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  1. Ouch! So it's oak all the way then.
  2. Technically, it works the same way as private chat, so if it's set to public then anyone can visit while you're there. So it might be you have to promote your house as a tourist attraction. If the dungeons turn out good enough, you might even be able to charge... Personally, anyone wearing a phat - especially a level 3 - is just showing off what a noob they are :wink: .
  3. If I can get 24 spaces free then I'll make oak larders, as they're 8 logs each. [To Lord-Kain] Could you put up the shop/street prices where possible too? I've been cutting my own oak - trivial at 88 w/c :D - but still have to pay 250gp. This is beginning to drag a bit though at level 50. I need to find out about marble... is it going to be much more gp/xp. Also I've wasted a fair amount of gold just deleting rooms... I want to get the layout as efficient as I can. Can you move the entrance to the middle or is it fixed?
  4. Has anyone actually done this? The KB entries for making tablets and portals only list a small subset of the available spells/teleport locations. I'm pretty sure you can direct a teleporter at the ancients pyramid, but not at canifis [edit my mistake - I looked up Kharyll and got a ref to the pyramid...]. You can put a home tele into a tablet - at level 67 construction. Have a look at the knowledge base pages - eg the portals page only lists Kharyrll as a destination from the ancients list. Then there's the hassle of making the tablets (need soft clay in inventory).
  5. Not necessarily. All the fixures I've looked at so far give xp based pureply on what you use to make them. eg [*:17ftmvv3]soft clay 10xp (free!) [*:17ftmvv3]cloth 20xp (?) [*:17ftmvv3]plank + nail 29xp (100gp +) [*:17ftmvv3]Oak plank - 60xp (250gp) [*:17ftmvv3]Teak plank - 90xp (500gp) [*:17ftmvv3]Mahogony plank - 140xp (1500gp) [*:17ftmvv3]Steel bar - 20xp. [*:17ftmvv3]Unpowered Orb - 10xp. [*:17ftmvv3]Gold leaf - 300xp. Oak is clearly the cheapest plank per xp, mahogony ius clearly good xp but much more expensive. Gold leaf is the best gtom this list, but is expensive and always combined with other elements that lower the xp per slot. Finally, you have to consider how easy/cheap it is to acquire the materials - soft clay is cheap but more of a hassle to obtain than oak. I think people will level using oak (mostly) and save the expensive items for permanent fixtures (unless you rich enough to just buy 100k mahogny planks lol...).
  6. I'm not 100% sure but you might be able to get it from the undeground store in Miscellania, but you almost certainly need to have started the recent Misecellania quest to get access.
  7. Possibly, but it is tkaing a huge amount of cash out of the economy! But I doubt it's quite as fast as fletching (eg), if you had a new character with enough cash.
  8. They won't die because they are functional. It has enough useful add-ons to other skills, acts as a portal hub and has lots of other useful features, like low cost barrows repair that will mean it will become a routine part of the game, at least for higher level players. And other people will use it for parties/clan meetins etc regardless of level.
  9. Your house isn't exactly a bank. Anyone know how quick the servants are? And also, they quote wages but are they daily or weekly? Which location is good for barrows? Thinking about it... Rimmingon gives you good access to the craft guild - cheap levelling with soft clay? A chapel in Yanille might be good for Blue drags, unless everyone started doing it.
  10. I got the impression from the kb that you could pay the estate agent to do this.
  11. I'm thinking Rellaka long term. There is the lyre tele - but it's expensive and only 2 charges, so relatively time consuming to maintain. The spirit tree in Etceteria is a little to far off (in farming terms!) to consider now. This one gives good access to the slayer cave and Miscellania (the other big cash drain). There can be a tele to the ancients pyramid from your house, so you don't really need the polnivneach one. Also you need the nardah bank for dusties anyway. Does Rimmington have anything going for it? Or Taverly for that matter. Not really sure about Yanille or Brimhaven either. I currently tele to my house so I'm not worried about easy access to it. Presumably 'moving' house just means moving the access portal?
  12. I had about 200 iron nails but they were breaking so fast I went and made about 2k steel nails at blast furnace. I've hardly used any, but there are a few (non-training) fixtures that you need nails for, so they're not entirely useless. Even making your own logs is expensive. Cutting and buying oak planks is 250gp for 60xp reward. This makes it similar in cost to the law running company. The rare woods are not for training...
  13. I hope that's just a glitch - I burned one at 92 cooking! (no gaunts, during quest)
  14. As I understand it you get a % increase, which gets rounded up/down. Due to this rounding some levels you will get 1 extra and sometimes 2.
  15. There's a lot of luck involved. I've killed well over 10k, got several 1000 rune arrows, 100k+ fire runes and a fair few half keys, but nothing better. It's been a fair money earner and got me a few quick combat levels (now 113), but no chain :-(. The only downside is that I'm not getting slayer xp, otherwise I wouldn't feel so bad about 'wasting' my time there. Now if only I'd start getting some 1000 Dust Devil assignments, but I've not had one for weeks :-(. I met one person down there who'd got one chain in about 25k kills, and he got a dragon spear while I was there, but he killed another 8k or so with me without a chain drop (he got 99 range there).
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