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Everything posted by MirageOfDeath

  1. 1. No, have you ever dealt with a crying baby? They're not gonna wait for anything, especially not for the convenience of some stranger lol. 2. Doesn't sound very sanitary.
  2. lol this thread is reminding me of things I've completely forgotten about. Most of my early childhood (of what I can remember) consisted of Hot Wheels, various action figures, having contests on who can dig the biggest hole in playground. I love those old beat em up games like Mortal Kombat,Tekken and Street Fighter. All the kids were so into that especially when those movies came out, they seem so lame now but I loved 'em heh. Hmm can't remember any other shows that haven't already been mentioned apart from Double Dragon, Full House, Family Matters..ugh can't remember the names to some other shows. Oh.. and the first thing that pops up into my head when someone mentions the '90s is Bob Saget... loved AFV back then. :oops: I think I've read every Ghoosebumps and Animorphs book. Also used read a series called The Box Car Kids (I think that's what it was called.)
  3. That's a bit unfair. The English have their fair share of incidents too... can't blame a whole country for the actions of a few individuals.
  4. I've heard of there being a world for just pyramid plunder but can't find any world labeled as that, does anyone know which world it is? Thanks.
  5. There really is a limit on how much loyalty you can show. If someone is being extremely crude and offensive why shouldn't you report them? I can take a joke but where should the line be drawn?
  6. lol, there are a lot more "easier" 99s than hunter.
  7. I haven't seen any clan do this (don't think runehead has this option either), but what do you guys think about ranking the top 500 in accordance to total xp rather than total levels? This way big skillers and f2p'ers have a chance of being on it.
  8. Sharon Stone... let's call it 'karma'..
  9. Ugh, got kicked offline at mithril dragons without a ring of life. I'm so dead. #-o
  10. Could ya add me please? rsn: Hells_Mishap
  11. So what your saying is that the lives of innocent women and children should suffer cause of what the Japanese army did? :uhh: You really think there wasn't a better way to end the war, with less civilian casualties?
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