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Everything posted by 100_Shadows

  1. I think I posted a few months ago but I shall do so again - Great idea, love the art, love the things, no neat freak should go without this bank. You got my support all the way :wink:
  2. Cb 100, full mime/zombie/lederhosen/frog played for near 2 years.. ..never had drill demon -.-
  3. 60k+ Potato Seeds and various other seeds.. like 22k Onion and 10k Cabbage etc.. Over 100k total lol.. herb seeds too. Donations accepted :wink:
  4. Oh noes, I double posted by accident =/
  5. Quotes concerning the fish bowl helmet.. 'I can focus light off my Bubble-hat to burn the unbelievers!' ' "wats dat hat do mr.alien?" "It protects me from stupid questions" '
  6. Thanks for that! Very fast lol. I will add that in once I get the quest details and have a spare 15 minutes
  7. Whiteberry bushes are good if you need a small amount of white berries for herblore. All Herb Seeds (the higher the better) are good. Watermelon is a good source of super compost and used in cooking. Sweetcorn is good cooking Xp when you cook it from raw. Also read a few of the previous posts for ideas I haven't mentioned Hoped that helped
  8. I'd just like to highlight the fact (again) that I have added that option in quite awhile ago. Keep coming up with those ideas :)
  9. I don't fully understand the question. Do you mean does it have any use as in what else is it good for, or do you mean what else do you need to be able to do it, such as required magic level for example?
  10. Yup I believe thats in there somewhere.. someone mentioned it but thanks for the feedback :P
  11. I'm gonna return the compliment here - Great guide! Now I don't need 3 P pots a trip :P Also you may want to check your spelling of Veracs and Torags at 2 points, but apart from that maybe add in the option to use Guthans for kill count?
  12. Ahh thanks for spotting that. It was a long time ago since I did those quests and I guess I was overconfident ;p Editing now Severation - I just spotted your post and have changed it to guild, add me ingame for your cookie.
  13. i'm pretty sure all you can do is wait for a mod to read this guide and add it on his own. ikraz66, your response is exactly right. 100_Shadows, your guide looks to be clear, well-written, and organized. Although you've written a quality guide, Tip.It already has a Farming Guide on the website. If you have changes or corrections that should be made to our website guide, please post in the Website Updates forum on the Farming topic, http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=297079 Your guide IS suitable to keep available in the Player Made Guides forum, where I'm sure it will help many people. Thanks for posting your guide for everyone! Thank you for that reply. Although I'm slightly disappointed it can't be AoW it won't stop me from trying to improve the existing one. My guide was written with the intention of teaching people to farm who already know the basics, but entering a new skill you haven't tried before can lead to some silly mistakes. The guide suggested routes and faster ways to make experience count and so on, but as long as people can view it here that is fine by me. The fact I know it is suitable enough makes me happy and perhaps I will write another guide using this confidence ^^ ugafan - I only mentioned Troll Stronghold since that is the sum of all the previous requirements, people will see what they need to do for Troll Stronghold and so it is a seperate issue that I do not need to mention, but thank you for the idea.
  14. Yup it was already suggested, but I appreciate the help nevertheless ^^. Thanks to all the compliments so far and keep flooding me with ideas!
  15. They are a lot less convenient to get than pineapple so I may leave it out, but concerning your earlier suggestion on Barley I like very much and will add it in when I can ^^
  16. Ah yes, about that. I've read everything associated with submitting for AoW and I'm not 100% on how to do so.. Is it a simple thing I have missed? Can anyone tell me how?
  17. Upgraded to version 1.2! New features include - - Contents system - Information on new farming related quests - Various sub heading/heading title changes
  18. Time for the old monthly bump :-s I'll get around to adding in the My Arm quest herb patch thing sometime soon I hope.
  19. they didn't roll back after the fally massacre. Didn't Jagex say there was no rollback since too much happened after the actual event? Personally I think they did not want to anger the majority to please the minority that were affected. Say you got your first dragon drop and then you got a rollback :S
  20. Neee I meant make the piccys have transparent backgrounds =p
  21. I don't think we should worry about worlds appearing or disappearing, it doesn't bother me that much. Just so long as they don't mess with world 64 that is ^^
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