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Everything posted by Sirscrap

  1. Well Toony001 uses a cannon/Steel Titan when he cans and he also turmoils his tasks. The ones that should be impressive are Mythiquedame and Mrs Jjb Cyn, both have around 100m exp and don't use a cannon And Y0 Sushi has well over 100m and only 51 defense. And they have also been playing for a rather long amount of time. Skateenjoi>all lol
  2. 13m no lifing at 99 and 13m no lifing at 67 are 2 different things
  3. Lol nah primey is one of my oldest friend son rs (4 yrs or so) and he was busy..I didn't give him any 5 minute warning or anything and I wasnt waiting lol I had slayer to get back to
  4. you never answered the question of what is your level now....
  5. slayer lvl now? if you're low don't plan on gettin 99 in a month lol I was nolifing for a month and was gettin about 5.5m
  6. lol....btw turnpikes...398k off 99 slayer :)
  7. with my low herb lvl how can i benefit the most from it
  8. thats crazy because I'm comin up on 180m and dont have 2k total yet but grats on 100m
  9. Past: Zez All time: Zez Current: Gert
  10. Been really busy lately...trying to still slay a bit a day..hard for me except on weekends...still pullin through with goal though
  11. Workin on that..it gets really boring at high levels lol...as you see im 97/99...im tryin so hard :( lol
  12. Thanks trip I want 99 prayer pretty bad lol...its def on my to do list lol and I hope to be done with slayer soon lol 3 weeks maybe
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