. You can't fire me any longer.



I hate you :(


I love you, too. <_<




:( Wmx

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Brb buying you a new computer.




You're banned.


Boo!!! I forgive you for this, because I know it comes from a place of anger and sadness... you don't really mean it. You meant to say "Laikrob is banned," didn't you?


Nooooooooooooo. Ilu too much ;__________;


<3: Tim, words cannot express. :P

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But really, you quitting because of the fail pc you have? D=

I'm going to miss you Serp, I really am.

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But really, you quitting because of the fail pc you have? D=

I'm going to miss you Serp, I really am.


Yes. It is purely for this reason alone. I am attempting one more time to un/reinstall Java, but if that doesn't work, I am going to give up.


I'm really gonna miss you, too, Steffan. Please don't hesitate to message me here or on MSN. :)

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His IP is now banned, move along people.. :evil:


Gtfo. Nao. You wub me too much to ban me.


Oh, btw. Only quitters quit. Noob. :thumbdown:


Never forget: you quit first, you set a bad example. You are the King of Fail as such.

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This is a federal crime FYI. See ya in court. :thumbsup:


Less of this ^^^

More of this vvv


Brb buying you a new computer.

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:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

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As long as you stay around, who cares about Runescape, really? :wink:


Finally, someone gets it at least. <3: <3: <3:

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