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Everything posted by Bubsa

  1. Auto talking is considered legal...only not when it's misused to spam the chat window.
  2. Oh God...don't get me started on The Green Mile :cry: Only film I've cried in...but my oh my did I weep.
  3. Bubsa


    Yep, there's nothing i love more than trying to have a conversation with someone i can't understand. Then again it would be the same if the call centres were in Liverpool. Like it'd be so much better talking to you, Mr Somerset. Hahaha! Owned pls :P Yes I'm liverpudlian but I can speak in RP if I want.
  4. Bubsa


    Yep, there's nothing i love more than trying to have a conversation with someone i can't understand. Then again it would be the same if the call centres were in Liverpool. Watch your tongue boy :x
  5. Pipa, you're gonna need a harness to get you out of this whole you're digging. From what I've read, which is quite a bit, you're completely contradicting yourself. In no point, regardless, were you making any valid points. I'm like BlueLancer, couldn't agree more with Tigra's post. Although, I didn't spill my whisky...just missed a couple of skittles in my mouth.
  6. Bubsa


    I don't think being patriotic is a part of being a successful business, unfortunately. Here in England, most of our direct enquiries are based in India. Why? It's just so much cheaper. The Boddingtons factory recently moved after like 140 years. Of course it's sad and a piece of history lost, but we have to understand business motives. Although, I admit, once in a while I wish patriocracy would win.
  7. Dude...bummer :( *edit* Hehe ok...so I have these. Thanks Phil. I'm gonna go buy this game ASAP.
  8. My sister ran over a hedgehog yesterday. For every hedgehog saved another must die. thats fate i guess. lol /me in Mufasa voice: And the Circle of Life is complete. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Ouroboros!
  9. Ok My comp is: XP Pro, AMD Athlon ~1.7GHZ, 448RAM and, the killer, 56k dial-up :( Would Guild Wars run decently on my PC? Put me down lightly if need be..
  10. Aaaw :P I'm so glad it brought a bit of happiness to you people. If anyone wants to use the picture for anything feel free, just put a little reference to me and that [bleep]ey got home safely :D
  11. Why won't anyone believe me when I tell them farming will be before carpentry :(
  12. If you really want to replicate this, and heavens knows why why anyone would, you could just get the HAM costume :?
  13. Good for you. And yes you are for posting this spam.
  14. Yeah I don't know who it was who first posted we're on the 99th quest...But they obviously can't count.
  15. Hmm. It makes you wonder but don't expect it any time soon.
  16. Pahahaha! Oooh I'm so gonna try that next weekend :P
  17. Audacity is a completely free one. Isn't all that good though.
  18. That is a cover of the Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams are amde of these. And a shocking one at that.
  19. A recent one for me is gonna be In The Morning - By The Coral. Most of them went to my school :P
  20. The brick wall may think differently tho :P Hehe watch your tongue you :P
  21. Wow. How can you seriously suggest that when the whole point of trimmed armour was a reward? Way to defeat the point of treasure trails.
  22. Have you been doing Underground Pass lately?
  23. Of course. What else would be more thug than to get banned from a forum?
  24. Possibly the most ridiculous idea I've ever heard. They could be trading to anyone. A lot of people would get extremely annoyed.
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