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Everything posted by Bubsa

  1. Aw man, that's a beautiful memorial. May they rest in peace, be remembered and loved.
  2. Happy Passover my Jewish pals! :D Let it be known I envy the amount of food you get at holidays. :P
  3. Pulled Glutius Maximus muscle - that hurts.
  4. Bah, humbug. St George wasn't even English. And as for Shakespeare, anyone remember the Blackadder episode when he punches him, saying: "That's for every schoolboy and girl for the next 400 years!" Good on him!
  5. Dude I feel for you. Toothache has got to be one of the worst things ever, because you're always using your mouth. Especially me and how much I eat. On a side note: God bless good metabolisms :P
  6. Go straight to jail. Do NOT pass Go. Do NOT collect ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã200.
  7. Glastonbury baby, YEAH! Too bad the line ups pretty crummy this year. But whatever, tents and wellies are my speciality!
  8. Bubsa

    New pope.

    Yeah you're kinda just knocking Cathlocism as a whole there, not the Pope. If the Pope was against these issues and beliefs, well then i don't think he would have been elected Pope to be honest.
  9. Well good for him, the lucky smeg! :P Now tell him to sell it and get the old version mini cooper ;)
  10. Do you really expect anyone here is capable of reading the Gower's thoughts?
  11. I still can't actually believe wilderness capes aren't f2p...
  12. I think the evalutionary process has begun. You see mage improvements now. I have little doubt that, eventually, melee and range will get some, and then the process can start again.
  13. Bubsa

    New pope.

    Nah, he's just keeping the seat warm for me :P
  14. Bubsa

    New pope.

    My bottom! Anyone who disembowels Pyro's signature is good enough for me!
  15. Oooh I get it. Football/Soccer. It's like the poor man's Champions League. Good on ya! Good ol' Lithuania!
  16. Bubsa

    New pope.

    Psh, get back to the Media Board noob :roll: :P
  17. Bubsa

    What constitutes

    Yeah I remember reading that too and thinking it was a little extreme. But then again, what if it did lead to a serious accident?
  18. Bubsa

    New pope.

    I'd just like to say this is not the point I'm trying to make. Also Mad, before I didn't mean everyone was joining Hitler Youth out of fear but the Armed Forces. Even people who didn't join this were sought after for death. In the link Cj posted it states that Ratzinger was never a part of Hitler's party.
  19. Bubsa

    New pope.

    I'm sure I speak for everyone that you're right to be sceptical for that reason. The Hitler Youth basically was Hitler's "grooming" so to speak of young children of the Ayran race (Blonde hair blue eyes). But only being kids at the time, I'm not sure how aware the children like Ratzinger were about the whole regime Hitler was about to inflect on them and the world. Maybe after being enlightened to it, he decided he wanted nothing to do with it, but again I'm not sure. He was just a kid, blissfully naive perhaps of Hitler's final solution.
  20. Bubsa

    New pope.

    Yup we should, I'm already in floods :cry: It's just so beautiful.. The skittles that is..not you!
  21. Bubsa

    New pope.

    Yeah man I can totally respect that comment, it makes a lot of sense and in most aspects I feel the same way. I don't think this Pope will do those things though, or rather I hope. I guess time will tell. Yeah I don't think he is allowed to do that seeing as his position :P Sorry First comment was abit stupid this is what I really mean. Ha no worries mate :P I'm sorry I could you ignorant because you didn't elaborate, it's clear you're not.
  22. Bubsa

    New pope.

    Yeah man I can totally respect that comment, it makes a lot of sense and in most aspects I feel the same way. I don't think this Pope will do those things though, or rather I hope. I guess time will tell.
  23. Bubsa

    New pope.

    Then I'm happy I'm just as much of an ignorant fool as Cj, thank you very much. This pope will be another rightwinged conservative, driving people away from the ideals of Christianity just because of his stupid (excus̮̩̉̉ le mot) opinions on abortion, homosexuality and the role of women in today's society. In order to keep up with today's world, they should have picked a more progressive pope, not one that would continue to preach against contraception (which is nearly equal to pro-AIDS, in african countries). I wasn't saying he was your pick, nor mine. Just many people within the sector of the church. I accept I should have made that clearer.
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