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Everything posted by Dax

  1. Living with Rene's Head, by Tub Ring. I didn't like Tub Ring at first, I had a few listens, mostly unimpressed, then I really started listening and I really like their stuff now. :thumbup:
  2. I was going to at the start of the holidays, but I got lazy. Heh.
  3. Tell me, should I get my head shaved again today?
  4. Although the Dungeoneering requirement is new. The others have been on RS Wiki for months.
  5. Awww yeah. Fletching's up in the higher levels (by Jagex's standards), Woodcutting's 99, and I'm working on Dungeoneering at the moment, which will push it up just in case. They're both over the levels they said they'd be, just in case.
  6. I'm thinking that if it's just me and the other person, I'll bless straight away. But if we're in a group or something, I'll wait for it to drop to like 30 seconds left on the gravestone, then bless it to piss people off. Unless of course, the person was a douche. In which case, free stuff for me!
  7. I'm back. The way the 'I've gotta tell you something' is worded, seems it's not so bad. Eh. I think too much into things. Blegh.
  8. I'm going to do some other stuff.
  9. That's not FML-worthy. Also, my face when someone says they need to tell me something. Why you gotta put it like that? Gets me all nervous and [cabbage]. I don't like that!
  10. Morning. Going to do my Bio assignment this afternoon, after I get my haircut, if I get bothered, I'll go down the street, get an external harddrive and some shorts for school. Woo for plans for today.
  11. Limbs, by Agalloch. I love this album and song.
  12. Dax


    Ah, c'mon, I saw you posted here, and I was gonna come in and make some line about you spending today spamming SDF. You beat me to it!
  13. Dax


    One of the really old atlases we got handed once (I'm fairly sure that was an accident) had it like that. Or so I remember.
  14. The Triple J Hottest 100. Countdown of the 100 best songs of the year, voted by listeners, and done by the best radio station in Australia. :thumbup: Also, Elk, you'll be happy to know that number 32 is playing right now, which is Pumped Up Kicks.
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