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Everything posted by leinfo

  1. yeah, i had a pure, lots of hp is vital lol, well good luck, my chats on now, so feel free to talk
  2. is he a pure, skiller, main, or what, he seems pretyy cool though, add me if you want to talk some time.
  3. kinda depends on what forum you check, soem people tend to stay on for example "rate this" rather then "general" soooo, you have to check different places. but no, im wayy no famous
  4. another donations from one radd person, thanks soo much dude thanks soooo much!
  5. =p you should have put me on the head post, i doanted a power ammy
  6. hey nooby =p much <3 ive been wc, mostly yews, but i gots my melfs some willers for you because your radd! hmmm...... we need to spend another all nighter or uhh for you, all afternooner oh, yeah you said you were going camping, have you left yet, because on saturday i was on till like 3:00am here (should be like 7:00pm there right?) and you werent on, well tell me if you havent left :thumbsup:
  7. higher goals maybe, the wc wont take more then a week, neither will the fm, day at most, and crafting is a little low, shoot higher
  8. really nice goals/accomplishments, i know, im kinda new to the forums, but i've seen those banner progress things (the ones with the experience in the first post) and i was wondering, where do you get those? is it a link or something, or did you make them? could you tell me please? XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX post sorry saw a post above, thanks for the link
  9. I remember you. You never logged on anymore. Wondered what happened to you. i dont know, phases hit me, i started a "pure" didnt work so, i made my slef a skiller after three pures, so im on my skiller, add T R 3 E if you want to talk some time, it was always fun sorry i bailed on you the other month or so ago
  10. never mind, looters gave back
  11. so, i just died cutting yews (random, killed me during lag) and i lost my sleeping time hat, anybody know how much another would cost?
  12. he i dumped him, or rather, he dumped me, i caught him with joob, so i went out with the pirate, then he said i was ignoring him, so he started to abuse me now im sad, and all alone :(
  13. hey, i remember talking to you, we dont anymore, i gave up my main, combat started to bug me, and i had that stupid goal of 99 fm, gea who was i kidding? well how have you been, add me if you want to talk some time k? this is le info remember?
  14. add me if you want to talk sometime, ask mr__joob, we talk alot but im a pure skiller, seems like you are too, well add me for some goood convos(check my blog btw)
  15. thanks, yup im at yews saving for dragon wc axe........... long rode to it tho
  16. im a pure nooobbb skillllzzz too, check out my blog (click sig) but yesh, add me if you want to talk some time, yews get very very boring alone.
  17. leinfo


    Ok so a friend has a Saradomin Crozier and traded his ranger boots for it, and he is wondering, if tihs was a fair trade or did he just get scammed hardcore? honestly this isnt me its a friend he also sold it for a saradomin stole anybody know the price on these?
  18. i gots my self a willow seed ill sell you it for 30k, my world drynor.... world world: 76 name: T R 3 E add me kk? so sorry, i just saw that i sold it thought i had it in bank, super sorry!
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