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Everything posted by Auberean

  1. Auberean

    Slogan help!

    This probably won't be received well by your school administraitors.
  2. This issue isn't entirely one-sided (people have been failing to repeal it for over a decade), so I'd be interested to see some of the other sides of the argument.
  3. I don't think I would take it so far as to make it an OT Events Team thing, but if you think that's a good idea, we could have a discussion on it.
  4. Basically, anyone born on United States soil immmediately becomes a citizen, regardless of almost any other circumstances. This Amendment was passed shortly after the Civil War, mostly as protection for all of the African-Americans that had recently been released from bondage. More than a century later, the creation of an Ammendment to protect recently-released slaves hardly seems to have any relevance in contemporary American society. However, it's still called upon, and called upon often. But by who? Illegal Immigrants. By entering America illegally, and having a child (be it five minutes later or five years later), that child automatically becomes a citizen. The Government does not deport the child, and instead, allows it and any members of it's family (legal or not) to remain in America, while receiving welfare benefits. These children are sometimes refered to as Anchor Babies, because they anchor entire families of illegal immigrants to America. Non tax-paying immigrants that collect social services. It is estimated that nearly 200,000 of these types of children are born in America each year, bringing along families that most often only attribute to states' debts. Most all other major countries have revoked their policies of Birthright Citizenship. Do you think our policy is out of date? Why or why not? Feel free to bring any new information to the table, that's just my opinion.
  5. Is anyone up for some chess? It's a game, where you use your "dudes" to win victory over another player. Basically, I'd like to know if there would be enough interest for me to set up a tournament. Finding an easy-to-use online chess program isn't much of a problem, so I leave it to you. Want to play some games?
  6. Auberean


    Probably more Moderators. The help forum has 6 dedicated moderators, while OT only has two, even though it's more active.
  7. the key in any good relationship :) What I'm getting at here is - doesn't viewing the cooking as a factor actually detract from true love? Aaaaaand...I'm not making any sense again.
  8. "I'm hipped on Freud and all that, but it's rotten that every bit of real love in the world is ninety-nine per cent passion and one little soup̮̤̉̉on jealousy." -F. Scott Fitzgerald Love - a feeling of strong attraction and affection towards another person. Characterized by willing self-sacrifice, and many other things. It's an abstract noun, and you'll just have to use your own definition, that's the best I can do. So, love. Does it exist in the true sense of the word? To be involved in love you have to be mature enough to understand the power that it can have. You have to be ready to give up many things in your life, all for a chance. At least, that's my opinion. But can it ever be truly real? With things such as passion, power, jealousy, revenge, and regret that will drive people into romantic relationships, how can you ever know where personal interest ends and true love begins? What is it that leads to love, why do people do it? Is it always a conscious decision, or just something that happens? Overall, does love tend to hurt people or help them? And...that's it. Sorry for the short main post, but that's all I'm able to transmit to words at the moment.
  9. Auberean


    He's also making $26,000-$104,000 a year playing poker. I don't think it's worth it to chase him down to find out some answers. The sad thing is, that's actually possible (though if you 'play' the stock market with higher funds, $100k a year is nothing). Pro-players win $300k tournaments on and offline all the time. $2k a week isn't unrealistic for poker if you're a *really* good player, $5k into $75k in a stock exchange is. Since he claimed both, I'd say neither are true. Oh, I understand the profit that there is in poker. I'm just saying that everything flipflop says is very unlikely, and his unlikely statements are cumulative.
  10. Auberean


    He's also making $26,000-$104,000 a year playing poker. I don't think it's worth it to chase him down to find out some answers.
  11. Auberean


    Oh, wow, I completely forgot. I had that recommended to me and I was supposed to pick it up this week.
  12. Auberean


    I find that incredibly hard to believe. Elaborate?
  13. Macros and exploits exist in every popular game, because it's profitable to do so. I mean, my friend tells me it's legal. Yes, the macro system is very legal and it's not the type that does everything for you like in RS. It's a little script system (<255 char limit I think) so you can hit the button and itll do what you want although it can only cast a spell/ability/whatever once per spell. The addons system is much more complex, but it just adds to the game. Yeah it's not "macros" like in the way people in runescape use the term (the guys in runescape are botters/autoers btw). It's pretty much just scripting out something, like a chain of attacks you do when you press it. Oh, I see what you mean. It's just a series of scripts, such as "Cast this spell, rest for 10 seconds, then cast this spell" or something like that. Not a macro or a bot in the sense that you think.
  14. Auberean


    Hm, more Dan Brown fans. After reading The Da Vinci code, it seemed to me like all of his other books were the same, just with different nouns.
  15. I think that really depends on the person. It's kind of like Conservatives vs. Liberals. You can't really say that either side is "correct", it comes down to how you feel about it and how it will effect you.
  16. That's just flat out dodging the issue. Is marijuana ok for kids if they're not getting addicted to cocaine? Well, I'm just trying to figure out if the internet is really a problem. Maybe in the whole grand scheme of things it's not that bad, everything being relative.
  17. Some of them are! It's really quite exciting! You have a point, of course.
  18. Auberean


    Wait until you get to...12th I think? I'd call Hamlet Shakespeare's best work, by far. Well, my freshman year sucked, my sophomore year is going great so I can't wait to be a senior if this keeps up : And I've heard that's really good. If anything, you should check out Kenneth Branagh's version of Hamlet that was released in the mid-nineties. I'm kind of ashamed to say that I've never seen Laurence Olivier's version.
  19. How is teaching your kid WarCraft VII, or how to navigate a low level character through World of Warcraft III, somehow "less" than teaching the kid to play chess? My 6 year old cousin can play World of Warcraft and kill monsters after 10 minutes and potentially get the maximum level one day, she can not play chess and understand how it works after 10 days. End of story. But anyways... WarCraft VII?! I'm positive you were talking about III. Still, navigating there doesn't take much intelligence. The Blues Brothers confuse me in quote trees! Anyways, I think BlueTear was talking about Warcraft VII in reference to children of the future.
  20. I'm saying something I did on Friday proved to me just how immature me and those around me are. Also, there is one thing we care about.. Sex. Though there are a few other things I care about right now, I'm not doing anything to achieve them.. Don't take anything I say right now too seriously.. I haven't slept much lately. I understand what he's saying, but it's kind of hard to bring topics like this into play on a PG board where no one watches the watchers. No slight meant towards the moderators.
  21. I would agree that human nature always remains the same, and a huge part of human nature in our depravity. I believe the problem stems neither from parents nor technology, but from a worldview that doesn't deal with that depravity and does deny human purpose. If nothing is truly wrong with depravity, why not embrace all it entails, which for some includes sloth. If there is no purpose, why bother working hard to get nowhere? I really like what you said right there, makes plenty of sense to me.
  22. Well, that's really a group of people. Stephen Wright has done some pretty good stuff, but he's known mostly as a comedian's comedian.
  23. Auberean


    Wait until you get to...12th I think? I'd call Hamlet Shakespeare's best work, by far.
  24. Do you think that in today's society, these benefits balance out with or even overcome the downfalls?
  25. Just curious what you think - if you're getting the information you need to fix your problem, what does it matter who gives it to you? If you read the whole post through you will see that I didn't get an answer to my problem. I'm not too bothered because I'm not paying McAfee for Site Advisor. If I WAS however.... Oh, sorry then. My mistake.
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