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Everything posted by Overdoziz

  1. I remember walking into a guy who said he was on his way to a wedding and just bought very expensive gifts for the lucky couple. I killed him.
  2. In CoD I consider a k/d of >2 good.
  3. That list pretty much sums up my annoyances about BF3. The fact that BFBC2 did most of those things better makes it even sillier. It's probably a result of EA wanting the game to be released before MW3 hit the stores.
  4. Dude, I've been playing with a .5 upload speed the entire time I've had an xbox. Download speed is more important unless you're the host.
  5. How nice of Ulfric Cloackstorm to just let me -as someone who chose the Imperial's side- watch as he shares all his tactics with his men. :/
  6. You don't go 0.9 k/d because of a .4 upload. ;)
  7. Halo 3 has Blackout. It's a good map but a pretty lousy remake.
  8. Pros don't play it anymore, just some hardcore guys who play FFA Lockout BR only all day.
  9. Just wait until you unlock the USAS. :twisted:
  10. Gotta love the fact that CoD doesn't match you up with people of your own skill level. If you're going 74-0 you're playing against some really bad players.
  11. Yeah it's not quite the same as matchmaking back in the day. :P
  12. I have both my console and pc connected to my network wired. Besides that and XBC I didn't have to download anything else.
  13. I could/can never do that shit. :(
  14. How about you use some teamwork? Helicopters are the easiest vehicles to take down.
  15. If you let a guy go 41-1 on Noshahr Canals in a Littlebird you're doing something wrong. Those things don't even have a secondary gunner with flares. I can't imagine it being hard to take down even of your own.
  16. The game isn't overrun by people using it. It only unlocks at level ~44 anyway so not many people will have it. Also, it's still not very effective at medium to long range.
  17. They haven't arrived yet. I heard they were both pretty good, though.
  18. So, Lydia is laying on the ground face down still following me and I can still talk to her. That's... strange.
  19. I've hit the height ceiling only a handful of times so far after 80+ hours of gameplay. It's not a big problem.
  20. That's because you've flown too high. There's a certain altitude at which your plane will stall until it's below that height again. It's a pretty annoying way to prevent people from going too high, though. Why it doesn't just bounce you back I don't know.
  21. It's very obvious the game wasn't in a polished state when they released it. Especially the graphics and audio are very unstable. Very often you see textures flickering, trees/dead bodies only showing up partly, hud elements vanish (especially the reticle). Audio has the same problems, in BFBC2 you always knew when an M-COM station was armed. In BF3 half the time you can't even hear it being armed or the noise it makes after it has been armed. Makes Rush a ton less fun than it was in BFBC2. Also, sometimes you can only hear guns fire and explosives detonate but not all the ambient noise, again quite frustrating. And let's not forget small dumb stuff like the flag capture icon being in the middle of your screen when you're capturing it or not being able to see which flag is which on your hud. It only shows an X amount of of squares above your minimap. It wouldn't be that hard to put letters in those, DICE. I really wish EA didn't force DICE to release this game before MW3.
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