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Everything posted by flamable20

  1. You don't even know Zezima 'and these highish lvl players' and what they are like. I strongly suggest you don't go with the flow and call those players a noob. Learn to live with jealousy. Sincerely, I am not jealous about them. I have my life (that is not only about Runescape), I am happy, and, as I said, if someone get 99 Hunter in 4 days he doesn't have a life. You are right, I don't know what are they like, but I think they play at least 6 hours a day, and it is not having a life. Your realize he goes to university? a no lifer would not go to school. Try reading the interview with him on this site, hes alot different than youd think. You can judge people because they're really good at a game. He's a normal person, like me and u, just a good runescaper :? Having to critisize people over the net that you dont even KNOW to me is a sign of no life. Anyways, I dont really have an idol on rs... Id have to say any of the higher lvl F2Pers.. I respect the fact that they are good but don't pay for an online game :XD: P.S. I didnt mean to offend any member... i really want to be one myself
  2. Actually, most people said RC not slayer :) But i agree. that would be amazing...big bucks
  3. I'm F2P, like I said in the starting post :P
  4. Like i said, I'm only 32 mage :ohnoes: Can't FB yet.
  5. Hey guys. I reaaaaaaaaaaaaally need to get my mage up...it's only 32 or so atm and I honestly have no idea what to train on and even what to wear...and what spell to use :) As you probably noticed, I don't mage much... and my mage is a low level. So please dont be all like... "Well flam, theres a great place in 5000 wildy, and youu can even try the greaters, good exp there." Cuz its not gunna happen So my questions: What is the best thing to wear while maging? What spell should I use What should I train ON :oops: Im such a noob =/ Thanks guys Flamable 20 8-)
  6. Hmm... To be honest, i would...If i wanted to be the laughing stock of my school :) I mean, i have nothing whatsoever against them. I haven't even seen em yet, just...people these days think RS is nerdy and coming from an RSer, I sorta agree. Flamable 20 8-)
  7. What if the wilderness happens to be empty in ever world :cry: And what if you dont get anything good :cry: P.S. I agree...that would be sweet :) But imagine the wildy being empty :shock:
  8. I just really don't see the good in firemaking... I mean like...wow...you can burn logs and they stay burnt longer before turning into ashes so you dont have to light another one -.- Big woop. P.S. im not critizing you at all :P Thats just your opinion and this is mine.
  9. No ones shooting down anyones ideas. The truth is essence mining is not good money. If ur friend got 25mill off that for a santa, he needs to go outside a bit more. People have the right to their own opinions but i guess you don't see that. The ignorant one here is unfortunately you. Anyways...on topic, I forgot to mention mining/smithing... Especially at the Rune stage $$$ :shock:
  10. For a lvl 10, yeah. I would say merchanting but u said only skilling so...have to be either runecrafting (at lvl 99) or wc (once able to cut yews)
  11. Newb - A person who is knew to the game/doesn't know much about anything. We were all Newbs before. Noob - A person who is annoying/begs/acts like an idiot, etc... We weren't all necessarely Noobs before.
  12. Yes, but the process is very slow. And since it's only one skill, it doesnt mean you can mine the proper stuff :P...(unless your mining is 85) And if it isn't, instead of making cold hard cash, you'd be making cash but as a profit since you'd have to buy all the bars/ores which are also very expensive :D
  13. Granted. You find out by having three ninjas surround you and slice you to bits with their catanas. I wish I had a blanket. Im cold
  14. kiss the frog and put your muddy ketchup
  15. Banned because this whole thread is so increadibly huge. And banned for having over 3k posts...wow :shock:
  16. Phats as in Pee Hats. Party Hats is just too long...and phats as in Fats just doesnt sound like a hat...and um.. hat could be any kind of hat...so...Pee Hats :)
  17. P K Pp R O Suna_Gib. (read it backwards) The name of my two pures =/ And LMAO to "Harry Ballsogna"
  18. Woah. x10 airs!? wow...im having second thaughts about my choice
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