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Posts posted by Lateralus


    But guns and knifes are for the weak...Fist only will show ya who is a real man




    If I had said that Bubsa would have been all over me like a fat kid on a twinkie, but since you said it nobody is going to crack any jokes at you <.<




    That's basically it, this guy isn't as well known.




    Really, I think the problem is that you let too much of yourself be known on a forum, where it just comes across terribly. You talk about what you're like in 'real life' too much I suppose, and it comes across as bragging. Remember the whole relationship threads fiasco? It's so weird to me that so many people you'll never meet knew that much about your personal life.




    Sorry for going off topic.

  2. Ahahah everyone here weak Deloria?










    I still laugh at you.




    You go ahead and laugh. Your lack of grammar skills is far more humorous in my eyes. You realise your first "sentence" can hardly be classified as a sentence. right? And "Bhahgaga" is more a jumble of letters than a laugh.




    Btw, who are you? Oh, nobody.. Okay, your opion doesn't matter considering this is the first time I've ever seen you here.




    Firstly, judging someone's opinions by their reputation is ridiculous, and elitist. Secondly, I believe Celluzion is Amoeba3000 (right?), who has been using these forums in some form or another for maybe... 4 years?


    Interesting point. Do you mean how Hendrix played rhythm behind his lead parts simultaneously or just his rhythm work in general? No it doesn't have to be someone who exclusively plays rhythm.




    Basically his stuff while he wasn't soloing. Alot of his stuff is hard to classify. Little Wing for example, I'm not sure I'd call that lead work, despite the guitar being in the foreground. Pretty song though.

  4. Did you watch the match?




    No, I couldn't care less about football.


    GOD I feel exactly the same way. I hate how I'm for some reason "supposed" to keep with any and all sports, when I absolutely hate being a spectator for pretty much all of them.




    I don't know about being 'supposed' to, but it's a common conversation topic, and a good ice breaker. You could just politely say that you don't follow sports.

  5. That's like asking do you like Fresh food or out of date food. The old was fresh, the new is crap.




    I recently watched the 'Some Kind of Monster' Metallica documentary and I have to say I don't think thier new stuff is all that bad. Compared to thier old stuff you could say it's a slip in quality, but in my opinion it's still worth a listen.




    I defy anyone to listen to The Outlaw Torn from Load, or Fixxxer from ReLoad to say that it's 'crap'.

  6. Pantera - I'll start by saying that Dimebag Darrell definately brought a new name to metal guitar. Sweet solo's and heavy riffs. On top of that I appreciate Vinnie Paul's voice because you can understand a lot of what he's saying and he still sounds heavy. With the alright drums, they made some awesome music!






    Other bands like Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Rush etc. I think are great but I don't feel like going into great detail.




    You mean Phil Anselmo. Vinnie Paul is the drummer, and Dimebag's brother.

  7. but once in a while it's fun to get out of the normal.




    This is the bottom line for me (not the very bottom, but I can't think of another expression). I like to get drunk (and do other things that I won't advertise) because it's different than normality. Now, people who don't understand me will generally say "Oh, is your normality than boring?". No, it's not, but I like to have other states of conciousness. Look down on that if you must - But if it's not harming anyone else, what business is that of yours?




    I'm quite happy to leave it at that - Some people drink, some people don't. Frankly, since I don't know anyone here in 'real life', I could care less. I only posted originally because I felt that drinking alcohol was under attack.




    Drink, don't drink, I'm not really terribly fussed. Just don't preach.

  8. I'm having a hard time believing anyone actually enjoys alcohol for what it is and not for what it does to your body. Beer tastes like watered-down aweful, and other alcohols are pretty much all crappy tasting, and on top of that, burn on the way down! It's my observation that if something burns on the way down when you're drinking it, it's because your body doesn't is saying "Hey, uhh...Don't drink that..." just as with how you cough when you smoke a cigarette.
    Jesus Christ you big girl's blouse. Pretty much everybody i know likes a nice cold lager on a hot day, for the taste and refreshment - not to get drunk.




    See, this doesn't really help out either. Non-drinkers call drinkers idiots, wasters, and drinkers call non-drinkers wimps or whatever. It just doesn't make any sense.




    I know what you're saying, and pretty much everyone I know likes a cold lager on a hot day as well. But not everyone does, and you have to respect that as well.

  9. But whatever, keep on drinkin' so you can get 5 DWI's and spend a few months in jail while someone who smokes pot and sits in their basement gets 15 years. ;)




    Ah, and from now on, nothing you say matters.




    The only reason you consider it a waste of money is because it doesn't benefit you in the long run yes? I can see why you think that, I don't agree with it myself, but that's just my opinion. Let's just keep these as opinions, yes? Stop being so ridiculously forceful with your beliefs.




    As for taste, that's another matter of opinion. I don't particularly like Escargot, but that doesn't mean it's 'crappy tasting', it just means I don't like it. I love the taste of lagers (not ales though), and enjoy a good whisky every now and then. Is that so hard to believe?

  10. Quite clearly you projected your reasons for not getting drunk onto anyone who does. You implied that anyone who likes 'getting wasted' throws away money, brain cells and dignity.




    Relative to not getting drunk, it's a true statement.

    If you like it, it's not wasting money. Say I like to buy Cokes. You do not like Coke, so therefore you say it's a waste of money to buy Coke.




    That part right there is all in opinion, Insane.




    It's not an opinion. All consumable objects that do nothing for you in the long-run are a waste of money, even if you enjoy them. RuneScape is a waste of money. Cigarettes, beer, candy, blah blah blah. People like the stuff, but it does nothing for them positively 5 years down the road, infact, I'd wager that most will regret consuming whatever it may be.




    How is enjoyment not justification for spending money? That seems like an awfully cynical view to have.

  11. The impression I'm getting from this thread is that nobody likes getting/being wasted. I find this strange.




    Why throw away money, brain cells and dignity? If you need to do that to enjoy yourself, then it's time to start getting creative.




    See, this is the problem I have with non-drinkers. Why be so judgemental?




    Who's being judgmental? I gave my personal reasons for not getting drunk. Do you have a problem with me answering your implied question?




    Quite clearly you projected your reasons for not getting drunk onto anyone who does. You implied that anyone who likes 'getting wasted' throws away money, brain cells and dignity.




    Anyway, I was referring to the 'drinkers' who said they only drink a little bit. I found this odd, probably because I'm British, and drinking is part of our culture.

  12. Dancing is all about confidence. I'm not a brilliant dancer, but I'm not terrible at it either.




    If you dance half-arsed you will look like an idiot.




    You have to be committed to it, realise that nothing that anyone else is doing is particularly hard. Listen to the music, and move to it. Move both your arms and your legs. This is a common problem. If you're not enjoying yourself, it will show. Don't dance if you're not having fun.




    Basically, just get out there and have fun. Dancing to pop songs isn't about learning any moves particularly, it's about not being rigid, and having a bit of confidence.

  13. The impression I'm getting from this thread is that nobody likes getting/being wasted. I find this strange.




    Why throw away money, brain cells and dignity? If you need to do that to enjoy yourself, then it's time to start getting creative.




    See, this is the problem I have with non-drinkers. Why be so judgemental?




    I don't consider it to be throwing away money, because I'm enjoying myself. As of yet, it hasn't had much effect on my brain, but I'll take the risks gladly. As for dignity, not everyone falls over in a puddle of their own spew every time they drink.




    I don't need to drink to enjoy myself, but in general it does make things more fun. There's a reason it sells so well.

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