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Everything posted by Knitewulf

  1. Treasure trial items. Epic....
  2. So 1 level away :). I know you like my mad editing skills.
  3. well 2nd spirit mages task ever. I don't like how many dboots they drop :| 1/360+ Got this with this task though was nice:
  4. So a follow up to Bacon's screeny I would like to post another screeny that me rofl. I rofl'd lmfao.
  5. Thats kinda pro tbh. Unspam: Old, but full of fffffffuuuuuuuuuuu
  6. Woot for pro convos. Boo for hackers changing my name to daylee500. Grats bro.
  7. Tbh I am less angry about the economy and more angry that it was leaked to people because they are relatives. I'm also angry that Jagex is trying to tell us they were commonly bought for 75k and I am even angrier at the fact that D boots alch for 12k but Climbing boots for 45k. Either they are all dumber than bricks or someone was trying to help a relative out...
  8. Not as good as 99 slayer but finally! This is a great level for me to have <3. Got the last 25k xp using a Dragonkin Lamp that Mdeoxys kindly assisted me with :). <3
  9. Seems like another "summoning" to cushion a rather horrid update tbh.
  10. The person who deserves to be fired is Mod Mark. Everything about this was him. He decided to leak it to players. He is the one who thinks a rollback isn't a good idea. He is a horrid mod and has been around to long and needs to get off. MMG has basically replaced his job anyways. They have no need for him. D boots high alch for 12k, so why make climbing boots(which were never bought for 75k no matter who tells you that) high alch for 45k? That isn't even logically correct. Clearly Mark was trying to "help" his friends out. I really hope Jagex fires him.
  11. It was Mod Mark. His clan chat title is "Wooters" and he has expressed his like for the update and how there will be no rollback. Tbh his job is like community managing or something and well mod MMG does all that basically. Considering Rune boots have a high alch price of 8k, D boots are 12k. Where would they get the 45k alch price for climbing boots from? That makes 0 sense. Also this update was leaked to certain people beforehand(I know a mod who it was leaked to). So I think Mod Mark was trying to "help" a few of his friends out because anyone who wasn't a true idiot could have seen this coming. Thats why there were a couple people who stockpiled boots. There were plenty of fixes to this... You could have changed all current climbing boots to the quest version or just made their alch value and sellback value horribly low. Sure they still would have been used in junk trades then, but thats not a horrible alternative to what it is now. The fact they are triyng to tell us people commonly bought them for 75k is bull.
  12. Tbh being a regular pker people buy climbiong boots for 1-2k usually and occasionally 5-10k. Nobody ever has bought them for 75k. Jagex is [bleep]ing crazy.
  13. Terrible update tbh. Raising it to 75k. Ok not bad, but making the alch prices more than dboots. Wtf? I have 12 there's 600k for doing nothing. Congrats to the people with a ton.
  14. I like Tip.it more than Runehq for the community, but if I was a noob just joining a fan site. I would pick RuneHQ by far. Tip.it needs a graphical makeover. RuneHQ is so nice to look at. While Rune HQ is 4.5X larger its also no slower than Tip.it without pop ups. I love Tip.it, but in terms of the site itself. Its lacking.
  15. Getcha D wet :twss: Your crown is hot. I wanna be like you when I grow up. Grats bro <3:
  16. Really Runescape? You couldn't have given me a better drop... or a focus sight? I think this might be my first dragon drop as well...
  17. If thats one cash pile from inside dung and one from outside. Bruno just found a way to free trade. Oh snap.
  18. Glad your likin barrows like the rest of us :D This was semi-cool: This was super cool: 1 more till D boots :D 250k xp FUUUUUUUUUU.
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