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Everything posted by DeathSpray

  1. A very powerful charge :shock: Law Runes and a Hammer.
  2. PneumonoÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâíultraÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâímicroÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâíscopicÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâísilicoÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâívolcanoÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâíconiosisly sick. Wanted to make a little change :P
  3. Granted, he shoots you in the chest unexpectedly and you bleed to death. I wish I was more skillful at Triple Triad :P
  4. deattyyhj sprayt Death Spray - with my toe :D
  5. Granted, it falls on top of you and crushes you. I wish I had a PS3 :
  6. Having an ale with sheep? :? 8/10 anyway, would have taken a century for me to do on Paint :|
  7. Frogs: So many, you wouldn't want to know. Seriously. Even I don't want to know. Mime: Enough for full set, plus two more times to the stage :| Freaky Forester: Enough for full set, plus two more useless trips The last trip I did, I killed about 100 pheasants in frustration and just left the meat there :wall: Drill Demon: Enough for full set, plus one more time for good measure :| Leo: Don't ask. I probably went to him enough times to get everything special and about 100K to boot (500 gp every time -.- ). I think that JAGeX should make them a bit rarer for people who've got the whole thing already? Not as if 500 gp makes a big difference every once or so in a while. And with Leo... I probably lost more cash through the missed drops than the money he gave me #-o :x
  8. I've buried about 5K big bones in the bank. Never got a single Leo, while when I am training, for every 1K bones or so, a random pops up, and these are regular bones as well. Therefore I can conclude that either the chance of getting a random is lowered signifigantly in a bank, or that they just never appear at all when you're there... But wouldn't that make Leo a bit pointless? The only time when people "auto" bones, at all, is when they buy a whole lot and try to bury them all in the bank. I've never seen anybody autoing bones while training, have you? :wink:
  9. Yeah, seems pretty popular. The whole thing is overall a wonderful idea and would ease bank work for everybody, especially those who never clean out their banks :P
  10. OMG YES. It's a wonder why they decided to make the Hunter Skill rather than fix our banks. If only Jagex saw the mass number of supporters here :|
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