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Everything posted by pray3rb3ast1

  1. *Gasp* No! I demand a blood test! :-w i can painfully extract that blood from you if necessary..
  2. back on classic i was pking out by castle and some kid attacked me we fought a few rounds he ran on low food i ranged him and he got attacked by a skel at the same time and died.. had 2 r2h's besides his a rune chain and 30k gp along with assorted ammies and arrows..it was nice :)
  3. holy u didnt look @ his stats..in no way would ice cave be good training for him..it would just be a big food waste
  4. basically what witchking said...but..wait..he is my brother lol..
  5. what is the best place for me to range?? i was doing mossies on crandor last night and xp was pretty good, any place better i should know about?? ty
  6. with all the level 99s and all the merchants out there i really think you have no shot at doing that....but...good luck \ \
  7. ok ty both for the info...very glad to see it's 56..closing in then lol..
  8. not listed on cooking guide..wondering if someone had any idea.
  9. -dead- @ u watch as fisherdude1342 gets dragged under.. man what a random that would be..
  10. lol i like the training one.. i guess we can add on?? how come we never get sick?? walk thru frozen tundra's *ice cave, wolf mounatin etc* yet we never get a cold. how come their is no corruption in the government of the land in rs?? every government has some.. why is there no legal system?? we can kill people, steal things and go about our daily lives..
  11. umm for f2p lumby range i believe is closest..
  12. addy med+chain+legs.. or priest robes+skull sceptre+holy symbol+skel boots+skel gloves+skel mask
  13. i'd like to take the time and thank op for making this post..had he not i never would have considered taking the time to train at these glorious spiders.
  14. well i trained on the lvl 44 zombs in SOS for a while and made about 2k gp a trip. so if you make multiple trips it adds up..and i bury bones starting from when im down 10 food to when i leave and usually gain about 1000-1500 xp per trip.
  15. hey my char is on ollld classic prayerbeast obviously with 0 mage. well ive decided to change with the times seeing how they've changed in the 2+ years ive been gone. what is the best spot to train mage?? *lvl 6 atm :oops: * and what is the equip i should be using?? thanks in advance.
  16. i can dislocate joints @ will..dont know if that's a good thing or not but..fingers, shoulders, toes,ankles...
  17. i used to fight with beekse all the time in the good ol rsc days..was ur name the same then?? last time i talked to beekse she was talking about quitting once 3d came out..so..that's probably what it was.
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