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Everything posted by Mastersigmaker

  1. Now back in the day, son, world switching was much easier. Then, all the autoers etc. came along and ruined it for us all. The End.
  2. Sucks, all I can say is watch the second screen, dont hyperventilate cause its such a good deal 8) ~MsM~
  3. Not enough to do, hah...that seriously is, a laugh. :lol:
  4. I have an Rs name I Edit Stats, that ones my favorite.
  5. I'm a level 46 Tauren Shaman on WoW and I seriously enjoy it way more than RS, it may be a little expensive($30 for 2 months-$39.99 for the game) but I would reccomend it. 8) ~MsM~ Edit: Item-wise it is ABSOLUTLEY different, some trinkets that you get at higher lvls are carrot on a stick for example, almost 99% of the items are nothing like Runescape. And the developers have a REAL sense of humor :roll:
  6. in the future, everything will be box shaped! Why hello thar Aj926, the best sig maker in the world.
  7. Im sorry, but there all err...pretty bad.
  8. Yes, its supposed to look somewhat like fire, hence the evilness :twisted: hehe ~MsM
  9. I was messing around and since everryone knows that Im evil(and I eat cupcake sandwiches), I came up with this: Ok, so its cool...yea, rate and watever! -MasterSigMaker
  10. O, i see...lol nice! :lol:
  11. here is some of my work, lrt me know if you would want to work together
  12. here is some of my work, lrt me know if you would want to work together
  13. Whats the rough percentage of u getting banned for stealing ur avvy, and not even giving credit to the author?
  14. if i had a dollar every time someone posted bout the post topic and it was not spam, ... i would be making money. i herebuy from this day out consent to anyone saying just "cool" on my posts, (kinda a free bumb ^_^) Mastersigmaker
  15. I donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t get it??? What is with people today? How can 200-some people look at a post and only bout 20 or less will post something!!! I ask for some frigen C&C on a hard made sig and I get 300 people to look at it but only 30 peeps will post anything!!! How the hell am I spose to get any feed back when the same 6 dam people post 5 times in my thread and say [cabbage]t bout nothing?!? I would be nice if at least more then a third of the people who looked at my posts really replied with some real feedback. How is someone like me (the poor sig maker) spose to get outside views on my work to help me develop my art to peoples liking when [developmentally delayed]s come in and say stupid shi* like "I want a cupcake sandwich" ??? Do you get my drift??? So if you are reading this post, then post something cool or leave your thoughts on what I just now wrote. Thanks and very pissed, Mastersigmaker
  16. As the title said, this is my first time doing three things. 1. A bank robber seen. 2. A sig charecter as small as the one seen in the sig. 3. And buildings with shading. Plz rate, and leave c&c (that would be from one to ten) . If you want to buy, I can change stuff bout it. Main things i dont like bout it are, the prespective, that lack of background objects, and as always the main shading missing a light source. do you see these things? well Iguess its ok sence it's only my 5th pixle sig. ^_^ Thanks, Mastersigmaker kk, i fixed some thing ie. the head size and windows final "got bored edit" added bird bath, flowers, street lamp
  17. Thank you everyone, myweponsg00d is gay :P If any of u want a sig other than the guy i gave it to, u gotta pay...maybe
  18. Thank you :cry: Everyone else here is so mean, they just come here to make fun of peoples hard work...They can burn in hell. You can have the sig for free if you want buddy :wink:
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