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Posts posted by Lateralus

  1. Back in my day the government didn't need to pay people to go to school or bribe them with iPods and xboxes to make sure they turn up for exams.




    A positive post every once in a while wouldn't go amiss.

  2. I like Robinsons Apple and Blackcurrent to drink at home. At the pub I'll take a pint of Tennents or a Famous Grouse and coke.




    This weekend I 'invented' a 'cocktail' that will knock you on your arse. Double vodka of your choice, a shot of apple and blackcurrent, a shot of pineapple and orange, and then top it up with Smirnoff Ice. It's severely dangerous.

  3. Id love to be clever enough to work at CERN. That really IS something amazing what they are working on there.




    Excuse my ignorance but what is CERN exactly?




    It's the European Organization for Nuclear Research. They've got the worlds biggest particle accelerator I believe, somewhere near Geneva. There was adverts and stuff for it last time I was in Geneva Airport.

  4. Down with the government man! Like, the government is evil man... they cause wars and stuff.




    And bush is such a Nazi man. All they want you to do is for you to play into their corporate puppet game man.








    Yes, there are stupid people in every place in the world. But no, I'm sure its The Man thats causing it.




    I don't like the anti-government hippies either, but I do think the government tries to suppress us, and keep us stupid.

  5. I would not kill 1000 people for any sum of money. I realize this may not be the logical choice (for example, if I were given 3 billion dollars, I could probably save more than 1000 lives; however, I do distinguish between active and passive murder.)




    However, there are other things I'd do for that kind of money. For a million dollars, I would definitely have sex with a stranger, for example. I would also probably cut off my foot for 25 million dollars.




    There's definitely some Jewish jokes in there... I just have to resist the urge.

  6. It's just the typical big brother scenario, it happens all the time. I think what you are getting is significant enough so that you should be pretty ecstatic about it. Plenty of people don't get any help from their parents at all.

  7. I've never thought Morrissey's lyrics to be pretentious, but I know plenty of people who have. I think what it comes down to is that people who like the music enough to pay attention can see that he writes with alot of sarcasm and humor, and people who don't like the music have only got their first impressions to go by. Either way, I suppose both opinions are skewed.

  8. So I got it a few days ago, and I've been playing it again. And it's really good, but I already knew that. Best track of the album in my eyes is I Know It's Over together with Never had no one ever, which are a bit overlooked trough tracks as There's a Light that never goes out and Bigmouth strikes again.




    Noone else interested here?




    I Know It's Over is an unbelievable track, I love it so much. The vocal was recorded in one take apparantly.




    You should get Louder Than Bombs Next, it's got loads of tracks on it, some absolute corkers too. Stuff like Ask, Panic, You Just Haven't Earned It Yet Baby, London...




    Ah, I can't even explain how much I love the Smiths. <3:

  9. Sounds like you guys have a really good time and have something to look forward to on 4th of July.




    I wish us Brits had something similar... :boohoo:




    St. Andrew's Day? Scottish Parliament's anniversary? :P




    Those are Scottish and not really celebrated... I couldn't even tell you what date St Andrews is lol (I think it's early Nov sometime).


    As for the Scottish Parliament anniversary... lol, that's something to be mourned not celebrated. Those guys couldn't organise a trip to the toilet lol...




    I want a Great Britain day! Magna Carta or a making a bigger deal of the Queens official birthday, or Waterloo etc...




    Don't worry. The whole world is jealous of Hogmanay.

  10. I enjoy the smell of petrol - a lot.




    petrol, or gasoline, doesn't have any smell or odor. The smell is added so that people can tell it is dangerous and in/flammable, and prevent accidents with it.




    But I know what you meant. :P




    I know they do that with natural gas, but I thought petrol had a natural odour.

  11. Not faced with the wishes immediatly, I think all that I can think of is good health for me and my family. I can't think of anything else I would want, or burden myself with.




    P.S. I'm not exactly in my perfect state of mind, we'll see how this post pans out in the morning.

  12. I barely ever hear anyone talking about The Smiths (online or offline), and this has always stuck me as being odd. They're an excellent band, and they were pretty big during the '80s.




    So I guess what I'm asking is, are there any Smiths fans here? What songs, albums, etc do you like?




    (P.s. Daan, if you don't already know the Smiths - Buy The Queen Is Dead. Soon.)

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