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  1. I'm 21. I usually play Runescape when I have free time from being a wife, a mommy, a full time college student,and a sales associate at victorias secret. : What I don't understand is why children think there's something wrong with us 'older' gamers. Ha, old. I'm only 21! :XD: :!: In my opinion, children should play OUTSIDE. It's unhealthy for them to be in front of a computer screen all day..Go play!!!!! Have fun with your friends!! My generation is that of the Atari..Go google that you 12 yr olds! :!: But in all, nothing what they say matters because we would own them in real life. And get them grounded. Ha, no more computer for you! But seriously kids, go play outside.
  2. :D 'Hey Jim, want to come play some castle wars with me?' :D :shame: ''Oh no thanks Tom, I need to PK some Runecrafters..Got to keep that economy steady you know!! Keep Nature Runes at a great price, so everyone can afford them!!'' :shame: 'Oh Jim, always thinking of other people!! Never thinking of yourself!' Seriously people..Player killers don't kill runecrafters to keep the economy stable..Monsters drop Nats, you can use Shilo General Store or the Fairy Rings to make natures..If the abyss disappeared tomorrow nats wouldn't go up 1000% :roll: They kill Runecrafters because It's fun. That's it. The end.
  3. Well that was a nice break from cooking. :P I tried first at the yews, they'll follow the path of yews but run away when attacked by the goblins. Essence was fun, caught about three autoers. Killed a good ten minutes!
  4. fr33 st00f pl3az!!! ...You know, if RCing Pkers actually spent their time making money, as opposed to standing on a hill looking for free glorys...They'd be pleasently surprised. They'd more than likely get two or three glorys in the same amount of time. But hey, that would involve leaving the hill. :shock: They also HELPED beginner runecrafters, oddly enough. If a guy around your level is High Alching in Bank, keep an eye out. Looks like they need to make a new guide now. :-$
  5. 16 years old.. I was too preoccupied with that virtual pet game to be playing Runescape though. :oops:
  6. Just for the record, Jagex is a BUSINESS. They employ workers, and those workers get a paycheck. Businesses need money in order to keep functioning properly. With that said, I agree once more that the shop needs an update. People seem almost embarassed with wearing Runescape T-Shirts/Hats/Etc..Tons of video games (both computer and console) have 'novelty' items..As well as movies and comic books.. Maybe you shouldn't play a game you're embarassed to play? I'd wear one. Only because I'm cool like that.
  7. They should have an option to make custom t-shirts, as so you could put your Runescape username on the shirt itself. I'd totally wear a t-shirt with Beckinessx on it.
  8. I use Glory because it's multifunctional. Stat increase plus Teleports. I do own a fury, but only bring it out for slayer and things of that sort.
  9. When the Chaos Elemental was released, for a brief time instead of unequipping your items and putting them into your inventory, it would simply drop them on the floor. Didn't lose anything major though, some dragonhide armor and a couple sharks.
  10. Random Events used to scare the kebabs out of me. :oops: My first ever random event was that Rick guy, who demanded I spoke to him.. Of course I'm thinking 'What's wrong with that guy who looks like Zorro? Why does he want to talk to me?' I never spoke to him. After all, he was being rude. Then he started ranging me..And I thought I was being PKed. Yup yup. :?
  11. I love farming Mainly due to the fact it is indeed profitable, (well..not nearly as much as it was) ..But I like how you can walk away from your crops to do something else. I don't like ranging..Or mining..Or construction.. I like Runecrafting but I don't like the people on the hill who so desperately want my glory. :-s
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