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Everything posted by Sennin_Koth

  1. Okay guys. Thanks so much. I'll post back and let you know what I get.
  2. doesn't that take high agility skill?
  3. I got a cluescroll that takes me just north of it, but I can't find my way to that part of karamja. It's unbelievably frustrating. Help!
  4. Well, I don't have a working camera at the moment. I more or less lost my digital camera somehow. Anyway, I have a large, heavy, black and green Xbox Demo Display in my living room. Took it apart at the store where I work, and reconstructed the entire thing in my home. Working neon lights and all those other shiny bits. :thumbsup:
  5. :-s Man. This is the worst thing i've heard in about... two weeks? Couple weeks ago, in my area, a 16 year old girl died giving birth. The cause? The nurse put the Epidural in the I.V. instead of the girl's back. The end result, of course, was death. Now that, that is quite sad.
  6. I beleive that Magic at one point may have existed. Plenty of things and happenings on this Earth from the past tend to point to bigger miracles, or perhaps Magic. If it did exist, it would be my best guess that through war, and the human inability to cope with those who are different; (kind of like the whole x-men thing) We lost the ability to use Magic. Could it ever come back? Who knows? There is no way to be sure. All we can do is beleive I suppose. :pray:
  7. My arse. Last time I checked the military don't employ spotty teenagers. I have an equally valid counter to your post: I was one of the astronauts that went to the moon - therefore it happened. And what is it exactly that makes you think i'm some little boy? I entered the military at the age of 17. Turned 18 halfway through boot camp. That was quite a long time ago.
  8. It's far too easy to convince the willing. The American Public will generally beleive anything you tell them if you put enough effort into what it is that you show them. Because as we all know, People as a whole are both gullible and stupid. You get enough to beleive, and they get together to get others to beleive. Chain reaction for the most part. It's actually from an old 8-bit videogame, but why would that have any bearing on what I do in Real Life? We are all here inside of a video game forum, so why should my avatar come as some sort of surprise? We can't all be so serious all the time, my boy.
  9. Never gave it a thought myself. With all the hair on the arms and legs, I don't see much a point in shaving unless it all goes. And that might just make me feel nekkid. =P~
  10. Wait. You worked at a top-secret research facility and you're telling a random online community? I want people to know the truth. That, and there isn't a soul that can track me down. \
  11. After working in the military at a top-secret research facility, I can say that I am 100% sure that the Lunar Landing was a hoax. The government can make anything look real or fake, because we have just that kind of power. As for all of the people involved? We are all on the inside. Beleive the Lie. The Truth is out There. :-$
  12. I can't even dodge parked cars at that time of day. l3il2die - Don't worry about it. Nobody got hurt, so you have no real weight on your conscience. money is money. it gets stolen. Nothing us normal people can do about it. :
  13. This topic was good news until I actually came in to read the post. Congress gets paid far too much allready. Why not put that money into, oh, I dunno, Schools? Government money is wasted far too much these days. #-o
  14. Happy belated Birthday to you. :thumbsup:
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