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Everything posted by ____

  1. free will You're a bit late there... and JM answered what I was driving at anyways :P
  2. Yep. And when you talk about things like Noah's Ark and such, that is genocide.
  3. Even by my logic, that is a stupid idea... So this perfect being makes something which weilds the capability to completely destroy it... intersting decision. As for the bit about tyranny... i'd say the definition pretty much sums up most of the bible :-?
  4. Humans are flawed. And being created by a perfect being, that shouldn't be possible :-? Care to explain that...
  5. I think it's mildly hilarious that this topic keeps turning up like a bad penny. that's coz some of the people who post it are bad pennies :P
  6. Do note that you attacked Peace over a movie they like. Oviously you have a problem with it, good for you. I dislike half the movies people have posted. You don't see me calling them dumb, etc. Jeez, get a bloody grip.
  7. 1) Schindler's List 2) The Shawshank Redemption 3) The Great Escape 4) American History X 5) Green Mile 6) The Usual Suspects 7) Saving Private Ryan 8) Oceans eleven 9) The Rock 10) Twelve Monkeys Top 10 for a start. Probably wont be like that when I'm finished though :P I have like 500 movies on VHS about 2m behind me to go through :oops:
  8. Interested... but not as a single-handed job... I'll talk to some people... see what they have to say :-?
  9. Yeah, pretty much. As for the trojan thing, if your cpu is pulling close to 100% and the runescape process isn't responsible for it.. then you got another problem... specially if the culprit isn't listed...
  10. This I might back, depending on the distribution you use. All comes down to how well it handles whats in the memory, if it has a good trash collector (ie: ditches stuff from memory once it's stopped being used) then all should be good. Java has this built in, but if you have threads still running (this would come from using 'back' to change worlds and such) it wont dump them.
  11. Not really, unless you can dump everything using the cpu from memory (or you could just kill the runescape process... and restart it)
  12. it's probably got threads still in the CPU time :-? Not sure why.. but some other programs tend to do that, when they don't unload things properly from memory, threads are still using the cpu time they're allocated.
  13. A wise man said "Forgiveness is divine but never pay full price for late pizza" - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Michelangelo
  14. There is one like that which I learnt a fair while ago: Say what you mean and mean what you say
  15. *points to sig* "Failure is never half as frightening as regret."
  16. I'd limit that to runescape based forums. I don't want to backlink to tipit as the content on my site/forum has nothing to do with it at all; which makes backlinking pointless as people would follow it and be like "what the hell, where's the programming, irc, php stuff?". BlackLabel: You have got to be kidding :-?
  17. Magey Magey Magey... you of all people should know about this: http://www.codingo.com/wallpapers
  18. Yep.. that's why I replied... as for the worn out keyboard thing... this keyboard is buggered from too much UT :D well.. mainly: a, w, s, d, q, e, c, space, 1-0, tab, ctrl my scroll wheel on my mouse is pretty messed up aswell.. some with the right mouse button (alernate fire w/ minigun 8))
  19. It's more like.. You know you've been online too much when you... - use K instead of 1000 in math. - call other people n00bs - use acronyms in speach - you've thought: mother has left #lounge_room, when she's left to get a drink (or similar situation - joins/parts). i've basically guilty of all of them.. specially that last one :oops:
  20. So god encourages rape? Wow I'd hate to find out what religion you worship. I'd assume one of those ones where the bible is the absolute truth and anything else is lies and complete bs; which is about 90% of them. Take a pic and you'll probably be correct. Can't believe how many people seem to think that rape is the womens fault... so, if i walked up to you (yes, you people who think getting raped is the chicks fault) and bashed you to an inch of your life.. it is YOUR fault, not mine. want to fight against that.. then it's going to affect ALL victims of crime, including rape :P
  21. That's mainly why I said 'mainly'. Somethings about Aussie are worth fighting for. But.. I still not know if they are worth dieing for :-? *shrug*
  22. agreeded I wouldn't do crap for my religion (not that i have one) but I would fight and die for my country and the world if it came to it. Country, maybe. World, no. It'd depend on the circumstances :P
  23. Probably Mt Pilatus in Switzerland... can't remember any others that'd get the elevation higher than that..
  24. Word with that Mel. I'm not a big fan of abortion except in certain circumstances, like rape.
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