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Posts posted by Lateralus

  1. If you believe in the osculating universe theory then it would be theoretically possible that when the universe finally shrinks back into nothing another big bang will happen and the whole sequence would happen again, exactly the same as before. And it would do this again, and again, forever. :shock:




    Human history would also repeat itself exactly. Whoever you'd find in one life of the universe you'd find in another.




    In fact it's kind of depressing, knowing that all you're doing is playing out a script that's been set in stone for infinity and that you can't do anything about it.




    In theory a way to stop it could be out there, but, if humans didn't find it in the previous universes then there's no way we'd find them now (assuming that those previous universes once existed. If they didn't it just might be possible :D )




    Did time really start a set number of years ago? Or did it exist before that?




    Oscillating universe theory states that the universe will begin again, not that life will. Or, if life will begin again, it doesn't have to be the same as it is now. Oscillating universe theory refers to cosmology, it is not specific.

  2. Italy




    I suggest seeing the Vatican, even if your Atheist.




    You don't have to be a theist to appreciate architecture and culture.




    Exactly, I was in complete awe when I went there.




    Sistine chapel <3:




    Ha, I was expecting an argument when I posted that. You are a gentleman, sir.

  3. Right, well on the basis of your last post - Your parents are terrible. Assuming you know who I am (I don't know if our past arguments have been based on a different account of mine) you'll know that I don't particularly like you. However, I do sympathise with this situation, as I had no idea parents were actually ever like this. My parents divorced when I was very young, and both have supported me in everything I did.




    But, as long as you're living under their roof there's not much you can do. If you're too young to move out and support yourself then you're pretty much boned.

  4. I can never seem to connect to programs that need to establish an internet connection to run (mostly poker software, Full Tilt etc). I'm running on a wireless network, which I assume is causing the problem, as when I was just plugged straight into my modem things worked fine.




    I'm also pretty sure it's not my firewall as I've set the programs to be allowed to run.




    Any help would be appreciated.

  5. It seems as if a topic like this comes round every few months from you. Just on the basis of that you gotta wonder if the way you're handling things is right. I think the best course of action (in general, not specific here) is to bite the bullet and just do what they say, without the sarcasm. It's not the greatest situation, but it might improve things a little.




    Also, rules like no music and one way systems are enforced in lots of schools, they're quite common health and safety rules.

  6. DMT, Psilocybin, and to a lesser extent LSD, are all good tools for lifting your brain out of it's cognitive Kansas. Tearing the walls off reality and letting your brain fly is an unbelievable experience. That said, I don't advocate it in the slightest, all I'm saying is that it's interesting and it can change your view of the world.




    Marijuana is just a good relaxation tool.

  7. Every time I quit is just due to boredom. What I do is either play the lottery with the money or give it to charities. I don't think I want to fully quit yet, but if you've got somewhere else the money should go, it seems to help.

  8. Don't call me a nutjob or anything because I'm not obsessed with New World Order or anything, but I've been doing alot of research and watching alot of documentaries about Freemasonry and The Illuminati. It's interesting to see how deep into the government and politics all this stuff goes.




    Basically, I think the motivation behind this post is that I want a documentary or some information that'll debunk all the stuff that I've read and seen about the quest for a New World Order and Illuminati world control. All the stuff I've watched has always been biased to make you believe that's what's going on, and some of it is pretty convincing.




    Bear in mind that this is a pursuit of boredom. I don't know how much of this I believe. Obviously you have to question some things like the Masonic symbols on dollar bills or what not. So, this thread is for the discussion of the topic, not for the attacks on beliefs that anyone might have. Even if you think it's nuts, it's still interesting as hell.

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