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Everything posted by Kanati

  1. Just wanted to chime in one last time. People keep saying that there is a cape made of stone. I guess you are talking about the obsidian? Why would you think that it is completely made of that material. If I said I had a sword with a diamond hilt, would you think the entire hilt was diamond? Or would you just figure that the hilt has diamonds inlaid into it? When you go to buy studded leggings, do you think you are going to buy a pair of leggings that are completely made of studs? Or does it compute to think the leggings are just reinforced with studs? So when I think of an obsidian cape, cloak, or what ever, I just figure that it is encrusted in obsidian.
  2. Wado That means thanks.. That is good advice. I never thought about that out of roam range thing, even though I noticed things chase me up to a point and then just stand there. Prison Guards west of Lumbridge.
  3. How about a low level range pure? Someone who has gotten to 12 on chickens but is sick of looking at them. Mainly because there is a lot of compotition for them because of feathers. Remember this is a f2p range pure with a lot of bronze arrows but unlike the original poster of this thread, I need to pick mine back up if I can. LOL
  4. And a stone cape (obsidian) isn't too heavy? Why do you quote me then talk about a stupid stone cape? Have you not been reading this thread???
  5. And a stone cape (obsidian) isn't too heavy? Why do you quote me then talk about a stupid stone cape? Have you not been reading this thread???
  6. What do you mean there isn't? I right click on the item I want to craft and I get the option to craft 1, 5, 10 and I could have sworn there was all and or x. I could be wrong though. I haven't crafted in a day or two. As for this drop x thing. I like the idea. I would love the option to drop a number of items rather than one at a time. But then again I don't have a lot of things to drop unless I am working a skill, like cooking. However one thing I really want is a burry X option. I am tired of going through a full inventory clicking each bone one at a time.
  7. I just wanted to get it over with. Yes I am going to have a membership soon so I am doing all I can f2p first.
  8. OMG..... I get someone to help me and said they would join the black arm gang and what do they do??? They join phoenix and screw the whole thing up. Delt with three idiots but finally got the quest done. Now for some serious training to get stats up for Dragon Slayer.
  9. I just tried to give him half the shield and he wouldn't take it. So I need someone who joined the black arm gang and get his or her half to finish this stupid thing.
  10. So what is the sense of making a pure range if you have to go with sword and plate armor to make the kill?
  11. Okay, I don't think I understand your post. On a range pure wouldn't I only train range and not str or attack as they wouldn't effect my bow attacks? Also I would be using a bow and not a rune two hander. Unless I am completely missing something, that post just confussed the heck out of me. My main character is probably the one I will take members. I have not made up my mind if I will take my range pure members or not. I guess it depends on the availability of money. I was pretty much set to only take one char to members. Maybe I will just take my main to members and then when he is all maxed out, retire him and take range pure members.
  12. I'm still f2p so won't have very good equipment for bow nor will I have any specials.
  13. I have been working on a range pure when I get tired of the mondain rutine with my melee character. I have only gotten to about 14 range and when I was talking to someone about having 10 defense, he told me that i messed upmy pure. That I should not have trained deffence at all. Now I don't understand this because the armor list shows that you need a defense of 10 just to wear hard leather chest. It also says you need a defense of 40 to wear dragon leather. So what's the deal with pures? Why would someone say it is a mistake to train defense when it seems that some defense is needed to wear ranger clothes? Am I doing the right thing or not?
  14. What do you mean, what about melee and range? You said this was your f2p pure so if you are a pure mage then yuo wouldn't be in melee range or worry about range weapons, as pure mage rely on magic alone.
  15. I am still only a f2p'er so I have a while to think about hero. I will wait till I have all the f2p quests done before I go members. \
  16. Is the final product of the quest worth anything? I have to ask cause last night I did the Knight's Sword and was very dissapointed in the blurite sword. It was even worse than the silverlight. The smithing xp made up for it but it doesn't look like this quest has any reward other than the shield and one quest point. After I finish this quest, I will have all but dragon slayer done. If I remember correctly, doesn't the dragon slayer quest involve going into the wild?
  17. I haven't joined either gang yet. Just doing research so that I don't get screwed.
  18. Can this quest be done alone? Spent so much time training skills that I haven't made any in game friends nor have I found an active guild to join. So I really hope that This quest can be done alone.
  19. Dude, metal capes are totally plausible (maybe not conveniant, but plausable). If you can make armor out of connected rings, you can definately make a cloak or cape out of connected rings. Yes, molecular structure does influence weight, so mithril's molecular structure must be very spread out, thus making it lighter. But if that is the case, wouldn't it be less protective?? By the way, mithril platebody isn't that light. It still weighs like 10 Lbs. But steel platebody weighs like 20 Lbs. I don't really care though, I don't pk or fight alot, I smith. Yes, it is plausible. But what would it protect when it is waving around? What is the point, of something that doesn't really give that much extra protection, but a lot of extra weight? It is like using chopsticks as weapons. plausible, yes; but useful? No. As for molecular structure, you obviously have little knowledge of physics if you think something of less density means it is less strong. The way the molecules bind together also affects its strength, not just how "spread out" they are. And in solids, molecules cannot be "spread out", otherwise it will become a liquid. What would it protect? Why everything it was designed to. Have you ever seen leather wave around? It is a thick material but it is also flexable. It does not wave around. It stays to the form and wraps around as you move. Quit thinking about these types of cloaks as if you would think about Superman's cape......
  20. Server was slow and it double posted....
  21. I was just reminded of spider wire. It is thinner, lighter, yet twice as stronge as monofillament lines normally used for fishing. Where mono lines can be cut with ease, you nearly need wire cutters for spider wire. That being said, it would be possible to make different types of thread to weave capes and cloaks of a much stronger quality than simple leather. So that idea would be more viable than metal capes. Just a simple question. Wasn't mithril able to be refined into a thread and have shirts sewn of them? I thought that is what Bilbo wore was a simple shirt made of mithryl rather than a chain tunic smithed of mithryl links. The same shirt given then to Frodo who survived a spear from a cave troll.
  22. I would consider it more like a high powered rifle. A shotgun is a scatter weapon.
  23. I am going to play the devil's advocate here. People make skill pures, yes. People make merchant pures, yes. Okay, now what do they do these things for? They want to make money. Okay, then what is that money used for? The player has no combat level so they are not using the money to get equipment. Are they simply collecting the money just to say they have the most amount of money than anyone in the game? Or are they making this money to then be muled over to their main for that account to use? If they are doing the latter then they are braking the rules as it has been stated that one account is not allowed to be used to benefit another belonging to the same person. Though the original poster's words were not put together in the best way, his arguments have merrit. HOWEVER, the skill or merchant pure could be made to benefit a clan. An account made to supply clan members with money, or items, to make them stronger. So it is like the old saying, an exception does not make a rule, or something like that. Just because many might be braking the rules, doesn't mean others are not doing it ligit.
  24. I didn't mean to make it sound like the air cannon was a balista test. You mentioning a bolista reminded me of the show. I think I have heard something about using bolistas as a siege weapon. They would use the spear as a sort of grappling hook, so to speak. The turrent was elevated so that the spear would be fired over the wall of an instalation. The spear would have a rope attached to the end. This rope was then used to pully lift a ladder against the wall. I don't remember if it was a history show I was watching or if it was a movie. I am leaning to the thought it was a movie because I am seeing this being done and a person on the wall, or on the other side of the wall, being impailed by the projectile.
  25. That's because they aren't smithable. The gloves are available from the Culinaromancer's chest, following the completion of any part of the Recipe for Disaster quest. They range from Bronze to Barrows, and can be found on the Rewards page for the Quest on the Knowledge base. The boots are drops from slayer monsters, and range from Bronze to Rune. Perhaps they should be smithable, I'm uncertain. At present they do provide a tremendous reward for raising your smithing level, or completing Recipe for Disaster, the longest quest in the game. I think you misunderstood why I said that. The person I said that too had quoted what I said about there being no smithable metal boots or guantlets. Then they said there was metal boots and gloves. So I reposted the quote of my post and put the text about where I was talking about smithable, in bold. Then I made that statement in which you just quoted me on. I never once said anything about there being none at all. I only said there were none that were smithable. So I guess that is twice :wall: Oh as for the bolista thing and chain mail. I was watching a nice show on Discovery. It was about the Vikings and thier armor. It was the cheapest made stuff you could ever imagine. However it protected better than the finest made chain mail of the time. It turned out that it wasn't actualy the chain they made but the cloth they wore over the chain. They used this air cannon thing and fired a spear point into two pieces of chain. First was the finely made chain and the spear had no problem penetrating. They fired it again at teh Viking chain and it penetrated even more. They then put the chain with the cloak the Vikings wore and fired the spear into it. The spear still penetrated but not a fatal penetration. This is why it was believed you could shoot a Viking, or stab them, and yet they would still keep coming.
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