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Everything posted by samari81

  1. Also if you'd like any extra info don't be afraid to ask Either post here or ask me in game I'm always private chat: on I'm also looking to make some new friends as it appears alot of my old friends no longer play
  2. My stats ^ I'm F2P currently I remember these being my main targets for levels: Cooking - 99 Woodcutting - 80 Fishing - 80 Firemaking - 70 Mining - 80 Smithing - 70 Defence - 70 Mage - 70 Runecrafting - 60 Crafting - 70 Considering just before I quit over a year ago I was cooking constantly from lvl 70-91 I'd rather avoid that if possible My question is: Which of these targets could I achieve easiest, enjoy most and would draw me back into the game and how would I achieve it? Just for some extra help here's my bank: (I also have a green h'ween mask valued at around 9mil that I am willing to sell if 100% neccassary)
  3. I'll probably get a warning for this from a mod, but it may be the solution. Have you been on any adult material websites? (I'm guessing you're over 18, or like most teenagers ignore the laws) Because they're often the cause, you may of accidentally downloaded a DirectX file. Nobody has suggested it yet, but my brother did it and destroyed my other computer last year -.- It's extremely unlikely that tip.it would give you a virus.
  4. After doing some of my own lengthy research I have discovered that: 1) It is much better getting the 120gb that the 20gb xbox 2) Silver membership is free and is good enough for what I want to do which is gaming and talking online. 3) All good deals (E.g. xbox + 3 games) come with a downfall, you get 2 decent games and 1 unwanted game. I also have some new questions: Where/What is the best deal on the Xbox360 considering that I'm in the UK (so my currency is ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã/Steling) and my most wanted games are: Pro Evo 2008, Halo 3 and Assassins creed. Also I would like an extra controller, colour doesn't matter as long as it's wireless. The cheapest I've found is ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã279.99 for this bundle. Many thanks for any help you offer
  5. Better than HyperCam also has no adverts on it
  6. Rule #1 with new batteries is always put it on charge and leave it on charge You need to charge it for 24 hours then try =] Samari
  7. Trust me.. i need to nuke it ( :twisted: ) How would i re-format my hardrive? and would that delete everything on it? Re-formatting the computer is like setting a phone back to it's factory settings, so yes I believe it would delete all files. To do so, I think this works on all computers Restart your computer Then repeatidly press F11/F10 (Not 100% sure which) while it's loading Then follow the instructions from there
  8. Looking great doesn't mean they're any good. They're almost like putting a Ford Transit van's engine inside an F1 car :XD: Also these computers are more for actually playing the game than they are deisgning Samari
  9. A quick screenshot Luckily I wrote down the url of the imageshack upload just before my computer froze, so now I've typed it up on my laptop. The screenshot is of the log literally on reboot after it had just frozen, Hope this helps, Samari
  10. Could you please remind me of how to access the event viewer/log? I'm not the brightest when it comes to what's actually inside computers, could you please enlighten me further, make it a little easier like "Computers for dummies" really :XD: I've never had this error appear Yes I do have a power surge protection extension lead and the light is still on :) Lol at that evil :twisted: fridge :XD: My dad is an electrician so I doubt there are many problems and there are none at the socket as I've tried plugging it into a different socket in the house before and the same problem occured. Your input is much appreciated : Samari
  11. Deep_Pain - There are no errors at any point, (except for a dodgy installation on my printer but that's unrealted) Snipersas - I refuse to open up the computer as I wouldn't have a clue what I'd be looking at/for xD Makoto_The_Phoenix - My hard disk is practically empty, as stated in my OP the main things on the computer are about 500 songs and photoshop
  12. Right I'll have to do that tommorow as it's getting late, I'll keep you both posted, many thanks
  13. Right ok then, is This the correct program and website? And is it trusted?
  14. Nope no blue screens. Just freezes on whatever I'm on and of there is any audio then that freezes too and it sounds like when a CD is skipping. Are you able to do anything like Ctrl + alt + del to get to the task manager or does the entire PC literally just freeze up. And this is a bit of a longshot considering you had it looked at, but you have scanned for any possible virus's right? Also does it lock up on random or during something specific (like while listening to music, or in photoshop, or ect.) Just trying to think up of something that a tech support wouldn't think of. :-k :-k Nope, can't do anything. Everything just freezes I have Norton Anti-virus and that never seems to pick anything up. The computer just freezes randomly, it can be anywhere from the start up screen, logging in, listening to music, browsing the web, playing RS or even just when it's left on the desktop with no programs running
  15. Nope no blue screens. Just freezes on whatever I'm on and of there is any audio then that freezes too and it sounds like when a CD is skipping.
  16. Do not mix two programs together whatever you do Because if you do so you then run the risk of the two programs cancelling each other out, E.g. An incoming piece of non-malicious data is trying to enter your computer and your Norton Internet security is saying no it will not let it through, however, your newly installed SpyBot Search & Destroy is saying that it is non-malicious therefore posses no threat and should be let through. This contradiction then causes the programs to cancel each other out, therefore they will disconnect for 5 seconds I believe, potentially allowing other malicious pieces of data through and neither norton nor SpyBot would be aware of this Remember to stick to one or the other. Out of these two I'd stick with Norton. If you're looking for a free anti-virus I suggest AVG as it's the most regularly updated free piece :)
  17. My main home computer (Advent T9204) Has recently been playing up a lot I bought it around the end of 2005 So it's only 2 years old The problem is, it keeps freezing and then resetting itself, sometimes it doesn't even reset itself. I took it back to the shop where I bought it from (Pc-World) as I pay monthly insurance on it. I left the computer with them for a week and they checked it all over and said that they could not find one problem with the computer and that when they were using Hi-Def, powerful programs they had no problems. They then said that it could be something to do with the plug socket that the computer uses, we changed all of our sockets and the extension lead (4 plug points) to ones that were recomended and were capable of keeping on top of powerful electricals. Thus far this has made no difference. I want to know your opinions on it. Considering that when the computer freezes the computers fans and what not become very loud, there is not much memory being used on the computer, only about 500 songs and photoshop are the biggest things. There are no games of any sort that are played on it except for RuneScape. [hide=Specs] Intel Pentium 4 HT Processor 540 3.2 GHz Dual Layer DVD Re-Writer 16x DVD drive 250GB Hard Drive (7200 RPM) 1024 DDR Memory Dual Channel Memory ATi Raedeon X600 Pro PCI-Express graphics card 56k V.90 PCI Data-Fax Modem Stereo TV and FM tuner card (Never used) Wireless LAN PCI card 802.11G [/hide] If any other information is needed then just say so and tell me where I can get it from Many thanks, Samari
  18. 1) One stores 20gb and the other stores 120gb =) 2) IIRC, not with teh 360, but only with the older one 3) Yes, there is an ethernet port in the back. 4) I think they have wireless adapters for it, but you'll have to buy that. 5) That's extra, but if you put it on its side on a shoebox or something, it's not really needed. Ok thanks alot :D all questions answered. ill keep you updated when I buy it :
  19. I'm considering buying an xbox 360 within the next 2 weeks, I have a few questions... 1) What is the main difference between the 20gb and 120gb? 2) Do you have to pay a subscription or something to use Xbox Live? 3) Does the xbox just connect directly to a normal internet connection? 4) If yes on question 4, can I use a wireless network. 5) Does the xbox now come with that ugly extra fan thing that is needed to stop it from overheating or do you have to buy it seperately? Many thanks, Samari Oh also, Some recomendations for games and accessories would be nice?
  20. Ive asked around about any websites that might help, For example: I log into my main computer then upload all music files to the website Then I log into my laptop and download all music files to my laptop... But as far as I'm aware there aren't any that don't take hours. Samari
  21. Did you often just put the phone on charge everytime before you went to sleep at night?
  22. I have a slight dilema. I'll keep this short, I recently deleted everything off of my laptop to clean it all up a bit and start it all off fresh, at the moment my main home computer (my desktop) has all my files on. What I'd wish to do is transfer all my music files from my desktop onto my laptop. The problem is, I have no empty discs, floppy discs or a usb pen drive to do so. I was wondering if there was any way I could simply send my files over via the wireless network Details: Laptop - Advent 8109 Main Computer (Desktop) - Advent T9204 Wireless network router - Belkin Internet Service Provider (ISP) - Virgin If any other details are needed then please just ask Oh one last things, it's only 230 music tracks that I wish to transfer :) Many thanks, Samari
  23. Satan_Ix I know he quit But an old friend of his told me he was coming back Damn I wanna talk to him
  24. Im a level 87 and I still train at the stronghold I use flesh crawlers as there's not much clicking, they auto-attack you :) Then when I need food (rarely) I go to barb village fishing spot Samari
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