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Posts posted by Lateralus

  1. And if a double-decker bus


    Crashes into us


    To die by your side


    Is such a heavenly way to die


    And if a ten-ton truck


    Kills the both of us


    To die by your side


    Well, the pleasure - the privilege is mine




    Morrissey is an awesome lyricist.

  2. British (Scottish specifically) engineering courses are quite well reknowned. Places like Stirling, Napier, Edinburgh and Glasgow are all well known for producing excellent engineers.


    God, not this crap again. It seems like every thread you open is RIAA related. Frustrated?








    Were the hell did that come from dont bring your problems here.








    I think what he's trying to say is that you moan alot. He's also probably trying to say you should, you know, shut up.








    Just a suggestion.

  4. My current favourite songs (meaning, when I thought of my favourite songs, these ones came to mind) are:








    Tool - Lateralus




    The Libertines - Horrorshow




    The Libertines - The Man Who Would Be King

  5. That said, I know a few people who have taken hard drugs once and not bothered taking it again. They were chavs but they knew the risks - all they wanted was to experience it once and not again - taking it again might drag them down a road they didn't want to go down.








    Alot of people will say this is stupid, but it's actually an idea I agree with. You only live once, and certain things are worth experiencing.



    The government wouldn't be able to tax marijuana, it's too easy to cultivate. Meaning no one will buy it, when they can grow it in their back yard.
    Then you tax rolling paper, roach card, rolling tobacco and bongs. Its not hard to think of ways to tax it.








    Once you buy a pipe and things of the sort you pretty much eliminate the need for anything else, so increasing the tax isn't really a problem.








    Not to mention the simplicity of making your own device out of house hold items or things from home depot \' .








    You're being too specific. His point is that if the government wants to tax something, they'll find a way.

  7. The Who - My Generation, never reached number #1 either. Kept from the top by The Seekers. The Who never got a number #1! :shock:








    If only The Who song The Seeker had been beaten to #1 by a band called My Generation, we would have some sweet irony upon which to feast.

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