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Posts posted by Lateralus

  1. Ah, I absolutely love The Mighty Boosh. I'm from Britain, but it gets aired at ridiculous times here, so I just watched all the episodes on Dailymotion.




    The Ballad of Milky Joe is probably one of my favourite episodes.

  2. Controversial post coming up:


    Women don't make good comedians.




    Agreed, I've never seen a good woman standup.




    Sarah Silverman does a good version of the Aristocrats joke though, it's on youtube.


    Actaully Lionhart is right, one is just more developed than the other.




    Look at humans in the medival time, now we are more developed in ways, does that make us completely different? No.




    I didn't say they were completely different, I said they're not the same thing. And they're not.

  4. Just putting something out there...




    In Ontario, it is completely leagle for a woman to go outside topless. I know it is not a common thing (I've never actually seen any female actually topless and just out for a walk), but still it's part of the law now (was just put in a few years ago).




    Now does anyone think this counts as public nudity? The reason the law was passed was simply for equality in that if a guy can walk around topless, so should women.





    Wow.. thats not equality, thats stupidity. A man can go topless simpley because its not considered a "private area", which if a woman goes topless, there is.







    Both women and men have breasts, so i dont see how it is "Private" seeing as they are the exact same thing except one has larger and has more organs there.




    BTW Women fought for this law. It was not made by men.




    So therefore, they're not really the same thing are they? No, they're not. That's right.

  5. Btw for all those who ever wondered why you smoke more when you drink, it's because it blocks the nicotine hit.




    And it's extra tasty. 8-)

  6. How dare you damage my health, it's selfish to kill yourself that way, bla bla bla




    It's my right to smoke, it's legal, bla bla bla!!!!

  7. I enjoy smoking, I try my best not to get in anyones' way doing it, or upset anyone.




    This topic has come up enough on this forum. You get smokers who say "It's my right to smoke, it's legal, bla bla bla.", and you get non-smokers who say "How dare you damage my health, it's selfish to kill yourself that way, bla bla bla.". It's done to death really, and just ends up in nippy little arguements.

  8. I used to listen to alot of metal, so I can still play alot of that stuff, and that's probably the more technically impressive stuff I can play (various Dream Theater pieces etc).




    I also used to be big into the virtuoso stuff, so I can play alot of Satch and Vai kinda stuff. Still remember the day I first learned to play Always With Me, Always With You.




    Nowadays though I just play acoustic and Brit-rock really. Babyshambles, The Libertines, Doherty's acoustic stuff, Bob Dylan, the Smiths, the Stone Roses.

  9. Probably actually. I've never thought of it before. But I doubt really they would think sexual thoughts as much because they are also men in that room. (unless thier homosexuals :roll:).




    Who's to say you're looking at the men? I would personally ignore them (which would be pretty easy considering my attention would be focused on the girls.. Actually my attention is almost always focused on girls :-k )




    I think that's a bit naive to say. You (not specifically you, anyone) would definitely be checking out some of the dongs that were swinging around. Just human curiosity.




    In all honesty, if you took away the attraction factor, I'd probably be more interested in the dongs.




    DG, why are you so focused on girls in that manner? You really do seem like a twelve year old sometimes.




    How is it acting like a 12 year old expressing the fact that you would look at a hot naked chick and have lustful feelings towards her? Its nothing different to that of how a 20 year old would act, while the only difference is in most cases the 20 year old would act on those feelings and take it a step further (you know what I mean - home run). :wink:




    My point was that if the environment really was non-sexual, like Mad said, then I probably would be looking at more dongs, as I've far fewer of them. (not to brag) I've seen plenty female parts, and I'm sure I'll see more in the future, but you don't (or, at least I don't) often see naked males.

  10. Probably actually. I've never thought of it before. But I doubt really they would think sexual thoughts as much because they are also men in that room. (unless thier homosexuals :roll:).




    Who's to say you're looking at the men? I would personally ignore them (which would be pretty easy considering my attention would be focused on the girls.. Actually my attention is almost always focused on girls :-k )




    I think that's a bit naive to say. You (not specifically you, anyone) would definitely be checking out some of the dongs that were swinging around. Just human curiosity.

  11. I've got a book in which I write down ideas, stick down important stuff, scribble and doodle. I don't know what you'd call it, the thing is a mess, but I'm glad I have it.




    I've never been able to write a diary in the traditional sense, I feel like an idiot writing to myself.

  12. I think in most cases that people look much better clothed.




    Also, there's a huge amount of intimacy that comes from you (hopefully) being the only person who sees your partner naked.




    Anyways, if one guys is gawking at a girl, and she never finds it out, who does it hurt? No one.




    The more you look at women in a purely sexual manner, the more you get into the mindset that women are objects made to fulfill your sexual desires. This leads to treating women as objects, or means to an end, which is hurtful.




    Your denying human nature, we all look at people in a sexual manner, it is our nature to do so. Your putting shame on that, and making it like people are turning them into objects. Why does sex turn people into objects? Suggesting that looking at others in a sexual manner leads to objectifying women, and treating them as a means to an end is a rather large assumption to make. We don't treat people like objects if we find them sexually attractive, we are admiring the beauty of nature.




    Note that he said 'purely' sexual manner. Looking at someone as if they are specifically for sex and nothing else.

  13. Well, if we were created by something omnipotent and omniscient, then we can't exceed it's expectations, as they'd know what our maximum potential is.




    So, no, I suppose.




    As for the life expectancy thing, I suppose giving anything a fear of death will give it the will to preserve itself.

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