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Everything posted by Hugger_88

  1. Anyone wanna play later on today? I cant play right now because my TV is BS'ing sooo... yeah. my tag is LVIud
  2. I own 3 sawed off muskets that my grandpa gave me from his moon-shine running days. and I have about 50lbs of gunpowder, 80K rounds, and the stuff to make about 40K more for my dads competition pistol shooting. annddd I have a set of rims matching the General Lee's. They are called hurricanes and they are EXTREMELY hard to find.
  3. :blink: Yeah for real. Ill admit, I do get pretty PO'd but thats just crazy.
  4. Yeah i do that alot, Im like "someone come get this!!"
  5. This kid played for 17 hours straight, and goes mad. http://gamesthirstarticles.blogspot.com/2009/11/teen-goes-mad-after-playing-mw2-for.html
  6. Could someone please take this picture put "Intervention" somewhere in there with a cool, somewhat matching font? Tip.it max size please. Thanks if you need anymore details just ask
  7. If you use a laptop or have one, you can plug the ethernet into it. Thats what I do most of the time. Decent connection, but there is no little lag. its perfect connection or so bad your floating everywhere. and if you need a card to play i have a 48-hr I can give you. Anyways!!! My best game today was 54-6 with the Intervention ACOG/No ACOG. Got 2 collaterals :D
  8. I might be on tonight, all night, if anyone wants to play (xbox) dont hesitate to add me. Tag is LVIud really lookin forward to some good ol' tif gaming!
  9. I have to [bleep]ING WAIT for it.. cuz I dont have a TV to play on... boo. its backed up till Feb. if you didnt pre-order here. lol
  10. Exactly. I drink like.. 6 Pepsi's a day, I eat mickey dees like 3 times a week, but Im in good physical shape and my body is toned. My daily routine consists of a 12-minute jog around a basketball court (2-1/2 laps per minute is the main pace), 20, 45 degree sit ups. 30 alternating situps. 20 standard pushups. and 20 diomand pushups. Then 45 minutes of lifting. 2 sets of 8 reps on every machine I can hit. about an hour and a half of straight working out. Take a shower, and play some xbox. also, theres a good chance lifting weights wont help lose weight. Muscle weighs more than fat. Hope I helped alittle :D EDIT: This is what I got over 6 months of that workout schedule. i counted my pepsis and fast food meals. I drank 140 Pepsis and had 30 McDonalds meals over that time, and this is what my body looks like.
  11. Sophie Monk [hide=.][/hide] Bar Refaeli [hide=.] [/hide]
  12. ahhh the reballs. stingin [wagon] [bleep]s. They hurt SO bad. Because there is no splatter factor like normal paintballs. Its just straight up blunt force impact.
  13. I'm not a pro or anything, but it really looks like you're bending your back there. that or it's the picture, it's hard to make out E: From what I've heard abs are some workout, and a lot of diet. Looking at what you want to become you should read this, I found it helpful to have it simplified. But the eat every 2 - 3 hours thing is mostly so you actually eat the amount you need, instead of eating 3 times a day and not being able to eat everything. http://goonlifter.wikispaces.com/Alfalfa%27s+Nutrition%2C+Rest%2C+and+Supplement+Beginner+Guide Not really, I know a guy who bench 375lb and is probably at 400 now without steroids @Bloodstain, It looks like that because the person took the picture as I was putting it down. and I wasnt bending as much as it looks like i was in the pic. @Skull, Ive been taking weightlifting for 3 semesters (freshy year and now) and my friend in 1st semester freshy year was benching 375. He was effing HUGE. he was only a sophomore, but hes a farm boy and has been working out his entire life. its seriously amazing.
  14. If you know each other, I don't see why striking up a conversation would be odd. Hey man, you never know! I added a really cute girl in my science class on myspace, and decided to IM her one day.. We ended up talking for a while, and now shes one of my best friends. Just do it, whats there to lose?!
  15. You have really cool eyes :thumbup: thanks!
  16. I have a really "toned" 6-pack, and I drink anywhere from 2-5 pepsi's a day. My ab workouts consist of knee-ups, crunches, sit-ups, and a machine that holds my legs in place and I do sit ups with 35lb dumbells
  17. Finally got a picture of me deadlifting. 355 lbs
  18. Some new pics... [hide=Stevo] 355lbs on deadlift [/hide]
  19. Sophia Bush [hide][/hide] She is like.. Beautiful. Jesse James (girl) [hide][/hide]
  20. When you go into edit mode, at the bottom it says like 'Full Edit' or 'Advance Edit' or something of the sort, its under that.
  21. Just got the blog redone.. Stupid new forum confusing technoligy.. Communists <_< :razz:
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