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Everything posted by MyFaceWhen

  1. If your prepared to play 17-19 Hours a day this can be done, If not it ain't happening :-w
  2. Even if the exp is 50k an hour you'de have to play 19 hours a day for two weeks.. :-s
  3. I Don't see why your complaining seeing as you can't even spell uses #-o
  4. If it only took two weeks wouldn't you be 99 Hunter by now? :notalk:
  5. Its not really a guide, All your saying is buy the willows you need for 30 ea. or go buy and burn from general store :?
  6. Mod Burgess Jagex Mod 22-Feb-2007 19:34:39 Last edited on 22-Feb-2007 19:35:06 by Mod Burgess Luring in to the Wilderness We'd like to explain that Luring in to the Wilderness is not against the rules of the game. This is because we feel that the dangers of the Wilderness are well signposted. The warning screen before entering the Wilderness clearly explains that any player that enters the Wilderness is in danger of being killed and losing items. If you are trading near or in the Wilderness then it is important that you consider the documented dangers. You are at risk of being lured and player killed, which could lead to you losing any items that you are carrying. If you are trading then we recommend that you avoid areas like the Wilderness, Edgeville and north Varrock. If you are uncomfortable with the arrangements of a trade then try and change them or cancel the offer. If you choose to trade in one of these areas then you do so at your own risk. It should be noted that there is never a reason for a trade to take place specifically in the Wilderness, and it is advised to refuse any such offers if they are not willing to trade outside of it. Despite the fact that Luring is not against the rules, it is not in the spirit of the game. We ask any player interested in Luring to take this in to consideration. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Nuff said.
  7. Nothing special to other green drag killing guides, But atleast you tried.
  8. If u dont like people running, bring entangles and use mystic and a weapon or mystic and a bow..
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