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Everything posted by leinfo

  1. hey, yea, and they were at a mardi gras type thing, and he needed fortuados opion on the price he payed for the wine so he lead him down into the like crypt type thing, and they had a little chat abut masons. read it, a tell tale heart was another great short story by poe, dark writer, but some pretty great stuff I think. I do beleave that latin was useed in a tell tale heart too i think it was some phrase or something the main character said when the heart beat was getting louder, i dont know lol :-#
  2. yea, we use rosetta stone v.21 i think, its horrible, they dont teach us the words, hey gve us horrible pictures and make us decphier the phrase hat matches the pictures, and the pictures dont make any sense at all, for example puella scribbit (girl and write i think....) was matched with some like creature with glasses and a pencil. i was like WTF?
  3. so, i made my fist ever pixe sig in paint, made it under 6x magnification, here it is could somebody please like cut or crop this so its just my drawing, and not so much white please also, feel free to rate my monstositiy, (yes, i know it horrble, but its my first)
  4. eh, i thought its kinda of creative using latin routes for alot of thing, well i think its original at least :
  5. Yep Miscellania can be directly traced to the latin word 'Miscellanea' meaning sundries/odds and ends, indeed the same word is still in use today. There is also Miscellany meaning the same thing but with the more modern spelling - both are included in the English dictionary. Both are derivatives of the latin word 'Miscellus' meaning mixed. Huge amounts of the English language are based upon Latin, using 'Canis' as another example, the modern day word 'Canine' is derived from it's Latin source. Interestingly though, the word 'Rune' is not Latin-based, but rather has Germanic and Celtic origins coming from the word 'Ru-no' meaning 'source of magic' hey, thats pretty cool, i had a feeling that misceleania(sorry about spelling, its late and im on a bad keyboard) had a llatin route so nice post =;
  6. the book looks great, thinking of ordering it from amazon or something =D> =D> =D>
  7. english was developed like pegion? (language developed in hawaii after they shiped slaves there for work on plantations from all pacific countries, mix of phillipean, chinese, japanese, hawaiian, and other
  8. lol, i started like a eek ago at the change of semesters, but yea, i thought that latin had no helping verbs like : be am is are was were been being do does did have has had may can might could should would will shall must: Might of want of put comas between those. Good thing I'm too hawt for helping verbs.. I learned them in 6th grade :x darn elementary teachers lol, i learned them all in the 6th grade to, i had to repeat them untill they were branded into my brain :anxious:
  9. lol, i started like a eek ago at the change of semesters, but yea, i thought that latin had no helping verbs like : be am is are was were been being do does did have has had may can might could should would will shall must:
  10. ahriman, the evil god in zorostrianism goes to ahrim but that's persian and a religion Anyway, i have taken latin for 3 yrs and it's not canis which is dog, it comes from canis lupus, the scientific name for wolf. But yeah, that's it not to much of a difference. Latin's an awesome language. Good choice. thank you :D yea, its pretty great so far, but mostly we sit at a computer using this program called "rosetta stone" ugh it sucks...alot..... they tell u a phrase, then you have to guess the phrase that matches some picture, and the pictures are horrible, like puella(girl) scribbit(write) it had shown a girl wearing glasses and a picture, the worst part of the program, is you have to figure out the definitions on our own, nobody telling us but, anyways, latin rocks!
  11. thank you, yes i do beleave that obsidian is either an ingenous or metamorphic rock, developed from volcanoes. but i could be wrong
  12. ill have to check that out, maybe the "quote" you say in silver light is latin, ill have to do it on some noob account
  13. so, i have been taking latin as a foreign language in my school, and i have noticed some latin in runescape, example: Canifis(town) canis-dog(latin) so, i was wondering, has anybody else found any thing like i have also, i have heard that miscelania is somewhat latin, correct me if im wrong, but a friend told me that miscillaneous has latin routs, sorry if i am incorrect but has any body else found anything like i have?
  14. its probably here to make noobs happy in f2p, i know from experience when i was f2p on my first week of playing, i got the potion from the potion shop dude, and i tried selling it for 15m! and ive seen this before. i also thought that silver light was ment for me only :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
  15. who cars if you value pixels over people in an online game, its not like you even know these "players" so if they were rather kind about it, i owuld give it back, but its up to you, and they should not have flammed you for not giving away good loot to anonomous people
  16. i would have to say, magic for a combat relted skill, but for any none combat related skill, i woud say.... fletching/wood cutting/rune crafting/ i dont know why, i just seemd awkwardly drawn to them
  17. well, sorry if htis has already been posted, but blue party hats for example, may not help you slay the KQ, but they are more of a social icon, they give players that hae worked hard enough hte status of saying, "i had 600m, all for my hard work" so other players can give them the satisfaction of being envied. who would pay 600m to be envied by all players in teh universe?
  18. read previous posts please, i swore only meagrly, they reported for typos and other thing...
  19. Phorusrhacoids, or Terror Birds, were large carnivorous flightless birds that were the dominant predators in South America during the Cenozoic, 62ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ2.5 million years ago. They were roughly 1ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ3 meters (3ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ10 feet) tall. Titanis walleri, one of the largest species, is known from North America, marking one of the comparatively rare examples where animals that evolved in South America managed to spread north after the Isthmus of Panama landbridge formed. The ancestors of T. walleri have not been found; however, it is possible that more North American species await discovery. Only a few bones of T. walleri have been discovered at scattered locations in Florida and at a site along the Texas coast. No complete skeleton exists of North America's only known phorusrhacoid. Phorusrhacoids are colloquially known as "terror birds", because their larger species were top-level predators and among the most fearsome carnivores of their habitat. Their wings had evolved to meathook-like structures that could be outstretched like arms and were able to perform a hacking motion which apparently was helpful in bringing down prey. Most of the smaller and some of the larger species were fast runners. Their closest modern-day relatives are the seriemas, which do not, however, belong to the same lineage. A new (2006) specimen from Patagonia represents the largest bird skull found yet; it has not been formally described yet but might belong to a new taxon. [1] sooo in reply to earlier post, yes they were top predators, also if you look at the pictrue, it looks like one of the alien illustrations in H.G. Wells War Of The Worlds original
  20. ok ok, im sorta new to this game, what do these "tears" do exactly, i know what the quest is, but i havebnt really read any guides, can anybody explain ot me please?
  21. barrows the mini-game, is somehwat original, but can be realted to other mmo's but the armor rewards, are not original, i remember brassards from Ac2, and numerous other games, also how oyu must "fix" the armor after how every many uses, WoW copy
  22. hmm, i dont have this particualr cape, but i have never seen, nor heard of any one but zeszima and n0valyfe, with the runecrafting cape, i have seen the zezima video, where he shows off his capes, and by far, the runecrafitng emote is the most impressive
  23. well becasue im not one of those people roaming around, reporting every mis-hap like the certain "friend" so, yea i should have reported htem too
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